
FirstOneThrough is dedicated to educating people in an entertaining manner so they speak up and take action.  The action can be as simple as forwarding articles or videos to people or using the information to fight on behalf of a cause.  The topics cover Israel, the United States, Judaism and science.

FirstOneThrough is named on behalf of two lay leaders in the Bible who spoke up and took action: Nachshon ben Aminadav and Caleb ben Yefuneh.


After their exodus from Egypt, the Jews were chased though the desert by the Egyptian army. When they reached the shores of the Red Sea, seemingly trapped, they complained bitterly to Moses. Moses replied “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.”  Apparently, Moses jumped the gun.

God was not happy with Moses’s comment to the Jewish people. God said: “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on.” The Midrash recounts that at that moment, Nachshon ben Aminadav plunged into the sea, going in all of the way until the water reached his mouth. At that point, the sea finally split with a dry path for the Jews to follow.

For Nachshon’s devotion to God and being the first person to enter the waters, he was rewarded later by being the first person to bring a dedication to God.

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Caleb was the first person to speak up on behalf of the land of Israel when the other spies gave a bad report on the land.  When the Jews heard the spies’ concerns about overtaking the land, Caleb stepped forward and said “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.” Caleb was rewarded by God for speaking up and was one of the two adults of that generation that went into Israel.

Like Nachshon, Caleb was not the main figurehead of the people like Moses, Aaron or Joshua, but he was not shy in making his case before them and the entire nation. One could argue that his opinion had greater resonance with the people of Israel, as he was not as connected to Moses as was Joshua. He was simply a prominent lay leader.

Nachson and Caleb demonstrated leadership by their actions.  They pushed forward what they believed, and spoke up, even when such views were unpopular.

The articles and postings in FirstOneThrough are meant to be vehicles for each person to take those same actions.  In a connected digital world, each person can be a spokesperson for important causes by disseminating news to thousands of people.  YOU are FirstOneThrough.

15 thoughts on “About

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  2. A friend sent me a copy of your article about an edited MLK speech, which, if true, is very serious. I was questioned on the validity of the claim because no date of the CNN report was indicated. I would be grateful to you if you could supply me with that date or other information that would help me respond to my colleague. Thanks.


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