Jamaal Bowman Wants A War In His District

Rep. Jamaal Bowman has long ignored the Jewish residents in his district and vilified the Jewish State. As the Democratic primary neared on June 25, he opted to raise the temperature on a hot day, riling up a crowd in the South Bronx to go to war with Westchester County, and for the Black and Brown communities to go to war with the Jews.

Bowman went to a park in the Bronx and started cursing and slamming chairs on stage. Calling himself the “hip hop congressman,” he got the crowd to chant about the south Bronx. He then said “We are gonna show f*cking AIPAC the power of the mother-f*cking South Bronx.

He continued “People ax me why I’ve got a foul mouth. What am I supposed to do? You comin’ after me! You comin’ after my family. You comin’ after my children. I’m not supposed to fight back? I’m not supposed to fight back? We gonna show them who the f*ck we are!” He then started to jump up and down and throw his arms around in circles.

We gonna show them who the f*ck we are! Bowman! Bowman!

And it’s all a lying and dangerous circus. No one ever said anything about Bowman’s family and children. It was Bowman who repeatedly over many years came after Jews and the Jewish State, yet he inverted the entire cause-and-effect of the primary battle.

The unhinged rant from the deeply unpopular congressman continued his embarrassing and appalling tenure in congress. Despite being the incumbent, his challenger, Westchester County Executive George Latimer received almost all of the endorsements of the Democratic Party, including from:

  • Hillary Clinton (former Secretary of State and Senator from New York)
  • Mondaire Jones (former Congressman for lower Westchester County 2021-2)
  • Nita Lowy (former Congresswoman for lower Westchester County)
  • Eliot Engel (former Congressman for the Bronx)
  • David Paterson (former Governor of New Jersey)
  • and a very long list of state and county legislators

The sick rantings of Bowman are even starting to bring current members of Congress to endorse George Latimer, including Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ). More may follow as we enter election day on June 25.

But Bowman wasn’t alone in his antics.

Alexandria “Big Money” Ocasio-Cortez joined Bowman’s rants with her own fist pumping as she yelled “I am ready to fight!”

She asked the crowd “Are we ready to take on AIPAC? Are we ready to kick some Wall Street ass?! Good!

Not satisfied with slamming a bipartisan group which backs many Black and Latin progressives, AOC went on to continue to lie about Latimer. “He [Bowman] is being primaried by racism. He is being primaried by greed. He is being primaried by corruption of our politics. And we cannot let them win.”

The statement is beyond preposterous. Latimer is a long-time civil servant who works closely with people of all races and religions. Many Black and gay leaders in Westchester have decades of experience working with him and have endorsed him.

AOC added “The Bronx is built different. We are built different…. There’s a reason this borough [the Bronx] sent Jamaal Bowman to congress.”

But it didn’t. With redistricting, NY’s 16th district consists of 87% lower Westchester County and 13% of the Bronx. Bowman won in 2020 with very different lines that had much more of the Bronx.

AOC’s and Bowman’s claims that Latimer is being funded by outside money is another inversion of facts. The vast majority of Latimer money is coming from inside district 16 while only 10% of Bowman’s contributions are local.

The alt-left is angry that it cannot do a quick massive redistribution of wealth and power from the Westchester towns which are predominantly White with a significant Jewish population, to the predominantly Black and Brown neighborhoods in the Bronx. So they are inciting riots.

Jamaal Bowman and AOC have declared a war between the South Bronx and Westchester, as well as between the Black/Brown Majority-Minorities and the beleaguered Jewish Minority-Minority. How is this progressive? Why are these alt-left extremists in office?

Vote them out of office on the June 25 primary.

Related articles:

Jamaal Bowman Wants A Radical Redistribution Of Wealth And Power (June 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Is Not Progressive, He’s Divisive (June 2023)

Why Did Jamaal Bowman Fly To Virginia To Fundraise With Hamas’ Backers? (May 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Is Either An Ignoramus Or A Madman Looking To Put Millions Of Lives In Danger (April 2024)

The Ongoing Embarrassment Of Jamaal Bowman Has Rallied The Local Democratic Establishment To George Latimer (April 2024)

Jamaal Bowman’s “Good Trouble” Is All Out War With Zionists In Israel and America (January 2024)

Antisemitic Wind Chill, Now In Westchester (January 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Is Unfit To Serve In Congress (November 2023)

Rep. Bowman Is A Liar. And Dangerous (October 2023)

Jamaal Bowman Insists On Playing Dealer In The Dangerous Game Of Jew Hatred (July 2023)

The Center Of Intersectionality Sounds Like Adolf Hitler (July 2023)

Jamaal Bowman Wants A Radical Redistribution Of Wealth And Power

Rep. Jamaal Bowman has no idea how to build an economy or how to address the needs of all of the members of his district. He believes that the role of government is to take wealth and power from those he feels have too much, and redistribute it to those he believes deserve it more.

In his address to a crowd for Martin Luther King Day in January he said (1:01) “We need a radical redistribution of political and economic power.” His messaging continues to be to achieve that goal.

Bowman wants to cancel all student debt to Black people, hand $14 trillion in “reparations” to Black descendants of slaves, tax wealth (not only income), defund the police, abolish immigration controls, halt funding wars in foreign countries which he perceives as “white” or wealthy, and push DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) into every facet of the American economy and power structures to strip non-minorities of their wealth and jobs.

Rather than focus on programs and policies which can CREATE wealth for everyone, Bowman calls for seizing it from non-minorities and handing it to the only constituents he wants to serve.

Black people in his district do not believe in Bowman’s antics. Darius Jones, co-founder of the National Black Empowerment Action Fund, mocked Bowman for not doing his job as a legislator to create jobs and enable the economy, voting against Biden’s Infrastructure Bill. Jones chided Bowman for holding back Black people by nixing charter schools and standing with the broken public schools system of which he is an integral part.

Not coincidentally, Bowman is one of the powerful teachers’ unions biggest donor recipients.

Bowman’s crusade is to enact former New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio’s words: “Brothers and sisters, there’s plenty of money in the world. There’s plenty of money in this city. It’s just in the wrong hands,” with a radical redistribution of wealth and power from White people to Black and Brown people in the U.S. and to the Global South.

While the media ponders whether Bowman is deeply anti-Zionists or anti-Jews, they miss the bigger picture: Bowman is anti-White and anti-capitalism, and views Israel and Jews as the nexus of White power and wealth he is targeting. A good deal of them are his own constituents in Westchester County.

Related articles:

Jamaal Bowman Is Not Progressive, He’s Divisive (June 2024)

Why Did Jamaal Bowman Fly To Virginia To Fundraise With Hamas’ Backers? (May 2024)

The Ongoing Embarrassment Of Jamaal Bowman Has Rallied The Local Democratic Establishment To George Latimer (April 2024)

Bowman’s Main Speaker Threatens Jews At Jewish Day School (March 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Parrots Iran That American Exceptionalism Is A Lie Based In Racism (January 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Is Unfit To Serve In Congress (November 2023)

UN Secretary General Sides With Hezbollah Over Israel

In a shocking display of partisanship for a terrorist organization over a member state, United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres posted publicly that he is concerned about Hezbollah but not Israel.

On June 21, 2024, Guterres posted on X that “the people of the region & the world cannot afford Lebanon to become another Gaza.” In other words, the world cannot allow a member state of the United Nations defend itself from Islamic radicals who are launching attacks. Specifically, the Jewish State must not be allowed to prosecute defensive wars that it never wanted, against foes dedicated to its destruction.

Guterres has shown himself to be completely unfit for the office he holds. The global agency should immediately fire him from office and put in place a person who prioritizes humanity over barbarism, and liberal nation states over jihadi terrorist groups.

Related articles:

Time To Sentence The United Nations For Involuntary Manslaughter (April 2024)

US Fails To Lead Systemically Anti-Israel UN Security Council (March 2024)

UN Secretary General Accuses Israel Of “Islamophobia War” (March 2024)

The UN Has Joined The Jihadi Fray (February 2024)

Fire United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres (January 2024)

UN Secretary General Sees Hostage Release Solely Through Lens Of Gaza (November 2023)

UN Secretary General Says Hamas Speaks For “The Palestinian People” (October 2023)

The United Nations Ignores Radical Muslim Violent Extremism and Terrorism (February 2023)

Amid The Terror, The United Nations Once Again Protects Palestinians (April 2022)

The UN Treats Murdered Jews Worse Than Victims of Other Terrorist Attacks, Even When Killed In A Synagogue (January 2022)

UN Secretary General Throws Shade on Israel from Lebanon (December 2021)

Excerpt of Hamas Charter to Share with Your Elected Officials (May 2021)

The UN Cannot See Palestinian ‘Lies and Loathing’ (November 2020)

UN Secretary General Guterres is Losing the Confidence of Decent People (September 2017)

Petition Submitted to Planned Parenthood to Rescind Endorsement of Jamaal Bowman

In an environment of politicians and political organizations endorsing people running for office, it is noteworthy to see a grassroots-led initiative push for an organization to rescind an existing endorsement.

In one of the most-watched primaries in the country, residents of New York State’s 16th Congressional District have been writing to Planned Parenthood to rescind its endorsement of Rep. Jamaal Bowman. The impetus for people in the liberal district to call the women’s rights organization was the recently surfaced video of Bowman yelling at a crowd on the streets of White Plains that the October 7 rape of Jewish women in Israel was a “lie” and “propaganda.”

“I have been giving to Planned Parenthood for forty years. I send them money monthly, and I cannot believe that they would endorse a rape denier,” said Jackie Laub, a retired medical technician who lives in White Plains. “Do the leaders of the organization hate Jews and Israel so much that they would still endorse him?”

Rabbi Scott Weiner of New Rochelle used to be a board member of Planned Parenthood. He submitted the petition to the organization’s CEO and Chair last week, signed by six hundred people in just one week, the vast majority of whom are residents of the district. “I am deeply shocked,” Rabbi Weiner said. “I care deeply about the organization, and for it to have its brand tarnished by endorsing Bowman will likely cost them important donors.”

The video of Bowman denying the sexual assault of women in Israel came out in late March, even though it was filmed at a pro-Palestinian rally in November. When people began to question and criticize Bowman about his rape comments, he refused to discuss it, according to Politico.

Eventually, Bowman got around to condemning the sexual violence committed by Hamas but many of his constituents remain deeply troubled by his initial instinct to not believe women who are raped if they are Jewish.

Diane Katz, who raised her four children in the district said “I wrote to Planned Parenthood as soon as I learned that they had endorsed Bowman. The organization’s response was abysmal. How can they endorse someone who clearly denied the extremely well-documented evidence and testimony of Israeli women who were raped and sexually mutilated? Jewish women around the United States have been leaders in the pro-choice and reproductive rights movement for decades and this is a slap in the face to our community.” She added her name to the petition to not feel so alone and abused by the organization’s tepid response to her letter.

“Screams Before Silence” movie

“They are endorsing a rape denier. Can you imagine that?” Katz asked. “A woman’s rights organization is endorsing a rape denier.”

Others had a similar road to signing the petition.

Dr. Rebecca Amaru of White Plains shared her initial email with Planned Parenthood. It led with “I write as a resident of NY-16, a woman, an Obstetrician/Gynecologist, an abortion provider, a proud activist on behalf of abortion access and rights, and a Jew.” She added “Jamaal Bowman does NOT stand for the values that Planned Parenthood represents. Mr. Bowman’s statements after October 7, 2023, included denials of the sexual violence propagated by Hamas terrorists against countless women in Israel. The denials by some progressive politicians of the well-documented crimes against women on October 7 are a stain on the Democratic Party. No matter what Planned Parenthood believes about the war in Gaza, you MUST come down on the side of women victimized by rape as weapon of war.”

After not getting a response from Planned Parenthood, she began to forward the petition to friends.

“It is not as though [Westchester County Executive] George Latimer is not pro-women. He is every bit as pro-choice as Bowman. Minus the rape denial,” added Amaru.

Dr. Sandra Weinstein of New Rochelle, a mother of three girls, was glad that the petition was being circulated. “Candidly, I wasn’t going to vote for Bowman anyway, so this has nothing to do with the race. This is about the normalization of rape denial if the victims are Jewish.”

The petition does not discuss the primary race and acknowledges Bowman’s stance on abortions. Specifically, the petition states that it is “deeply distressing to see Planned Parenthood continue to endorse Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY16). While he has been a supporter of female reproductive rights, he has vocally denied the mass rape of Israeli women before a chanting crowd on the streets of his district. Women’s bodily autonomy is not limited to a right to abortion. It must include protections from sexual abuse and assault. Rep. Bowman’s disgraceful ridicule of raped women is beyond the pale and cannot be normalized as acceptable, which Planned Parenthood’s endorsement does.”

One Email sent by someone in District 16 to Planned Parenthood, and a QR Code which was used to get people to sign the petition

Dr. Tali Lando of White Plains was very direct, saying “I’m disgusted. How can my congressperson’s initial reaction not only be to mock the rape of Jewish women, but to incite a crowd that Jewish rape victims are liars? What kind of country are we in?” She continued that the entire premise of Planned Parenthood endorsing Bowman is a contradiction of being for abortion rights. “Planned Parenthood should be ashamed of itself. It cannot claim to be the leading advocate of women’s bodily autonomy while simultaneously aligning itself with a rape denier.”

Rabbi Weiner added that “this is not just a Jewish issue. When a leading national woman’s rights organization like Planned Parenthood affixes its name to person who denigrates the victims of sexual assault to a cheering crowd, every person is at risk.”

The group’s action is already costing them one donor. “After forty years, I am no longer giving to them. They’ve lost me,” said Laub.

Planned Parenthood has still not responded to the petition other than acknowledging that it was received on June 10.

Related articles:

Jamaal Bowman Is Not Progressive, He’s Divisive (June 2024)

When Enemies Of The Jews Use “Any Means Necessary” (May 2024)

Antisemitic Wind Chill, Now In Westchester (January 2024)

The Rape And Torture Of Jewish Women By Emasculated Palestinian Men (January 2024)

Bowman Waits For Permission To Sort-Of Condemn Antisemitism

A raucous crowd of Jew-haters descended on Wall Street in New York City to protest an exhibit about the slaughter of people at the Nova Dance Festival in Israel on October 7, 2023. Some politicians were quick to condemn the vile and vocal antisemitism.

Not so, for members of the alt-left “squad.”

Rep. Mike Lawler (NY-17) had previously attended the exhibit which showed evidence of peaceful music lovers being brutally slaughtered by Palestinian Arab terrorists. At 8:43PM on June 10, the evening of the NYC antisemitic riot, Lawler wrote on X that he was appalled that Jewish Americans were trapped inside the exhibit while an antisemitic mob screamed outside.

A short while later at 10:35PM, Rep. Ritchie Torres (NY-15), joined Lawler in condemning the heinous antisemites who revealed themselves to be “barbaric.”

It took until the following afternoon, on June 11 at 2:41PM, for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14) to condemn the antisemitic rioters.

Only after seeing fellow “squad” member AOC condemn the disgusting antisemitism, did Rep. Jamaal Bowman (NY-16), decide to post something about the vile protestors, at 3:27PM.

Both AOC and Bowman pretended that the “protestors” were really about “peace” and “human dignity” even though the rioters called for another murderous “intifada” and to repeat the atrocities of October 7.

Jihadists in New York City on June 10 with a banner “long live October 7th”

New York City and its suburbs have the greatest number of Jews outside of Israel, in the Jewish diaspora. There are members of Congress in New York who take leadership roles in defending their Jewish constituents, like Reps. Lawler and Torres, and those who protect their attackers, like Reps. AOC and Bowman. The latter practice a jihadi-socialist game called “condemn antisemitism while protecting antisemites,” a dog-whistle to go for the Jews more discreetly.

Related articles:

Jamaal Bowman Says Jews Have No History In The Land Of Israel (June 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Is Not Progressive, He’s Divisive (June 2024)

Why Did Jamaal Bowman Fly To Virginia To Fundraise With Hamas’ Backers? (May 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Is Either An Ignoramus Or A Madman Looking To Put Millions Of Lives In Danger (April 2024)

Bowman’s Main Speaker Threatens Jews At Jewish Day School (March 2024)

Jamaal Bowman And Hamas (February 2024)

Antisemitic Wind Chill, Now In Westchester (January 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Is Unfit To Serve In Congress (November 2023)

NY Times Lies That Gazans Hate Hamas

It yet another bit of lying to its readership to convey an entirely fictitious narrative, The New York Times wrote an article on its front page that claimed that Gazans hate the ruling government of Hamas, a U.S. designated foreign terrorist organization.

It’s completely untrue as shown over and again in polls, including one released this week.

New York Times front page on June 16, 2024 print edition

The article in the print version was titled “Gazans Voice Their Distress Under Hamas.” The article claimed that “support among Gazans [for Hamas] has been low for some time.” It added that “the group and its leaders have remained broadly unpopular in the enclave. More Gazans have even been willing to speak out against Hamas,” and that the people “held Hamas responsible” for their miserable condition.

The Times ran this tale in a front page Sunday paper interviewing about ten people.

Out of a territory of 2.2 million.

The reality is that there is a credible Palestinian organization which polls the local population every three months and has done so for decades. It interviewed roughly 750 people in both Gaza and the West Bank at the end of May. It is called the Palestinian Center for Policy Survey and Research (PCPSR) and it released its latest findings on June 12, just days before the Times piece.

The Times referenced the article but ignored its findings in favor of presenting its fake narrative.

PCPSR poll from June 12, 2024

The PCPSR poll clearly shows that a MAJORITY of 64% of Gazans supporting Hamas. This is a STEADY RISE from December 2023 when a small majority of 52% supported the government launching and carrying out a war against Israel.

The poll also showed increasing support among Gazans for Iran since the Islamic Republic launched missiles against Israel.

This isn’t news. Gazans have always supported killing Jewish civilians in Israel according to polls going back to 2000.

Decades of PCPSR polls consistently show Gazans supporting terrorist attacks inside of Israel against Jewish civilians

Which begs why The Times reported this fake news. Some things come to mind:

  • It knows / believes that its readership does not check any of its sources
  • It wanted to convey that its reporters went into Gaza for a handful of interviews
  • It wanted to tell a specific narrative that the people of Gaza are distinct from its leaders and army, painting them as twice-over victims of Hamas and the Israeli army

The Times concluded the cover story with precisely that last point: “While Hamas and even the Israeli hostages were in the underground tunnels, he said, Gazans were above ground with no protection from Israeli and U.S.-made bombs dropped over their heads every day. That is an oft-heard complaint by Hamas’s critics in Gaza.“There is uncontrolled anger against Hamas,” he said. “It threw the Palestinian people into the bottom of the well.”

Notice how The Times inserted “U.S.-made bombs” into the talk-track, a deliberate manipulation to add the United States to the cause of misery of every-day Gazans.

The Times portrayal is #FakeNews. The majority of Gazans support the October 7 massacre, support Hamas, support Iran, support the goal of destroying the Jewish State and support killing Israeli civilians.

Alas, we live in a world where facts are gaining irrelevancy. Social media has allowed societies to be overwhelmed by feelings and narratives. A single emotional interview – especially one doctored – carries more weight than reams of data and analysis.

The Israeli war against Gaza is a just war by any measure of analysis, yet is deeply vulnerable to ongoing support in a culture in which emotions and systemic antisemitism prevail.

The Times is giving red meat to that highly-charged, angry anti-Zionist mob as a near-term business matter and to influence American policy, even as it sacrifices the long-term credibility of its institution and the physical well being of American Jewry.

Related articles:

The Hamas – Gazans Partnership (May 2024)

Press Coverage Absolves Hamas, Pivoting To Israeli War Against Gazans (April 2024)

Destroying Hamas Convinces Gazans To Support Two State Solution. Why Doesn’t The UN Get It? (March 2024)

Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians (February 2021)

Quantifying the Values of Gazans (May 2019)

The Disproportionality of Hate Speech

The size and “power” of Jews is grossly inflated.

While Judaism is described as one of the three great monotheistic religions in the western world, it is a fraction of the size of Christianity and Islam. While Christianity and Islam are universalistic religions which forced or coerced conversions over centuries, Judaism is a particular religion with no such tenet. Consequently, Christians and Muslims number roughly 2.4 billion and 1.9 billion, respectively, spread around the world, while Jews number only about 15 million, found principally in Israel and the United States.

The scale differential is enormous. Consider that if only 10% of Muslims are radical antisemites willing to kill Jews, the 190 million Islamists would be 12 times the entire Jewish population.

There are about 50 Muslim-majority countries in the world, and only a single Jewish-majority country. Even in countries without a Muslim majority, the number of Muslims are growing quickly and dwarf Jews.

The result is that Muslims can voice antisemitic things without fear of reprisals. In Muslim-majority countries, the Quran and Islamic teachings are beyond reproach under blasphemy laws but not non-Islamic faiths. Jews and Judaism can be mocked without any repercussions.

Deborah Samuel was killed and burned by mob after she was accused of blasphemy at Shehu Shagari school in Sokoto, Nigeria

That is becoming more true in Western non-Muslim majority countries as well. People are terrified about drawing a picture of the Islamic prophet Muhammed out of fear of being killed, but will comfortably mock the small minority Jewish population and Judaism aloud publicly.

The sheer size of the Christian and Muslim population and number of Muslim-majority countries, coupled with fear of crossing radical extremists produces a disproportionate volume of hate speech. Whether at the U.N., social media or on college campuses, Islamic privilege insulates the large religions in a way that does not exist for Jews and Judaism.

Some resolutions have been put forward at global bodies which try to afford religious protections.

In 1992, the United Nations adopted the “Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities.” It was followed in 2011 with UN Human Rights Council 16/18 “Combating intolerance, negative stereotyping and stigmatization of, and discrimination, incitement to violence and violence against, persons based on religion or belief.” More recently in July 2023, the UNHRC passed a resolution introduced by Pakistan to prohibit “desecration of sacred books and religious symbols” after a Quran burning in Sweden. It’s a smattering of protections for people (in 1992), curtailing speech (in 2011) and protection of articles (in 2023).

Many of the sponsors of the resolutions have been Islamic countries. Their desire to protect the sanctity of Islamic holy texts and prophets globally is part of the reason there have been almost no incidents of radical Islamists burning Jewish holy books. Islamists also don’t insult Jewish prophets such as Moses, as Islamists also view them as prophets.

Instead, Islamists come for Jews and the Jewish State. They mock the Holocaust as a fair target of Jewish history, not of Judaism. They state that Jews have no history in the land of Israel, which, while undermining the basic text of the Bible, is viewed as only insulting Jews as people and not the religion itself.

This divide is another element in the disproportionality of hate speech: an intrinsic part of modern antisemitism is to divorce Jews from Judaism. It allows Judaism to be placed among the three great monotheistic religions, even while there are a paltry number of Jews compared to Christians and Muslims. The gap between the understanding of religion and people inflates the fictitious “power” of the handful of Jews, a source of significant hate speech.

On April 11, 2016, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon saidOne of the key warning signs of genocide is the spread of hate speech in public discourse and the media…. And every day, the seeds of future massacres and genocides are being planted… It is essential that Governments, the judiciary and civil society stand firm against hate speech and those who incite division and violence.”

The U.N., social media platforms and antisemitic politicians are themselves enabling and spreading antisemitic hate speech. Everyone can feel the temperature rising for Jews but few are willing to condemn the vile slander.

Jews are a small minority-minority facing a disproportionate number of hate crimes in the United States every year. They also face a disproportionate amount of hate speech, protected by free speech laws in the West, and indifference in the East and global South.

Related articles:

We Normalized Jew-Hatred For Years (December 2023)

Jews Are A Minority-Minority (November 2023)

The United Nations Ignores Radical Muslim Violent Extremism and Terrorism (February 2023)

Islamic Privilege (March 2022)

The Re-Introduction of the ‘Powerful’ Jew Smear (March 2021)

NY Times Considers Notion That Terrorism Against Israel is a Matter of Free Speech (January 2021)

Organized and Disorganized Antisemitism (January 2020)

Uncomfortable vs. Dangerous Free Speech (October 2017)

The Only Religious Extremists for the United Nations are “Jewish Extremists” (March 2016)

Jamaal Bowman Says Jews Have No History In The Land Of Israel

In yet another disgraceful attack on Jews, Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York’s 16th Congressional District, denied Jewish history, specifically that Jews come from the land of Israel.

During an interview, Bowman said that “Israel is a settler colonial project,” an oft-used phrase by radical antisemitic Arabs to falsely tarnish Jews as foreign invaders. It is an attempt to mainstream a lie that Jews do not have thousands of years of history in the holy land with sovereignty and self-determination.

Jamaal Bowman calls Israel a “settler colonial project” in June 2024

Imagine an elected official stating that Blacks are not from Africa or were never slaves in the United States. They would either be known as a lunatic or a racist. Or both.

Bowman did not simply lie about Jewish history without a calculated reason: he did it as a pretext to defend attacks on the Jewish State as well as to appeal to Jew-haters as he runs for reelection on June 25th.

The reestablishment of a sovereign Jewish State is the first successful decolonization project in the world, yet is framed by Jew-haters as the essence of colonization. They do this, thinking that a majority of Israelis are “White” Jews, when in fact, Ashkenazi Jews account for only one-third of Israeli citizens.

And simply forget that the Old Testament is the most widely read book in the world.

Bowman again struts his antisemitic bona fides in an effort to rally the Black, Brown and White KKK to come for Jews in his district and around the world.


Get out the vote for Westchester County Executive George Latimer and oust antisemitic extremist Jamaal Bowman. Polls are open now through June 25th.

Related articles:

Jamaal Bowman Is Not Progressive, He’s Divisive (June 2024)

Why Did Jamaal Bowman Fly To Virginia To Fundraise With Hamas’ Backers? (May 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Is Either An Ignoramus Or A Madman Looking To Put Millions Of Lives In Danger (April 2024)

Over Half A Million Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians. They Are Being Sponsored In Congress By Tlaib And Bowman (March 2024)

Bowman’s Main Speaker Threatens Jews At Jewish Day School (March 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Is Unfit To Serve In Congress (November 2023)

The Anti-Semitism In Anti-Zionism (March 2023)

The Noxious Anti-Semitism Of “European Settler Colonialism” (September 2022)

Politicians In Their Own Words: Why We Don’t Support Defending Jews (January 2022)

A Genocide On A Different October 7 Massacre

Roughly 3,500 Palestinians Arabs from Gaza stormed into Israel from Gaza on October 7, 2023. They went into civilian homes and killed children in front of their parents as well as parents before their children. They burned families alive. Roughly 1,200 Israeli civilians and hundred of security personnel were murdered.

Imagine that the Israeli army acted quickly.

Imagine that Israeli soldiers and drones quickly encircled the Palestinian terrorists and wiped all of them out. Imagine that the Israelis killed 3,500 Palestinians after the terrorists killed only 100 people in Israel, a 35-to-1 ratio.

Would the world have condemned Israel for the “disproportionate” slaughter of Palestinians? Would extremist American politicians like Jamaal Bowman have gone onto the streets of his district to rile up a crowd that Israelis have been brutalizing Palestinians “for 75 years [since the founding of Israel]” and that Israel “values certain lives over others“? Would protests on college campuses have become hotbeds of antisemitism calling to “Globalize the intifada [to kill Zionists everywhere]?”

Gazans launched a war of barbarity which showed venom without limits as to the Zionists they would kill in whatever means, wherever they are. The leadership of Hamas promises to keep up the campaign “again and again” and the majority of Gazans support Hamas and the October 7 slaughter. Similarly, jihadi and alt-left radicals in the United States have echoed the call to repeat the October 7 massacre.

Jihadists in New York City hold banner “Long live October 7th, Samidoun”. Samidoun is supported by groups like WESPAC in Westchester County

Gazans started and are still engaged in a war intended to destroy the Jewish State and annihilate Jews. The fact that Palestinians are dying in much greater numbers than Israelis does not change the basic facts that Gazans are engaged in a genocidal war while Israel is fighting a defensive war.

Related articles:

The Hamas – Gazans Partnership (May 2024)

Stop Genocide. Destroy Hamas (May 2024)

Press Coverage Absolves Hamas, Pivoting To Israeli War Against Gazans (April 2024)

Over Half A Million Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians. They Are Being Sponsored In Congress By Tlaib And Bowman (March 2024)

The Quantitative Shield For A Qualitative Problem (March 2024)

Hamas Is The Very Definition Of A Genocidal Group (November 2023)

Know Your Enemies. This Is 1948 Redux (October 2023)

The Collective Punishment Of Terrorism (June 2023)

Israelis Targeting Terrorists, Palestinians Targeting Civilians (January 2023)

UN Doesn’t Like ‘Proportionate’ Israeli Reaction To Arab Terror Either (November 2022)

Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians (February 2021)

The United Nations Can Hear the Songs of Gazans, but Cannot See Their Rockets (December 2017)

Regime Reactions to Israel’s “Apartheid” and “Genocide” (March 2017)

The United Nations’ Adoption of Palestinians, Enables It to Only Find Fault With Israel (March 2016)

Pray for a Lack of “Proportionately” in Numbers. There will never be an Equivalence of Intent. (July 2014)

Will Hamas Move Hostages To Nurseries?

On Saturday June 8, 2024, Israeli security forces rescued four of the Israeli hostages who were kidnapped to Gaza from the Nova Music Festival on October 7, 2023. In the action to bring everyone back to Israel, one of the Israeli vehicles got stuck and was surrounded by Palestinian terrorists. Israel called in the Air Force to provide protection and scores of Palestinians were reportedly killed.

Pro-Israel media portrayed the rescue operation as an enormous success. Israelis celebrated on the streets at the return of the seized peaceful party-goers who were held illegally in captivity for eight months by Gazans.

NY Post cover page
Wall Street Journal cover page

The anti-Israel media lambasted the operation as it killed many Palestinians. It mocked the rescue as being inhumane because of the toll on Palestinians who were part of the Hamas infrastructure imprisoning the Israelis.

Pundits went on to speculate that Hamas would now likely move hostages from apartments to the underground tunnel network and embed them with Palestinian soldiers.

That is inverted logic.

Hamas has no possibility of militarily defeating Israel, a fact made abundantly clear over the past eight months. The only war Hamas is attempting to win is one of public opinion, which it tries to do by getting the woke anti-Israel media to see Israel as mercilessly killing civilians – ideally as many women and children as possible. Hamas watches the news, and celebrates the latest victory that so much of the media has not condemned it for keeping hostages in the heart of a residential neighborhood.

It will make the next attempt even more heinous.

After the daring rescue operation, Hamas is likely to move remaining hostages into nurseries, to force Israel to kill as many Arab infants as possible, should the Jewish State attempt another rescue. It would be a huge victory for Hamas, as it offers infant martyrs for the cameras.

Related articles:

The Absence Of The Red Cross On The Israeli Hostages (May 2024)

Press Coverage Absolves Hamas, Pivoting To Israeli War Against Gazans (April 2024)

Believe Terrorists (October 2023)

The Scale And Barbarity Of The Hamas Massacre (October 2023)

The Collective Punishment Of Terrorism (June 2023)

Israelis Targeting Terrorists, Palestinians Targeting Civilians (January 2023)

Unequal Tallies and Israel’s Soft Force (May 2021)

The Shrapnel of Intent (January 2019)

Pray for a Lack of “Proportionately” in Numbers. There will never be an Equivalence of Intent. (July 2014)