Are Bowman Friends In City Government Stealing Latimer Lawn Signs?

Westchester County Executive George Latimer has broad support among the residents of lower Westchester County who have known him to be a tireless advocate for decades. They have adorned their lawns with signs showing their support in his congressional race in New York’s 16th Congressional District which has a Democratic primary on June 25.

But the Latimer signs keep disappearing.

All over White Plains, people are taking down signs for George Latimer, whether they are one feet or ten feet from the curb.

Residents have been taking pictures using cameras as well as capturing stills from video surveillance of people climbing onto lawns and pulling out signs. Seemingly, some of the people removing signs have been from the White Plains Code of Enforcement.

According to a representative in the department, they remove signs when they are located in the city’s “right of way” which can be up to eight feet from the curb.

But the city is doing this very selectively, leaving non-political signs up while taking away George Latimer signs.

Several signs left untouched while Latimer signs were removed from lawn next door which were the same distance from the curb

Some Latimer supporters have had signs taken multiple times and are resorting to nailing their signs onto trees.

The White Plains Code of Enforcement (914) 422-1208, said that they placed all of the removed Latimer signs in the Recycling Center at 85 Gedney Way, but they would not explain why they left so many other non-political signs in place.

Are Jamaal Bowman’s supporters robbing constituents of their free speech rights and stealing Latimer signs? Bowman has long proven himself to be an embarrassment and unfit to serve in Congress and his actions continue to draw the ire of the people in the district. Bowman’s supporters are further fueling anger against the unhinged incumbent.


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Bowman’s Unhinged Rant About His Opponents Being “The Devil”

Incumbent Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York’s 16th District is so deeply unpopular that almost every single local Democratic committee has come out in support of his popular opponent in the Democratic primary, Westchester County Executive George Latimer. Bowman’s histrionics, lies, hypocrisy and race-baiting have long made him unpopular among his constituents.

Bowman has continued to ratchet up his insanity, and is now calling his opponent(s) ‘the devil.’

I kid you not.

In an April 6 X/tweet he was proud to post as he walked the streets of Westchester, Bowman screamed at full volume (0:33) “Always remember this. The devil’s a liar!! And will always be a liar!”

Is Bowman accusing mild-mannered, hard-working, progressive Latimer of being the devil? The thousands of people backing Latimer?

In his January launch party for his 2024 campaign, Bowman challenged pro-Israel people to a rumble. Is he still trying to bait them into a street brawl by calling Zionists “the devil?”

Jamaal Bowman is proving every day that he is an unhinged madman who should be removed from public office – and away from children – as quickly as possible. Volunteer and donate to George Latimer here.

Related articles:

Jamaal Bowman Is The Complete Package No One Wants (April 2024)

Defeat ‘Outside Money’ Bowman (March 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Parrots Iran That American Exceptionalism Is A Lie Based In Racism (January 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Is Unfit To Serve In Congress (November 2023)

Jamaal Bowman Is The Complete Package No One Wants

Does a democratic society really need to showcase the worst of its citizenry? Do racists and antisemites, celebrants of rapists and murderers, people trying to burn down society, need someone exactly like them sitting in congress?

According to the Anti Defamation League, about 10% of America harbors antisemitic attitudes. Should we seek a congress with 53 antisemites? If the same figure is racist, should we elect 53 members of the KKK into congress?

While democratic societies believe in free speech, we are not called upon to endorse hateful views. We certainly don’t need to elevate people into positions of power which we’ve seen happen across the political spectrum.

One of the worst of the worst is Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York’s 16th District. He’s a compulsive liar, hypocrite, race baiter, protector of rapists and murderers. He’s been censured by a bipartisan House because of his actions, and should have been charged with a felony for deliberately and falsely pulling a fire alarm (which he pleaded down to a misdemeanor to settle the matter quickly).

Bowman is a combination of the worst traits of some of the most hated people in congress including George Santos, Rashida Tlaib and Marjorie Taylor Greene. He’s an embarrassment to his district, congress and the country.

We need a country based on respect and civil discourse. We need representatives in congress who consider the needs of all their constituents. We need to oust those people who are the embodiment of the toxic swamp tearing society apart.

Support Westchester County Executive George Latimer in his effort to unseat the vile instigator of hate that is Jamaal Bowman, in the Democratic Primary on June 25. Volunteer and donate to LatimerForNY.

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Defeat ‘Outside Money’ Bowman (March 2024)

Bowman’s Main Speaker Threatens Jews At Jewish Day School (March 2024)

Jamaal Bowman And Hamas (January 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Parrots Iran That American Exceptionalism Is A Lie Based In Racism (January 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Is Unfit To Serve In Congress (November 2023)

Rep. Bowman Is A Liar. And Dangerous (October 2023)

Bowman Defends Pulling Fire Alarm By Calling Republicans “Nazis” (October 2023)

Anti-Israel and Jew-Ambivalent in Congress (December 2022)

Politicians In Their Own Words: Why We Don’t Support Defending Jews (January 2022)

Pelosi’s Vastly Different Responses to Antisemitism and Racism (June 2020)