UN Secretary General Sides With Hezbollah Over Israel

In a shocking display of partisanship for a terrorist organization over a member state, United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres posted publicly that he is concerned about Hezbollah but not Israel.

On June 21, 2024, Guterres posted on X that “the people of the region & the world cannot afford Lebanon to become another Gaza.” In other words, the world cannot allow a member state of the United Nations defend itself from Islamic radicals who are launching attacks. Specifically, the Jewish State must not be allowed to prosecute defensive wars that it never wanted, against foes dedicated to its destruction.

Guterres has shown himself to be completely unfit for the office he holds. The global agency should immediately fire him from office and put in place a person who prioritizes humanity over barbarism, and liberal nation states over jihadi terrorist groups.

Related articles:

Time To Sentence The United Nations For Involuntary Manslaughter (April 2024)

US Fails To Lead Systemically Anti-Israel UN Security Council (March 2024)

UN Secretary General Accuses Israel Of “Islamophobia War” (March 2024)

The UN Has Joined The Jihadi Fray (February 2024)

Fire United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres (January 2024)

UN Secretary General Sees Hostage Release Solely Through Lens Of Gaza (November 2023)

UN Secretary General Says Hamas Speaks For “The Palestinian People” (October 2023)

The United Nations Ignores Radical Muslim Violent Extremism and Terrorism (February 2023)

Amid The Terror, The United Nations Once Again Protects Palestinians (April 2022)

The UN Treats Murdered Jews Worse Than Victims of Other Terrorist Attacks, Even When Killed In A Synagogue (January 2022)

UN Secretary General Throws Shade on Israel from Lebanon (December 2021)

Excerpt of Hamas Charter to Share with Your Elected Officials (May 2021)

The UN Cannot See Palestinian ‘Lies and Loathing’ (November 2020)

UN Secretary General Guterres is Losing the Confidence of Decent People (September 2017)

NY Times Lies That Gazans Hate Hamas

It yet another bit of lying to its readership to convey an entirely fictitious narrative, The New York Times wrote an article on its front page that claimed that Gazans hate the ruling government of Hamas, a U.S. designated foreign terrorist organization.

It’s completely untrue as shown over and again in polls, including one released this week.

New York Times front page on June 16, 2024 print edition

The article in the print version was titled “Gazans Voice Their Distress Under Hamas.” The article claimed that “support among Gazans [for Hamas] has been low for some time.” It added that “the group and its leaders have remained broadly unpopular in the enclave. More Gazans have even been willing to speak out against Hamas,” and that the people “held Hamas responsible” for their miserable condition.

The Times ran this tale in a front page Sunday paper interviewing about ten people.

Out of a territory of 2.2 million.

The reality is that there is a credible Palestinian organization which polls the local population every three months and has done so for decades. It interviewed roughly 750 people in both Gaza and the West Bank at the end of May. It is called the Palestinian Center for Policy Survey and Research (PCPSR) and it released its latest findings on June 12, just days before the Times piece.

The Times referenced the article but ignored its findings in favor of presenting its fake narrative.

PCPSR poll from June 12, 2024

The PCPSR poll clearly shows that a MAJORITY of 64% of Gazans supporting Hamas. This is a STEADY RISE from December 2023 when a small majority of 52% supported the government launching and carrying out a war against Israel.

The poll also showed increasing support among Gazans for Iran since the Islamic Republic launched missiles against Israel.

This isn’t news. Gazans have always supported killing Jewish civilians in Israel according to polls going back to 2000.

Decades of PCPSR polls consistently show Gazans supporting terrorist attacks inside of Israel against Jewish civilians

Which begs why The Times reported this fake news. Some things come to mind:

  • It knows / believes that its readership does not check any of its sources
  • It wanted to convey that its reporters went into Gaza for a handful of interviews
  • It wanted to tell a specific narrative that the people of Gaza are distinct from its leaders and army, painting them as twice-over victims of Hamas and the Israeli army

The Times concluded the cover story with precisely that last point: “While Hamas and even the Israeli hostages were in the underground tunnels, he said, Gazans were above ground with no protection from Israeli and U.S.-made bombs dropped over their heads every day. That is an oft-heard complaint by Hamas’s critics in Gaza.“There is uncontrolled anger against Hamas,” he said. “It threw the Palestinian people into the bottom of the well.”

Notice how The Times inserted “U.S.-made bombs” into the talk-track, a deliberate manipulation to add the United States to the cause of misery of every-day Gazans.

The Times portrayal is #FakeNews. The majority of Gazans support the October 7 massacre, support Hamas, support Iran, support the goal of destroying the Jewish State and support killing Israeli civilians.

Alas, we live in a world where facts are gaining irrelevancy. Social media has allowed societies to be overwhelmed by feelings and narratives. A single emotional interview – especially one doctored – carries more weight than reams of data and analysis.

The Israeli war against Gaza is a just war by any measure of analysis, yet is deeply vulnerable to ongoing support in a culture in which emotions and systemic antisemitism prevail.

The Times is giving red meat to that highly-charged, angry anti-Zionist mob as a near-term business matter and to influence American policy, even as it sacrifices the long-term credibility of its institution and the physical well being of American Jewry.

Related articles:

The Hamas – Gazans Partnership (May 2024)

Press Coverage Absolves Hamas, Pivoting To Israeli War Against Gazans (April 2024)

Destroying Hamas Convinces Gazans To Support Two State Solution. Why Doesn’t The UN Get It? (March 2024)

Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians (February 2021)

Quantifying the Values of Gazans (May 2019)

A Genocide On A Different October 7 Massacre

Roughly 3,500 Palestinians Arabs from Gaza stormed into Israel from Gaza on October 7, 2023. They went into civilian homes and killed children in front of their parents as well as parents before their children. They burned families alive. Roughly 1,200 Israeli civilians and hundred of security personnel were murdered.

Imagine that the Israeli army acted quickly.

Imagine that Israeli soldiers and drones quickly encircled the Palestinian terrorists and wiped all of them out. Imagine that the Israelis killed 3,500 Palestinians after the terrorists killed only 100 people in Israel, a 35-to-1 ratio.

Would the world have condemned Israel for the “disproportionate” slaughter of Palestinians? Would extremist American politicians like Jamaal Bowman have gone onto the streets of his district to rile up a crowd that Israelis have been brutalizing Palestinians “for 75 years [since the founding of Israel]” and that Israel “values certain lives over others“? Would protests on college campuses have become hotbeds of antisemitism calling to “Globalize the intifada [to kill Zionists everywhere]?”

Gazans launched a war of barbarity which showed venom without limits as to the Zionists they would kill in whatever means, wherever they are. The leadership of Hamas promises to keep up the campaign “again and again” and the majority of Gazans support Hamas and the October 7 slaughter. Similarly, jihadi and alt-left radicals in the United States have echoed the call to repeat the October 7 massacre.

Jihadists in New York City hold banner “Long live October 7th, Samidoun”. Samidoun is supported by groups like WESPAC in Westchester County

Gazans started and are still engaged in a war intended to destroy the Jewish State and annihilate Jews. The fact that Palestinians are dying in much greater numbers than Israelis does not change the basic facts that Gazans are engaged in a genocidal war while Israel is fighting a defensive war.

Related articles:

The Hamas – Gazans Partnership (May 2024)

Stop Genocide. Destroy Hamas (May 2024)

Press Coverage Absolves Hamas, Pivoting To Israeli War Against Gazans (April 2024)

Over Half A Million Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians. They Are Being Sponsored In Congress By Tlaib And Bowman (March 2024)

The Quantitative Shield For A Qualitative Problem (March 2024)

Hamas Is The Very Definition Of A Genocidal Group (November 2023)

Know Your Enemies. This Is 1948 Redux (October 2023)

The Collective Punishment Of Terrorism (June 2023)

Israelis Targeting Terrorists, Palestinians Targeting Civilians (January 2023)

UN Doesn’t Like ‘Proportionate’ Israeli Reaction To Arab Terror Either (November 2022)

Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians (February 2021)

The United Nations Can Hear the Songs of Gazans, but Cannot See Their Rockets (December 2017)

Regime Reactions to Israel’s “Apartheid” and “Genocide” (March 2017)

The United Nations’ Adoption of Palestinians, Enables It to Only Find Fault With Israel (March 2016)

Pray for a Lack of “Proportionately” in Numbers. There will never be an Equivalence of Intent. (July 2014)

Will Hamas Move Hostages To Nurseries?

On Saturday June 8, 2024, Israeli security forces rescued four of the Israeli hostages who were kidnapped to Gaza from the Nova Music Festival on October 7, 2023. In the action to bring everyone back to Israel, one of the Israeli vehicles got stuck and was surrounded by Palestinian terrorists. Israel called in the Air Force to provide protection and scores of Palestinians were reportedly killed.

Pro-Israel media portrayed the rescue operation as an enormous success. Israelis celebrated on the streets at the return of the seized peaceful party-goers who were held illegally in captivity for eight months by Gazans.

NY Post cover page
Wall Street Journal cover page

The anti-Israel media lambasted the operation as it killed many Palestinians. It mocked the rescue as being inhumane because of the toll on Palestinians who were part of the Hamas infrastructure imprisoning the Israelis.

Pundits went on to speculate that Hamas would now likely move hostages from apartments to the underground tunnel network and embed them with Palestinian soldiers.

That is inverted logic.

Hamas has no possibility of militarily defeating Israel, a fact made abundantly clear over the past eight months. The only war Hamas is attempting to win is one of public opinion, which it tries to do by getting the woke anti-Israel media to see Israel as mercilessly killing civilians – ideally as many women and children as possible. Hamas watches the news, and celebrates the latest victory that so much of the media has not condemned it for keeping hostages in the heart of a residential neighborhood.

It will make the next attempt even more heinous.

After the daring rescue operation, Hamas is likely to move remaining hostages into nurseries, to force Israel to kill as many Arab infants as possible, should the Jewish State attempt another rescue. It would be a huge victory for Hamas, as it offers infant martyrs for the cameras.

Related articles:

The Absence Of The Red Cross On The Israeli Hostages (May 2024)

Press Coverage Absolves Hamas, Pivoting To Israeli War Against Gazans (April 2024)

Believe Terrorists (October 2023)

The Scale And Barbarity Of The Hamas Massacre (October 2023)

The Collective Punishment Of Terrorism (June 2023)

Israelis Targeting Terrorists, Palestinians Targeting Civilians (January 2023)

Unequal Tallies and Israel’s Soft Force (May 2021)

The Shrapnel of Intent (January 2019)

Pray for a Lack of “Proportionately” in Numbers. There will never be an Equivalence of Intent. (July 2014)

Casualness Of Jewish Hostages

The Israeli government and army were shocked as over 1,000 members of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad invaded Israel and butchered babies, women, men and the elderly. They were totally unprepared for the abduction of 250 people to Gaza.

But the world didn’t voice shock that thousands of Palestinian Arab civilians from Gaza participated in the atrocities. The world remained silent.

The Israeli army has killed and captured thousands of Palestinian terrorists since October 7. The intelligence gathered from the Gazan soldiers provided information to launch rescue operations to free Israeli hostages.

On June 8, four Israelis were rescued from an apartment complex in the United Nations run-Nuseirat “refugee” camp in central Gaza. The camp is right next to the Izz ad Deen al-Qassam Mosque, named for a Syrian terrorist who hunted the British and Jews in Palestine in the 1920s and 1930s.

The four Israelis included a 26-year old woman, held hostage in an apartment for eight months. The local Gazans said and did nothing the entire time but is not flagged in the media.

Freed Israeli hostage Noa Argamani reunited with her father

It is being reported that the hostages were forced to read the Quran and learn Islamic teachings. Such activity evidences the religious nature of the war from Gaza is not a battle over land.

The Islamist war is not being discussed in the mainstream media.

It is also being reported that one of the people who kept the hostages, or lived next door, was Abdallah Aljamal, an employee of Al Jazeera, the Qatari-based media company aligned with Hamas, or more likely, Palestine Chronicle, another media outfit. Whether Aljamal was the guard overseeing the hostages or not, a journalist would certainly have known about hostages next door. And he said nothing, showcasing his allegiance to the terrorists over journalism.

The Gaza journalists complicit with terrorism is not being discussed in the mainstream media.

Polls of Gazans have long shown that they support Hamas and the goal of killing Jewish civilians inside of Israel. Recent polls show a majority of Gazans support the October 7 attack. They view the abduction of civilians as part of a war effort which they support and from which they will benefit.

And the world continues to say nothing about the desire of Gazans who want to see Jews murdered.

Many people had assumed that the hostages were being kept by the terrorist groups in underground tunnels with Gazans kept as human shields for the underground terrorist infrastructure. However, the recent rescue operation shows that assumption to be incorrect: the people of Gaza are keeping Jews as hostages in their homes and in their neighborhoods, under the watch of Hamas and the United Nations.

The Arabs of Gaza are not human shields for Hamas; they are an integral part of the infrastructure of antisemitic terror.

The Hamas – Gazans Partnership (May 2024)

Over Half A Million Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians. They Are Being Sponsored In Congress By Tlaib And Bowman (March 2024)

Gaza, The Terrorist Enclave (December 2021)

Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians (February 2021)

Quantifying the Values of Gazans (May 2019)

The United Nations Can Hear the Songs of Gazans, but Cannot See Their Rockets (December 2017)

“The Squad” Starts To Eat Its Own

Former Member of Congress, Mondaire Jones, came out against incumbent Rep. Jamaal Bowman in New York’s 16th District. Jones used to represent much of the district of lower Westchester in 2020, before redistricting changed the contours of NY’s congressional district and Jones opted to run in lower Manhattan, where he lost in the primary in 2022.

Many people have come out against Jamaal Bowman, a fiery far-left extremist who claims to be causing “good trouble” when he calls for “defunding the police”, “abolishing ICE” (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement), demanding $14 trillion of “reparations” for Black Americans, and ending U.S. support for the only Jewish State. What makes the Jones’ criticism of Bowman special is that it is coming from a Black progressive member of congress who used to represent many of Bowman’s constituents.

Mondaire Jones speaking in White Plains, NY while a member of Congress in June 2021

According to Jewish Insider, “Jones said he’s had conversations ‘all the time’ with Jewish residents in the district who are ‘horrified by his [Bowman’s] words and actions — it gives them anxiety. And it has contributed to the fearfulness that American Jews are feeling in this very heightened climate of increased hostility towards the Jewish community and Israel.’ [Jones added] ‘I will always stand up for my Jewish constituents. It’s just critically important we rebuke the extremists that some would have take over the Democratic Party.'”

Members of the extremist far-left “Squad” were appalled by Jones’ actions and comments that he is endorsing Westchester County Executive George Latimer, a White, 70-year old man for the position.

According to Semafor, Rep. Summer Lee, (D-PA) called the endorsement “incredibly disappointing.” Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) said “It’s disgusting. Here we have a former CPC [Congressional Progressive Caucus] and CBC [Congressional Black Caucus] member who’s endorsing against both a Progressive and Black man who was the first Black man in his seat.”

Lee and Bush are essentially parrots of Bowman in Congress, voting in the same manner nearly every time, as do AOC (D-NY) and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA).

The extreme left “Squad” essentially vote as a unified block, with 98-99% overlap. Chart above compares Bowman’s voting record against other progressives and New York Republicans for comparison. Data for 2023-4 118th Congress according to ProPublica.com

Almost all of the Westchester Democratic establishment has endorsed Latimer over the incumbent Bowman due to the latter’s vitriol and embarrassing actions. Now fellow Black progressives are turning on the censured Bowman in the homestretch towards the Democratic primary scheduled for June 25.

As Mondaire Jones said about Bowman, it is “critically important we rebuke the extremists that some would have take over the Democratic Party.” Bowman will hopefully be the first but not last to fall.


Vote and volunteer for Westchester County Executive George Latimer ASAP

Sign petition for Planned Parenthood to pull endorsement of rape denier Bowman

Related articles:

Latimer-Bowman Contest Is About Redistricting, Not October 7 (May 2024)

The Ongoing Embarrassment Of Jamaal Bowman Has Rallied The Local Democratic Establishment To George Latimer (April 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Is Unfit To Serve In Congress (November 2023)

The DSA Is Systematically Coming For Zionist Jews (August 2023)

The Center Of Intersectionality Sounds Like Adolf Hitler (July 2023)

As Democrats Become More Liberal And Anti-Israel, DMFI Sticks Fingers In The Dike (July 2022)

Holocaust Survivors At The 2024 Israeli Day Parade In New York City

New York City has held a Celebrate Israel Day parade for many decades. In 2024, just months after the worst attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust, the gathering of Jews and Israel-supporters had a very different feeling.

Among the many marchers were several elderly people who survived the European Holocaust 80 years ago. Some joined a float sponsored by the Claims Conference, the organization that secures funding from European countries, principally Germany, and distributes it to help the elderly victims.

Holocaust survivors at the Israeli Day Parade, June 1, 2024 (photo: First one Through)

The survivors and Claims Conference supporters wore shirts that read “cancel hate” on the front, while the backs read “never again,” particularly meaningful slogans for people who had survived violent trauma as children and were living through a period of antisemitic slaughter and vulgar hatred again in their old age.

Alas, “never again” proved a hollow slogan. On October 7, vicious Palestinian Arab antisemites invaded Israel and butchered 1,200 civilians in their homes and at a peaceful dance rave. In the tragedy’s immediate aftermath, people in many cities – including New York City – chanted that they were thrilled at the burning of Jewish families. Once again.

Eight months later, Holocaust survivors rode up Fifth Avenue holding Israeli flags, as New York City Police sharpshooters watched from atop buildings, and drones and helicopters circled overhead, worried that anti-Israel protestors would attack the celebration.

Police helicopters and sharpshooters atop buildings, watched as a float carrying Holocaust survivors went up Fifth Avenue at the Israeli Parade, June 1, 2024 (photo: FirstoneThrough)

Only half of Fifth Avenue held onlookers, as the police did not want infiltrators coming in from Central Park, which packed viewers against the buildings. Many wore stickers and held placards to finish Hamas, the ruling Palestinian entity of Gaza which carried out the vicious massacre and has sworn to destroy the Jewish State.

The survivors were born in various countries including Poland and Russia. They were mostly women, as male survivors are becoming a rarity.

They waved flags. They danced with young Jews.

Holocaust survivors dance with parents and students from Hillel

They cried at the situation that they were living in a world where “never again” were empty words, even as they clasped Israeli flags and tried to remain hopeful that now Jews have autonomy in the State of Israel which was lacking during World War II.

The reality is that they had fled many years ago to America and internalized that this “goldene medina” was unique and offered Jews protection and opportunity absent in Europe.

Now, their smiles and optimism felt shallow.

The crowd very much echoed those feelings. Yellow ribbons, pins and stickers calling to bring home the 125 remaining hostages held by Palestinian Arabs, were close to everyone’s hearts and minds.

Crowd – set back by an eight-foot gap with barricades – wave to Holocaust survivors on the Claims Conference float riding on Fifth Avenue in New York City’s Israel Day Parade on June 1, 2024 (photo: First One Through)

In the end, the Holocaust survivors didn’t confront any Jew haters in the crowd as they rode the float in the Israel celebration. They and the crowd which included many with family members impacted by the October 7 Massacre as well as the War on Terror, thought about the words that accompanied them on the journey from Matisyahu’s One Day song:

All my life, I’ve been waitin’ for (waitin’ for)
I’ve been prayin’ for (prayin’ for), for the people to say
That we don’t wanna fight no more (fight no more)
There’ll be no more wars (no more wars), and our children will play

One day (one day), one day (one day)
One day (oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh, one day)
One day (one day), one day (one day)
One day (oh-oh-oh)

One day, this all will change, treat people the same
Stop with the violence, down with the hate
One day, we’ll all be free and proud to be
Under the same sun, singin’ songs of freedom like

Wah-yo (one day, one day), wah-yo, oh, oh (oh-oh-oh)
Wah-yo (one day, one day), wah-yo, oh, oh (oh-oh-oh)

People cheer Holocaust survivors wearing shirts “never again” and holding Israeli flags as they ride up Fifth Avenue to Matisyahu’s song “One Day” on June 1, 2024 (First One Through)

Nicholas Kristof Whitewashes Hamas’s Antisemitism

Nicholas Kristof is an opinion columnist for The New York Times. According to the paper, his beat is “Human rights, women’s rights, health, global affairs.”

Somehow, he is unable to comprehend blatant antisemitism.

In an opinion article called “Thinking Through The Moral Tangle in Gaza,” Kristof made himself sound like a well-read balanced observer of the conflict, seeing good and bad in both Palestinian Arabs and Israelis. He ticked through twenty points which he thought could lead to peace and a two-state solution and an end to the conflict.

Instead, he showed he lacks basic understanding of the situation to untangle the situation in Gaza.

In his fifth point he wrote “Hamas is an oppressive, misogynistic and homophobic organization whose misrule has hurt Palestinians and Israelis alike.” What an abysmal portrayal of the organization.

Yes, Hamas is oppressive, homophobic and misogynistic, but that doesn’t touch upon the crux of the conflict and the ongoing war. Hamas is an antisemitic genocidal group dedicated to the destruction of the Jewish State. It makes the point clearly in its foundational charter and in remarks by its leadership repeatedly.

How can Kristof talk about the situation in Gaza without clearly articulating that Hamas is built upon Jew hatred? Does he think that the “moral tangle in Gaza” is simply because Gaza leads the region in honor killings of women and beheads gay people?

Kristof places a red herring before readers in stating that Hamas is bad for Palestinians. The fact is that Hamas is extremely popular among Palestinian Arabs and those in Gaza in particular. A majority of Gazans support the Hamas massacre of 1,200 civilians and another 400 security personnel in Israel. Roughly two-thirds of Gazans have been in favor of slaughtering Jewish civilians inside of Israel since Hamas took over Gaza in 2007.

The moral failure of the NY Times did not start on October 7, but is increasingly painful to stomach since that date. The disgraceful articles and opinions continue to bury the rampant antisemitism in Hamas and among Gazans, as well as in the United States which emanates from jihadists and socialists.

Related articles:

As The US Reels From Socialist-Jihadi Antisemitism, The NY Times Tells Readers That Republicans Are The Antisemites (May 2024)

Dangerous NY Times Lies Cleansing Palestinians’ Preference For Violence (November 2023)

NY Times Begins To Whitewash Hamas (October 2023)

NY Times Sees Neither Antisemitism Nor Dead Jews in Reporting on Murder of Two Jewish Cousins Outside A Synagogue During Religious Pilgrimage (May 2023)

Palestine Islamic Jihad: NY Times vs. State Department (May 2023)

Nicholas Kristof’s Crocodile Tears (September 2017)

Nicholas Kristof’s “Arab Land” (February 2015)

The Hamas – Gazans Partnership

Hamas, a U.S.- designated foreign terrorist organization, has ruled Gaza since 2007. Since that time, it has launched several wars against the State of Israel, including in 2008, 2012, 2014, 2021 and the current war of 2023-4.

Gazans are deeply supportive of Hamas and their wars against the Jewish State. Palestinians elected Hamas to 58% of the Palestinian parliament in 2006. In polls since 2007, a majority of 65% of Gazans support killing Israeli civilians. Hundreds of regular Gazans participated in the October 7 slaughter and a post-October 7 Massacre poll of Gazans showed 64% supported the attack and 60% support Hamas.

The United Nations recognizes Hamas as a legitimate representative of Palestinian Arabs. And why not? Gazans love their jihadi rulers.

Gazans are partners of Hamas.

  • The local population has not fought to purge the antisemitic genocidal maniacs from power
  • They have not complained that many Hamas leaders are multi-millionaires living in luxury while they suffer on the battlefield
  • They have not stormed the Hamas tunnels for safety
  • They don’t condemn Hamas storing armaments in schools, hospitals and next to tent camps, putting children’s lives in danger

Hamas is the popular Gazan army. It is fighting a war to destroy Israel with the support of a majority of the adult population.

Gazans do not want Hamas defeated nor do they want it to surrender to end the bloodshed. They want the war to continue until Israel is destroyed. The fewer martyrs, the better, but there are no regrets for any of the dead. They believe that they are a price to pay to make the holy land devoid of Jews and Jewish sovereignty.

students at UNRWA schools in Gaza taught to hate and kill Jews

Year after year, Palestinians educate their children that Jews have no history in the holy land and are illegal colonizers to be wiped out. Every day children are told that terrorists who kill Jewish civilians are to be praised. They are taught to hate and kill Jews.

Gazans have made Gaza a terrorist enclave, with antisemitism instilled from birth. It is a gross deformity of basic humanity, an evil project of the United Nations which has blessed the leaders and school teachers.

The UN condemns Israel for dealing with the problem that the UN itself created. Rather than fix the issue and tell Palestinians that there is no right of return to Israel, they continue to breathe life into the notion, into Hamas and into the war.

There is a reason that the United States opposes the United Nations in the current war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza: the UN believes that Hamas is legitimate and Gazans desire to move to Israel is just, while the United States believes that the antisemitic genocidal maniacs are a proven problem being next door to a Jewish State, and it’s an obviously preposterous evil proposal to relocate them into Israel.

Related articles:

Destroying Hamas Convinces Gazans To Support Two State Solution. Why Doesn’t The UN Get It? (March 2024)

HAMAS Is Palestinian. The Popular Palestinian Political-Terrorist Party (October 2023)

Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians (February 2021)

Quantifying the Values of Gazans (May 2019)

The United Nations Can Hear the Songs of Gazans, but Cannot See Their Rockets (December 2017)

Ban Ki Moon Stands with Gaza (July 2016)

Tlaib And Bowman Have Aligned With Terrorists To Destroy Israel And America

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Jamaal Bowman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush and Betty McCollum put forward H.Res 1123, a ‘Nakba Resolution’ in May 2022 which demanded that millions of Arabs who had parents, grandparents or great-grandparents who once lived in Israel should be allowed to move there against the wishes of the sovereign State of Israel. They continue to make incendiary comments to strip Israel of its sovereign rights to determine who may live inside the country, and even more glaring, are trying to compel the admittance of people who voted a genocidal regime into a majority of the Palestinian parliament, and which just tortured and brutally murdered 1,200 civilians and almost 400 security personnel.

Tlaib, Bowman and crew attempted to push the resolution through Congress again in May 2023.

Tlaib was roundly censured by Congress – including by fellow Democrats – for her vilification of Israel, calling for the end of the Jewish State, and her lies that Israel and the United States were responsible for the October 7 Hamas massacre, in H.Res 845. Jamaal Bowman was one of the few people who came to Tlaib’s defense.

In the aftermath of the October 7 Palestinian slaughter of Jews, Bowman went onto the streets of White Plains, NY and said before an anti-Zionist crowd “What we never talk about- the number of women and children that have been taken by Israel in the West Bank. They need to be released as well [even those who committed murder]. We have to tell the truth about what’s been happening there for 75 years [since the founding of Israel in 1948]. The occupation [the basic existence of Israel] is a war crime.”

Bowman would go on to describe Israel’s claims of beheaded babies and raping of women as “lies and propaganda.” Tlaib followed suit, and was the only member of Congress to not vote on a resolution to condemn Hamas’s rape of Israeli women, essentially defending her position by concocting a fiction that Israeli forces are raping Palestinians.

Tlaib continued to vote in Congress to protect the antisemitic genocidal group Hamas:

Beyond protecting Hamas in Congress, Tlaib recently spoke at a pro-Palestinian conference which included a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), an event sponsored by China. Hamas and PFLP are United States-designated foreign terrorist organizations which not only committed the brutal slaughter of civilians by entering their homes and burning families alive, but promised to commit the atrocities again and again.

While Tlaib is invited to speak at conferences which sek to end the Jewish State, Bowman runs for the blessings of these groups and holds fundraisers with their donors.

Bowman proved his anti-Zionist bona fides to such a level, that he was able to get the endorsement of the New York City Democratic Socialists of America, after lobbying to get their approval.

The NYC-DSA is a grossly antisemitic group. It held a rally in Times Square on October 8 and mocked the hundreds of young peaceful dancers who were butchered and taken hostage by Hamas.

DSA in Times Square on October 8, 2023 mocking the young Israelis who were killed and taken hostage

A majority of Gazans have long supported Hamas and killing Jewish civilians inside of Israel. Reps. Tlaib and Bowman and standing beside them and begging them and their sponsors for support, as they attempt to remove Israel’s critical ally in its battle with genocidal maniacs. The alt-left duo is aligning with an axis of evil which wants to destroy the United States and Israel.

Westchester County Executive George Latimer, Bowman’s Democratic Party opponent, put it best: Jamaal Bowman actively courted and finally secured the endorsement of “a group that wants to pull the US out of NATO; end sanctions against Russia, North Korea and Iran; wipe Israel off the map; stonewall President Biden’s agenda; and legalize fentanyl.”

It is up to us to vote them out of power.


Donate and volunteer for George Latimer to defeat Jamaal Bowman

Vote for Latimer on June 25th

Related articles:

Hamas, CAIR, DSA, Within Our Lifetime, SJP Are All Gunning For Jews (May 2024)

Reps. Bowman And Omar Showcase Lack Of Care About Jew Hatred During Panel On Antisemitism (April 2024)

Over Half A Million Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians. They Are Being Sponsored In Congress By Tlaib And Bowman (March 2024)

The DSA Is Systematically Coming For Zionist Jews (August 2023)

Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians (February 2021)

Quantifying the Values of Gazans (May 2019)