Flagged As Fake News: Israelis Hand Out Sweets After Rafah Bombing

News of the killing of civilians spread quickly and masses gathered in squares. They honked horns and handed out sweets to celebrate the death of their enemies.

Actually, it looks like social media got the headline wrong in click bait: it was Palestinians celebrating the deliberate slaughter of Jews in a synagogue. In the celebrations they shouted “Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! Millions of martyrs are marching to Jerusalem! Millions of martyrs are marching to Jerusalem!”

Regarding the attack in Rafah, Israel said it is investigating how a secondary fire started from its targeted strike on Hamas commanders. No Israeli crowds gathered to celebrate the death of innocent Arabs.

Hamas leader Yahwa Sinwar issued a call for peace. Actually, no. He called for all Palestinians to use whatever means they have at hand to kill Israeli civilians.

Palestinians celebrate killing of Israeli civilians

The stock images of Israelis celebrating senseless death made the rounds. Actually, no. The distribution of candy is when Arabs kills Jews.

Arabs hand out sweets after terrorist attack

The war between Israel and Palestinian Arabs is terrible. The celebration of the killing of innocents is a tragic deformity in Palestinian culture. One hopes it does not happen in Israel.

Gazans in Rafah celebrate the attack on a Jerusalem synagogue, November 18, 2014.
Israelis protesting bombing in Rafah, May 27, 2024

The Absence Of The Red Cross On The Israeli Hostages

Three more hostages were found in Gaza, dead. All three were killed in the October 7 Hamas massacre, and the Gazan army took the lifeless bodies to the terrorist enclave. They were retrieved in a special operation by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) on May 24 and brought back to Israel for burial.

The Gazan forces of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and others took around 250 people from Israel to Gaza as hostages. In addition to many corpses, were living babies, young women, men and elderly people. Many had illnesses and require medicine and particular care.

The Red Cross has not visited a single one since their abduction.

The international aid agency has a webpage dedicated to the hostages called “What the Red Cross is doing to help hostages taken from Israel?” It states that “For more than seven months, families of hostages held in Gaza have endured unimaginable suffering as they wait for news of their loved ones. Colleagues from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) have been working round the clock to access the hostages and provide desperate families with information about their loved ones.”

But the international organization makes clear that it can only do so much if the powers of Gaza refuse to work with them. “The plight of the hostages held in Gaza remains one of ICRC’s utmost priorities. They are standing by to facilitate and bring the remaining hostages back to their loved ones. But the situation is extremely difficult. The ICRC does not have information about where the hostages are. Even if the location was known, the ICRC cannot force its way into where hostages are held. And they can only visit hostages and support relief operations if there is an agreement by the parties to the conflict.”

The Israeli government has demanded that the UN and ICRC get aid to the hostages, with its Foreign Minister Eli Cohen saying “We expect the Red Cross to put the issue at the top of the organization’s priority list, to use all levers of pressure, and not rest until it visits all the hostages, assesses their condition, and makes sure they are receiving the medical care they need.” The Anti-Defamation League made similar calls and worked to rally support to pressure the UN and Red Cross.

Otherwise, there’s been very little.

The Biden Administration has focused on making demands of Israel, not the UN or Red Cross. New York Senator Chuck Schumer called for the Israeli government to fall but made no challenge to the Red Cross. Rep. Jamaal Bowman (NY-16) made a call for a ceasefire after October 7 but did not ask for the hostages to be released and then said that the entire idea that Gazans raped Israelis was “a lie.”

Only two American politicians – Congressman Dan Goldman (NY-10) and Congresswoman Becca Balint (VT-AL) – sent a letter to the Red Cross on December 18, 2023, asking why the agency designed to help people in war has done nothing to help the hostages. At a minimum, it should get a “proof of life,” a basic standard in international law.

Letter from Reps. Goldman and Balint to the Red Cross is one of the only instances of any politician outside of Israel demanding that the international agency do something about the hostages

The failure of the world to even ASK the Red Cross to gain simple information about the hostages is proof that the world fully understands that Gazans stand outside of international law. Engaging with the Gazan government and army would be like asking a spider to translate Homer’s Iliad.

Despite being fully aware that Palestinian Arabs operate completely outside of acceptable norms and international laws, Spain, Ireland and Norway took steps to recognize a Palestinian state on May 28. Some of those countries have a history of combatting jihadi networks. I imagine that they would have been alarmed had United Nations member states openly celebrated and formally recognized the terrorist groups as legitimate.

The entire world has completely internalized that Gazans operate outside of international and humanitarian law, yet many countries propose to legitimize them. Doing so is not simply an act of aggression against Israel but an invitation for terrorism to target those very states.


Demand that President Biden, your senators and members of congress contact the Red Cross to get information about the hostages taken from Israel.

Contact White House

Related articles:

Over Half A Million Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians. They Are Being Sponsored In Congress By Tlaib And Bowman (March 2024)

Sue The United Nations For Supporting Terrorism (February 2024)

The Normalization Deformity: No To Zionism and Peace; Yes To Massacres and Terrorism In a Global Intifada (January 2024)

The United Nations Fails Own Resolution To Combat Terrorism (October 2023)

Gazans Have Always Wanted To Kill Jews Inside Of Israel (October 2023)

Using Terrorism For Fundraising, And Fundraising For Terrorism (July 2023)

United Kingdom’s Home Grown Terrorism, Abroad (June 2023)

The Reasons Behind The Spike In Palestinian Terrorism (June 2023)

The UN Treats Murdered Jews Worse Than Victims of Other Terrorist Attacks, Even When Killed In A Synagogue (January 2022)

Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians (February 2021)

Quantifying the Values of Gazans (May 2019)

The United Nations Can Hear the Songs of Gazans, but Cannot See Their Rockets (December 2017)

NY Times Is Worried About The Health Of The Leading State Sponsor Of Terrorism

The president of Iran’s helicopter went down in Iran and the New York Times is very worried about the health of the country.

New York Times May 19, 2024

The Times ran a headline that “Iran is confronting a volatile world,” in a complete inversion of facts. The U.S. labels the Islamic Republic of Iran as a leading state sponsor of terrorism, which has caused thousands of deaths around the Middle East. In the Times retelling of history, Iran is a victim of a volatile world as opposed to the chief architect of death and anarchy.

Rather than accompany the headline with a picture of Iran’s vast nuclear weapons infrastructure, the Times opted to post a picture of a calm but nervous man in a clothing store watching television. This is a common theme of the Times which seems to only have pictures of Iranians shopping for stuff, such as when it wrote about Israel being wary of Iran in 2021, featuring a picture of Iranian women shopping.

The article would continue its bizarre reporting style, noting how the country is facing climate change.

The paper ignored the massive number of executions, including the recent hanging of two women.

The Times did get around to discussing Iran backing terrorist groups around the Middle East… sort of.

The Times simply said that Hamas is “the Palestinian group that led the Oct. 7 assault on Israel.” It did not mention that Hamas is a US-designated terrorist group, or that the “assault” included the raping of women, burning families alive and taking hundreds of hostages. It did not even mention the total number of Israelis killed, even while it quickly mentioned the number of Palestinians who have died according to Hamas.

The Times went on to say that Iran supports other armed groups that also act against Israel, failing to mention that the Houthis in Yemen are principally engaged in a civil war destroying Yemen, and also attacks Saudi Arabia and other ships in the Gulf, including American ships.

Alarmingly, the Times went on to say that “Iran is eager to avoid being dragged into an all-out war.” Seriously? “DRAGGED INTO?” Iran is orchestrating the entire bloody mayhem unfolding throughout the Middle East and the Times tells its readers that it is avoiding war at all costs.

The Times leaned into the narrative and tried a bit of trickery in saying that Iran’s launch of hundreds of missiles and drones at Israel in an attack which could have killed thousands of Israeli civilians, was likely designed to fail, absolving Iran of any ill intent or push for war.

For The New York Times, the leading state sponsor of terrorism which has threatened to destroy the Jewish State and is actively building a nuclear weapons arsenal, is a peaceful country facing a volatile region, doing its best to stay out of the fighting. It’s #FakeNews at its most dangerous: shielding terrorists, while lying to the public.

Related articles:

The Gaza Red Herring Covering Iran’s Nuclear Breakout (January 2024)

Palestine Islamic Jihad: NY Times vs. State Department (May 2023)

Islamic Privilege (March 2022)

Will Biden Enable Hamas’s Sponsors of Iran, Qatar and Turkey (December 2020)

Reuters Can’t Spare Ink on Iranian Anti-Semitism (February 2019)

Paying to Murder Jews: From Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Iran to the Palestinian Authority (December 2017)

Half Standards: Gun Control and the Iranian Nuclear Weapons Deal (September 2015)

Meme Stocks And Hamas

Gamestop is a publicly-traded company with very poor prospects. Technology has changed the way people buy and play games, and retail stores are hurting all over the United States. The company has swapped management, closed stores and let people go but the business continues to flounder.

But not its stock price. As covered in the movie Dumb Money, masses of people decided to wage a war against professional capitalists and kept pushing the stock higher. Ignoring all fundamental principles, the trading horde opted for another capitalist principle, that things are worth what people are willing to pay for them. Enough of them bound together to run the stock and push professional stock traders to capitulation.

Gamestop stock trading last five years showing dramatic spikes

The same phenomenon is happening with Gaza, the terrorist enclave ruled by the jihadi antisemitic genocidal group Hamas.

People are protesting on college campuses and the streets to protect Hamas from the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). Masses have willfully opted to ignore basic morality in the face of heinous barbarism committed by the group which has promised to repeat its barbarity.

Like “Hello Kitty” who directs the masses to buy a meme stock, the Iranian tools of CAIR, Democratic Socialists of America, Students for Justice in Palestine and others, rally mobs to shut their blind moral eyes, and side with an antisemitic death cult.

They have turned the game on itself using its own rules. Capitalism both believes in fundamental values as well as market pricing, just as western society values liberalism as well as free speech and assembly. In the frenetic broadcast social media world, clicks and retweets are empowering the latter to overwhelm normalcy.

Passions are no longer tethered to truth and decency. And this is BEFORE artificial intelligence (AI) gets mainstreamed which will usher a future in which people will be unable to differentiate the real from the manufactured.

We are entering a very dangerous state for mankind, in which bots, AI and the masses actually have the power to tear down society without conventional weapons. Depravity coupled with technology will breed anarchy, particularly in societies where trust has been trashed, as many have been in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The current axis of evil – China-Russia-Iran – are using anarchists on these shores to launch an insidious revolution, and our society just scrolls through X in bewilderment, rather than take actions to protect our values and our country.

In a world where facts are extraneous, we are only left with a clash of emotions.

Will we pass judgment solely on which party seems the most sympathetic because they feel the most injured? Does that foretell a future of balms for the pain, rather than solutions for the problems?

We are carrying our emotions across the threshold to deflower our intelligence. That is a marriage that will end poorly for civilization.

EYES WIDE SHUT, by First One Through, November 2016

When Enemies Of The Jews Use “Any Means Necessary”

For thousands of years, Jews have been hunted, caged, expelled and exterminated.

In 1791, Catherine II confined Jews into the “Pale of Settlement” which consisted of only 25% of Russian lands and forbade them from living anywhere else. Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s restricted Jews to ghettos before shipping them to extermination camps. The Germans and their allies killed 6 million Jews, one-third of the global population.

Today, radical jihadi organizations in the United States and elsewhere want to liquidate the land of Israel of its Jews, where roughly 45% of world Jewry lives. Groups like Within Our Lifetime and American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) were gleeful as Gazans went door-to-door on October 7, 2023 to rape women, shoot children before their parents and burn families alive.

WESPAC and the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) stand before Jewish schools and organizations and chant “by any means necessary” to intimate and harrass American Jews that the global intifada is here to claim more victims.

Members of WESPAC gather before a Jewish Day School in Westchester, NY calling for “Liberation by any means necessary” after the October 7 slaughter of 1,200 Jews in Israel

What is the defense against such people? Have they passed the point of rehabilitation? Should the focus be on limiting their power and influence? If so, by what means? Should they be prosecuted? Shut down or denied tax-exempt status?

Or is it to fight back similarly “by any means necessary,” that if they advocate for an immoral war, then the proportionate response is also by any means necessary, including advocating carpet-bombing Gaza? If they will protest in front of Jewish organizations, should Zionists map out every Muslim organization using the same tactic and confront children in school for complicity with heinous crimes against humanity?

Masked people outside of Columbia University calling for destroying the Jewish State “by any means necessary”

Jews and Zionists have tried to find a way to coexist with Arabs since they started returning to the Jewish holy land in greater numbers in the 1840s. The Arab response since 1920 has been a complete rejection of Jewish presence and rights.

Perhaps now is the time to not reply “in-kind” and refuse to allow evil actors to dictate the relationship between the groups.

Perhaps it is the moment for Jews to liberate themselves from antisemitism that has plagued them for centuries by being more assertive in claiming their basic human rights, which are being denied both by Arabs and the United Nations:

  • Declare United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 which made it illegal for Jews – and only Jews – to live in Judaism’s holiest city of the Old City of Jerusalem, a flagrant antisemitic edict, inherently illegal, and null and void as it denies Jews basic human rights
  • Declare that the Jordanian Waqf no longer can demand that Jews – and only Jews – cannot pray at Judaism’s holiest location on the Jewish Temple Mount, as it is a flagrant violation of Jews basic human rights

Antisemitic anti-Zionist groups are calling for violence to ethnically cleanse Jews from their holy land – as Palestinian Arabs have done for a century – and to come after Jews and Zionists globally. In reply, Jews and Zionists should stand tall and demand “by human rights means only”, demand basic civility to live freely anywhere and everywhere, and to pray openly at their holiest location.

Related articles:

US Fails To Lead Systemically Anti-Israel UN Security Council (March 2024)

The United States Is “Morally, Historically, and Politically Wrong” About Jewish Prayer on Temple Mount (October 2023)

The Terrorism Of Emasculated Palestinians (June 2023)

Dividing The Temple Mount Into Jewish And Muslim Sections (June 2023)

The Anti-Semitism In Anti-Zionism (March 2023)

You Cannot Be Progressive And Pro-Palestinian (October 2022)

Jews In Jerusalem Still Fighting For ‘Social Justice’ (May 2022)

The Inalienable Right of Jews to Pray on The Temple Mount (November 2021)

Zionism is Justice (July 2021)

Palestinian Actions Matter (July 2020)

The Insidious Jihad in America (July 2019)

Dignity for Israel: Jewish Prayer on the Temple Mount (May 2017)

Active and Reactive Provocations: Charlie Hebdo and the Temple Mount (October 2015)

Visitor Rights on the Temple Mount (October 2015)

The United Nations and Holy Sites in the Holy Land (November 2014)

Joint Prayer: The Cave of the Patriarchs and the Temple Mount (November 2014)

Two-Faced UNRWA

UNRWA, the special dedicated agency devoted to the descendants of Palestinian Arabs who left Israel, markets itself to the world as a humanitarian agency. It claims that Israel spreads disinformation about its work and attempts to portray the agency as a partner of the genocidal political-terrorist group Hamas, when it is just trying to care for unsettled Arabs.

The two faces of UNRWA were on display on May 14, 2024, as Israel celebrated its 76th birthday amid the war with Hamas in Gaza.

UNRWA’s website related stories of a death of a staff member in Gaza and “arson at UNRWA’s East Jerusalem office.” The article described how “Israeli extremists” were protesting and vandalizing UNRWA offices and intimidating the staff. Meanwhile, Palestinian Arabs who were seeking “shelter and safety in UNRWA schools” only found blown out buildings.

What UNRWA failed to report on that same day was that Hamas soldiers were embedded in its infrastructure, including its schools and hospitals.

As reported in other non-United Nations news sources, on May 14, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) “struck a Hamas command center embedded in a school in Gaza run by” UNRWA. The attack on a “Hamas war room” inside an UNRWA facility killed “at least 15 terrorists.” The building was in “Nuseirat, about 15 miles away from Rafah“, where the IDF is preparing to root out the last four Hamas battalions

It begs a question as to who is really supplying the “misinformation and disinformation, including about [UNRWA’s] staff and operations,” Israel or UNRWA itself?

UNRWA website

Related articles:

After UNRWA (February 2024)

Stop Genocide. End UNRWA (January 2024)

UNRWA’s West Bank Terrorists (July 2023)

“Politics Aside,” It’s All Politics for UNRWA (December 2021)

UNRWA Is A Prison (November 2021)

Hamas, CAIR, DSA, Within Our Lifetime, SJP Are All Gunning For Jews

Jews have enemies, and they are public and proud about gunning for Jews. Some are deranged individuals but others are members of organized groups like American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) with thousands of supporters and growing power.


Hamas is the ruling authority of Gaza and a political party which controls 58% of the seats of the Palestinian parliament. They are considered a terrorist group by much of the West, and just a political party by the United Nations.

Hamas’s stated goal is the eradication of the Jewish State of Israel. It has a religious calling, infused with a radical jihadi philosophy.

Hamas’s 1988 Foundation Charter is the most antisemitic political document in history, a sick combination of Adolph Hitler’s Mein Kampf and the Russian forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It’s goal of killing Jews with global support is found throughout the charter:

  • Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it.” (Opening)
  • “Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious.” (Preamble)
  • raise the banner of Jihad in the face of the oppressors, so that they would rid the land and the people of their uncleanliness, vileness and evils.” (Article 3)
  • raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine” (Article 6)
  • Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews)… there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him” (Article 7)
  • Nothing in nationalism is more significant or deeper than in the case when an enemy should tread Moslem land” (Article 12)
  • There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time” (Article 13)
  • In face of the Jews’ usurpation of Palestine, it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised…. the Palestinian problem is a religious problem, and should be dealt with on this basis.” (Article 15)
  • Zionist “organizations, hostile to humanity and Islam, will be obliterated.” (Article 17)
  • In their Nazi treatment, the Jews made no exception for women or children… [Jews] attack people where their breadwinning is concerned, extorting their money” (Article 20)
  • With their money, they took control of the world media, news agencies, the press, publishing houses, broadcasting stations, and others. With their money they stirred revolutions in various parts of the world with the purpose of achieving their interests and reaping the fruit therein…. They obtained the Balfour Declaration, formed the League of Nations through which they could rule the worldThey were behind World War II, through which they made huge financial gains by trading in armaments, and paved the way for the establishment of their state. It was they who instigated the replacement of the League of Nations with the United Nations and the Security Council to enable them to rule the world through them. There is no war going on anywhere, without having their finger in it.” (Article 22)
  • The Zionist invasion is a vicious invasion… using all evil and contemptible ways… infiltration and espionage operations on the secret organizations… aim at undermining societies, destroying values, corrupting consciences, deteriorating character and annihilating Islam. It is behind the drug trade and alcoholism in all its kinds so as to facilitate its control and expansion…. Israel, Judaism and Jews challenge Islam and the Moslem people.” (Article 28)
  • the ferocity of the Zionist offensive and the Zionist influence in many countries exercised through financial and media control.” (Article 30)
  • Peace and quiet would not be possible except under the wing of Islam… It is the duty of the followers of other religions to stop disputing the sovereignty of Islam in this region… The Zionist Nazi activities against our people will not last for long.” (Article 31)
  • The Zionist plan is limitless. After Palestine, the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, and their present conduct is the best proof of what we are saying.… here is no way out except by concentrating all powers and energies to face this Nazi, vicious Tatar invasion. The alternative is loss of one’s country, the dispersion of citizens, the spread of vice on earth and the destruction of religious values… fight with the warmongering Jews.” (Article 32)
  • everywhere in the Islamic world will come forward in response to the call of duty while loudly proclaiming: Hail to Jihad. Their cry will reach the heavens and will go on being resounded until liberation is achieved, the invaders vanquished” (Article 33)
  • Moslems were able to retrieve the land only when they stood under the wing of their religious banner… This is the only way to liberate Palestine… Nothing can overcome iron except iron.… confront the Zionist invasion and defeat it… rid themselves of the effects of ideological invasion.” (Article 34)

Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

CAIR should in theory, be a non-violent or toxic organization that advocates for Muslims in the United States. Alas, it is headed by antisemites who wish to attack Jewish institutions and run them out of the public square, as well as to destroy the only Jewish State.

The head of CAIR, Nihad Awad, defended the October 7 savage butchering of Israeli civilians. He has long said that  “Zionist organizations” are “enemies of the Muslim community” and that “Zionist organizations make up the core of the Islamophobia network in the United States.”

CAIR-San Francisco Bay Area Executive Director Zahra Billoo, addressing an American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) conference, made clear that all Zionists are enemies. “Know your enemies, and I’m not going to sugar-coat that. They are your enemies. There are organizations and infrastructure out there who are working to harm you. Make no mistake of it. They would sell you down the line if they could, and they very often do behind your back. I mean the Zionist organizations, I mean the foreign policy organizations that say they’re not Zionists but want a two-state solution. I’m not a Palestinian myself but it’s my understanding that that is laughable. So know your enemies.” Billoo listed some of them: “We need to pay attention to the Anti-Defamation League. We need to pay attention to the Jewish Federation. We need to pay attention to the Zionist synagogues. We need to pay attention to the Hillel chapters on our campuses. Because just because they’re your friend today, doesn’t mean that they have your back when it comes to human rights. So oppose the vehement fascists but oppose the polite Zionists too. They are not your friends.

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

The far-left DSA has long been against Israel and its “platform proudly states continued support for and involvement with the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, and efforts to eliminate U.S. military aid to Israel, while resisting the “normalization” of relationships between the Israeli government and other governments.” 

The DSA chapter in New York City asked candidates to pledge to not even visit Israel and see firsthand what is happening, and blindly follow Palestinian propaganda. The questionnaire asked “Do you pledge not to travel to Israel if elected to City Council in solidarity with Palestinians living under occupation?”

The organization went further and stated that EVERY Israeli Jew is fair game for violence in a June 2023 tweet that said “in a settler colonial context there are no such things as “civilians”, but disregarding that even, it’s total folly to honestly compare settlers perpetuating pogroms to resistance groups deploying violence to liberate themselves.” Note that the Palestinian narrative considers all of Israel to be a settlement, and thereby calls the presence of any Jew to be a member of the military and fair target for violence. Rep. Ritchie Torres was apoplectic and rebuked the DSA for “declaring them [Jews] fair game for violence and terror.

Within Our Lifetime (WOL)

Within Our Lifetime is a group that creates loud rallies calling for the destruction of Israel and calling to confront every group that supports Israel everywhere, including the United States. They insist that every Jew must be routed from “Palestine,” “We don’t want no two states. We want all of it!”

In their call to “Globalize the Intifada” they have a map of “Zionist organizations” in New York City (4:30) with a call for people to visit each of the locations.

In the immediate aftermath of October 7, the group chanted support for the killing of Jewish civilians in New York City’s Times Square in what they hoped was a war to destroy the “Zionist entity.”

SJP, within Our Lifetime and Palestine Youth Movement celebrate the killing of 1,200 Israelis in the immediate aftermath of the massacre

WOL is so fundamentally violent, Instagram removed their accounts in February 2024.

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)

SJP is a hate group with about 300 groups on college campuses around the United States. It believes that every Israeli Jew and Zionist is an enemy to be confronted “by any means necessary,” which means burning families alive, as Gazans did on October 7.

In the aftermath of the Gazan barabrity, SJP said this is a “historic win for the Palestinian resistance,” and “This is what it means to Free Palestine: not just slogans and rallies, but armed confrontation with the oppressors.

Israeli Jews have other enemies, such as the Palestinian Authority. The PA is headed by a Holocaust denier who has demanded a country devoid of any Jews. Palestinian Arabs are the most antisemitic group by far, with 93% holding antisemitic beliefs according to the ADL.

But these days, one has to put the garden-variety Jew-haters on the back-burner and focus on the antisemites who want to do Jews harm and have the means to do so. Those with weapons like Hamas must be fought with weaponry. Those with political clout like CAIR and the DSA must be fought politically. And those inciting violence like WOL and SJP must be fought legally.

Jihadis and the alt-left declared Zionists as sworn enemies and to be confronted “by any means necessary.” On October 7, the world learned what that means. How will Jews, Zionists, their supporters and governments protect them?

Related articles:

Sharansky on Churchill’s “We Shall Fight Them On The Beaches” Speech For Jews Today (December 2023)

CAIR Celebrates Sadistic Murder of Jews Because It Believes “Palestinian Human Rights” Demand The Destruction Of Israel (December 2023)

WESPAC, The Charitable Terrorist Supporters In Your Backyard (October 2023)

Know Your Enemies. This Is 1948 Redux (October 2023)

Antisemitism Is A Tool For Ethnic Cleansing (October 2023)

The Center Of Intersectionality Sounds Like Adolf Hitler (July 2023)

The Middle East with American Leaders that Back Friends and Punish Enemies (February 2023)

Islamic and Alt-Left Extremists Declare that Normalization With Zionists Is Against Sharia Law (June 2022)

WHY The Progressive Assault on Israel (June 2020)

The New York Times Whitewashes Motivation of Palestinian Assassin of Robert Kennedy (June 2018)

Stop Genocide. Destroy Hamas

Pundits throw around a phrase that one cannot use a military or force to destroy an ideology.

That’s true. But irrelevant.

Hate and evil movements will never disappear from mankind as long as there are more than three people in the world.

There are still Nazis alive today but they don’t control a government, an army or a territory. As such, the grotesque ideology directly impacts few people.

The evil of ISIL was sharply curtailed when their developing “caliphate” was defeated. It was accomplished by several countries coming together to lay waste to their military, not by sitting down and trying to placate their “grievances.”

That’s the goal with Hamas, the evil government that rules the Gaza Strip. Together with various other jihadi militant groups like Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hamas spends their efforts instilling antisemitism into their schools and building a military infrastructure to destroy Israel. That control must be ended.

There is one way to stop genocide in the near-term: destroy Hamas’s ability to do battle and hold territory.

To reduce the probability of another war in the region in the longer-term, the United Nations and Saudi Arabia must clearly state that there is no right of return of Palestinian refugees and their descendants into Israel. None.

Shortly thereafter, UNRWA should be deconstructed whereby the facilities administered by UNRWA in the West Bank and Gaza are transferred to the Palestinian Authority, those in Jordan are handed to the government of Jordan, and those in Lebanon and Syria are transferred to the global refugee agency, UNHCR.

To stop genocide, the world should work with Israel to move civilians out of harm’s way, and empower the Israeli military to dismantle Hamas’s ability to fight and govern again.

Related articles:

Stop Genocide. End UNRWA (January 2024)

The Only Way The Conflict Can End (November 2023)

UNRWA Is A Prison (November 2021)

Excerpt of Hamas Charter to Share with Your Elected Officials (May 2021)

Shut UNRWA in Gaza Immediately (August 2018)

Time to Dissolve Key Principles of the “Inalienable Rights of Palestinians” (December 2017)

Names and Narrative: Genocide / Intifada (March 2016)

Help Refugees: Shut the UNRWA, Fund the UNHCR (September 2014)

First One Through video:

Jordan’s Hypocrisy: Queen Rania on Palestinians and UNRWA

Pro-Hamas Protestors Taunt NYPD To Give Up The Jews

The New York police department is trained to keep order and not take sides. However, it is a bit difficult to not hate the pro-Hamas protestors.

NYPD, KKK. IDF, they’re all the same,” was a chant heard on the Upper West Side and at Columbia University. “oink, oink, piggy, piggy! We will make your lives sh*ty” was another one by women in kaffiyehs hurled at the police. “F*ck you pigs!” was yelled at police as they fled from a crowd into a building. “NYPD: suck my d*ck” was offered by a crowd. Kaffiyeh-clad agitators shouted “Death to America!” while they burned American flags owned by Jewish protestors in front of police.

Jihadists blocked bridges and airports, and the police were called in to restore order. They took over college campuses so the police were called in to removed them from private property. New York City Mayor Eric Adams has pledged to provide more police protection to Jewish community centers and houses of worship as bomb threats against them have spiked.

Police detain a pro-Hamas demonstrator on April 12, 2024. (Photo: AP/Yuki Iwamura)

Pro-Hamas radicals which had called to “Defund the Police” are now demanding the United States stop supporting the defense of Israel at the United Nations and supplying military equipment. They are taunting both the government and law enforcement as they encircle the Jews and Jewish State with daggers drawn.

Related articles:

Spreading “Cheer” of Attacking Israeli Jews (December 2021)

Socialists Employ Arabs’ Four Step Battle Plan (July 2020)

The Disproportionate Defenses of Israel and the Palestinian Authority (July 2015)

US Bans Iranian Media But Israel Shouldn’t In The Middle Of A War?

On September 15, 2023, the United States Treasury Department sanctioned 29 individuals and companies in Iran. In taking the action, Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, Brian Nelson said “As we approach one year since Mahsa Amini’s tragic and senseless death in the custody of Iran’s so-called ‘Morality Police,’ we recall that the movement of men and women across Iran, inclusive of different faiths and ethnic groups, was met with horrific violence, mass incarceration, and systemic internet disruption by the Iranian regime. The United States, alongside the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and our other international allies and partners, will continue to take collective action against those who suppress Iranians’ exercise of their human rights.”

On June 21, 2021, the United States seized 33 websites used by the Iranian Islamic Radio and Television Union (IRTVU) and three websites operated by Kata’ib Hizballah (KH). The Department of State designated KH a Foreign Terrorist Organization. According to Reuters, “the sites seized included Press TV, the Iranian government’s main English-language satellite television channel, and Al Alam, its Arabic-language equivalent. Both came back online using Iranian domain addresses Alalam.ir and Presstv.ir.”

There was no brouhaha about the US actions against the lead state sponsor of terror. American media accepted the US Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)’s position that “that components of the government of Iran, to include IRTVU and others like it, disguised as news organizations or media outlets, targeted the United States with disinformation campaigns and malign influence operations.” 

But the US government and media reveal blatant hypocrisy when it comes to Israel’s actions against Qatar’s Al Jazeera, which Israel is closing after the Qatari-backed terrorist group Hamas savagely massacred 1,200 people in their homes.

The New York Times’ Serge Schmemann wrote an opinion piece on May 7, 2024 that started with “the Israeli government’s decision to kick Al Jazeera out of Israel says more about the government than the TV network.” This is the mantra of the Times: vilify the Israeli government as right-wing fanatics and don’t write about the antisemitic terrorism of Arab Muslims in the region, and their backers.

The piece would go on to belittle Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin’s Netanyahu’s worries about the security threat of Hamas by stating “the network was hostile to the messaging of Netanyahu’s right-wing government.” This is an insane inversion, turning the mouthpiece of a terrorist group which is waging a genocidal war against Israel, into a condemnation of Israel’s “right-wing government.”

New York Times opinion piece on May 7, 2024

Israel is engaged in an active war against a number of terrorist groups supported by Iran, Qatar and Turkey. In addition, roughly 25% of Israel’s population is Arab. It is fully understandable that the country would try to stop the “disinformation campaigns and malign influence operations” of terrorist groups to avoid a multifront war, including from supporters inside of Israel.

When people hold Israel to a wildly different double standard it is the mark of antisemitism. When they do it about a terrorist group in the midst of fighting a genocidal war against the Jewish State, it’s the sign of dangerous antisemite.

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New York Times’ Muslim Anti-Semitism Washing (October 2022)

What Do The New York Times And Vladimir Putin Have In Common? Both Accuse Jews Of Meddling In Elections (July 2022)

The New York Times Continues ‘Powerful Jew’ Myth (June 2022)

No Jews Killed In New York Times Telling Of Palestinian Terror Wave (May 2022)

Excerpt of Hamas Charter to Share with Your Elected Officials (May 2021)

Bad Education: Al Jazeera (September 2020)

For The New York Times, “From the River to the Sea” Is The Chant of Jewish and Christian Zealots (May 2020)

Even The New York Times Needs to Fire David Halbfinger (May 2020)

The New York Times Excuses Palestinian “Localized Expressions of Impatience.” I Mean Rockets. (May 2019)

Al Jazeera’s Lies Call for Jihad Against the Jewish State (November 2017)

Al Jazeera (Qatar) Evicts Jews and Judaism from Jerusalem. Time to Return the Favor (October 2016)

An Easy Boycott: Al Jazeera (Qatar) (April 2015)