Rep. Bowman Is A Liar. And Dangerous

Far left extremist Rep. Jamaal Bowman who represents the moderate lower Westchester County District 16 in New York State is a liar who lies a lot. More importantly, he’s very dangerous and doesn’t represent the values of his district.

Jamaal Bowman’s Fire Alarm & Nazi Lies

The current controversy of whether Bowman pulled a fire alarm in Congress is a small part of the story. He either pulled the alarm because 1) he’s an idiot who can’t read the word “FIRE” or doesn’t know what a fire alarm looks like despite years as a middle school principal, running dozens of fire drills; 2) did it on purpose and put thousands of lives at risk both in causing the evacuation of the building and pulling firefighters from actual emergencies, so he can delay a House vote to give Democrats more time to assess their strategy; or 3) was simply “confused” as he’d like you to believe.

Bowman’s staff then tried to protect their master by swearing allegiance to him and calling Republicans “Nazis” to distract attention from the episode – sort of like calling “fire over there!”. After decent people complained at using the genocide of Jews as a political fig leaf, Bowman said that he hadn’t approved of the use of the word Nazi and “I condemn the use of the term Nazi out of its precise definition. It is important to specify the term Nazi to refer to members of the Nazi party & neo-Nazis.”

That’s a lie as Bowman has called Republicans “Nazis” including conservative pundit Michael Knowles. He underscored the point saying that the Conservative Political Action Conference “support[s] a future run by Nazis.”

Jamaal Bowman’s Infrastructure Bill Lie

Bowman took to the airwaves with political theater lambasting Sen. Joe Manchin voting against the infrastructure bill, then Bowman himself voted against it. Not satisfied with hypocrisy, Bowman then lied to his constituents that he backed the bill.

Jamaal Bowman’s Small Donation Lie

Bowman likes to make himself sound like he’s in the fight for the every day worker, a populist in the model of x-President Trump. He’s claimed that the “average donation [to his campaign] is about 40 bucks,” but in fact it was $607, fifteen times as much.

But Bowman is not just a liar and hypocrite. He’s dangerous.

Jamaal Bowman Is Dangerous

The garden variety liar says that they weigh less than they actually do or maybe are a few inches taller. An average political liar would say that they were in the line of fire visiting a foreign country, when in fact they were quite safe. Bold-faced political liars make up their entire background in order to get elected.

But pulling a fire alarm to put thousands of lives at risk? Concealing the act by belittling the genocide of Jews while Jews in his district and his state are suffering from terrible antisemitism? Pushing to have the rap music of antisemites who sing about violence into school curricula?

Jamaal Bowman is only concerned with a narrow slice of his constituents: Black people, Muslims and radical leftists. He has utter contempt for moderates, a point he makes every day.

The question is whether a moderate Democrat who speaks for the entire district will oppose him in the primaries. We can only hope.


Related articles:

Why Does Rep. Jamaal Bowman Lie to Constituents?

Don’t Let AOC Buy Another Squad Seat

Jamaal Bowman Insists On Playing Dealer In The Dangerous Game Of Jew Hatred

Jamaal Bowman Does Not Recognize Discrimination Against Jews

Farrakhan in Westchester, and Jamaal Bowman

Letter To Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY16) About Palestinian Support For Attacks

Bowman Defends Pulling Fire Alarm By Calling Republicans “Nazis”

Rep. Bowman Plans To Boycott Pro-Peace Israeli President

Letter To Rep. Bowman About Palestinians’ Lack of Support For Two States

Jamaal Bowman is a Disgrace

A short recap of why Bowman is out of touch with Westchester voters:

  1. Supports “Defund the police”
  2. Supports “Abolishing ICE”
  3. Supports Critical Race Theory in schools
  4. Supports a broad redistribution of wealth, including payments to Black people for historic slavery
  5. Supports packing the Supreme Court
  6. Supports abandoning the electoral college
  7. Lies to constituents about backing the Infrastructure bill
  8. Lies to constituents about mainly taking small donations
  9. Lies to constituents that he brings money into the district when almost all of it went to New York City
  10. Hypocrite attacking fellow Democrats for not backing Infrastructure bill and then he voted against it
  11. Anti-charter schools
  12. Anti-capitalism
  13. Called for taxing unrealized capital gains
  14. Anti- Abraham Accords extending peace in the Middle East
  15. Boycotted liberal Israeli president speech to Congress
  16. Penned resolution to call founding of Israel a “catastrophe”
  17. Blamed USA for the problems in Central America
  18. Strange coziness with the government of China
  19. Backed by extremist alt-left and anti-Israel groups
  20. One of the least partisan members of congress
  21. Contempt for moderate voters
  22. Perpetual race baiter