NY Times Lies That Gazans Hate Hamas

It yet another bit of lying to its readership to convey an entirely fictitious narrative, The New York Times wrote an article on its front page that claimed that Gazans hate the ruling government of Hamas, a U.S. designated foreign terrorist organization.

It’s completely untrue as shown over and again in polls, including one released this week.

New York Times front page on June 16, 2024 print edition

The article in the print version was titled “Gazans Voice Their Distress Under Hamas.” The article claimed that “support among Gazans [for Hamas] has been low for some time.” It added that “the group and its leaders have remained broadly unpopular in the enclave. More Gazans have even been willing to speak out against Hamas,” and that the people “held Hamas responsible” for their miserable condition.

The Times ran this tale in a front page Sunday paper interviewing about ten people.

Out of a territory of 2.2 million.

The reality is that there is a credible Palestinian organization which polls the local population every three months and has done so for decades. It interviewed roughly 750 people in both Gaza and the West Bank at the end of May. It is called the Palestinian Center for Policy Survey and Research (PCPSR) and it released its latest findings on June 12, just days before the Times piece.

The Times referenced the article but ignored its findings in favor of presenting its fake narrative.

PCPSR poll from June 12, 2024

The PCPSR poll clearly shows that a MAJORITY of 64% of Gazans supporting Hamas. This is a STEADY RISE from December 2023 when a small majority of 52% supported the government launching and carrying out a war against Israel.

The poll also showed increasing support among Gazans for Iran since the Islamic Republic launched missiles against Israel.

This isn’t news. Gazans have always supported killing Jewish civilians in Israel according to polls going back to 2000.

Decades of PCPSR polls consistently show Gazans supporting terrorist attacks inside of Israel against Jewish civilians

Which begs why The Times reported this fake news. Some things come to mind:

  • It knows / believes that its readership does not check any of its sources
  • It wanted to convey that its reporters went into Gaza for a handful of interviews
  • It wanted to tell a specific narrative that the people of Gaza are distinct from its leaders and army, painting them as twice-over victims of Hamas and the Israeli army

The Times concluded the cover story with precisely that last point: “While Hamas and even the Israeli hostages were in the underground tunnels, he said, Gazans were above ground with no protection from Israeli and U.S.-made bombs dropped over their heads every day. That is an oft-heard complaint by Hamas’s critics in Gaza.“There is uncontrolled anger against Hamas,” he said. “It threw the Palestinian people into the bottom of the well.”

Notice how The Times inserted “U.S.-made bombs” into the talk-track, a deliberate manipulation to add the United States to the cause of misery of every-day Gazans.

The Times portrayal is #FakeNews. The majority of Gazans support the October 7 massacre, support Hamas, support Iran, support the goal of destroying the Jewish State and support killing Israeli civilians.

Alas, we live in a world where facts are gaining irrelevancy. Social media has allowed societies to be overwhelmed by feelings and narratives. A single emotional interview – especially one doctored – carries more weight than reams of data and analysis.

The Israeli war against Gaza is a just war by any measure of analysis, yet is deeply vulnerable to ongoing support in a culture in which emotions and systemic antisemitism prevail.

The Times is giving red meat to that highly-charged, angry anti-Zionist mob as a near-term business matter and to influence American policy, even as it sacrifices the long-term credibility of its institution and the physical well being of American Jewry.

Related articles:

The Hamas – Gazans Partnership (May 2024)

Press Coverage Absolves Hamas, Pivoting To Israeli War Against Gazans (April 2024)

Destroying Hamas Convinces Gazans To Support Two State Solution. Why Doesn’t The UN Get It? (March 2024)

Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians (February 2021)

Quantifying the Values of Gazans (May 2019)

Nicholas Kristof Whitewashes Hamas’s Antisemitism

Nicholas Kristof is an opinion columnist for The New York Times. According to the paper, his beat is “Human rights, women’s rights, health, global affairs.”

Somehow, he is unable to comprehend blatant antisemitism.

In an opinion article called “Thinking Through The Moral Tangle in Gaza,” Kristof made himself sound like a well-read balanced observer of the conflict, seeing good and bad in both Palestinian Arabs and Israelis. He ticked through twenty points which he thought could lead to peace and a two-state solution and an end to the conflict.

Instead, he showed he lacks basic understanding of the situation to untangle the situation in Gaza.

In his fifth point he wrote “Hamas is an oppressive, misogynistic and homophobic organization whose misrule has hurt Palestinians and Israelis alike.” What an abysmal portrayal of the organization.

Yes, Hamas is oppressive, homophobic and misogynistic, but that doesn’t touch upon the crux of the conflict and the ongoing war. Hamas is an antisemitic genocidal group dedicated to the destruction of the Jewish State. It makes the point clearly in its foundational charter and in remarks by its leadership repeatedly.

How can Kristof talk about the situation in Gaza without clearly articulating that Hamas is built upon Jew hatred? Does he think that the “moral tangle in Gaza” is simply because Gaza leads the region in honor killings of women and beheads gay people?

Kristof places a red herring before readers in stating that Hamas is bad for Palestinians. The fact is that Hamas is extremely popular among Palestinian Arabs and those in Gaza in particular. A majority of Gazans support the Hamas massacre of 1,200 civilians and another 400 security personnel in Israel. Roughly two-thirds of Gazans have been in favor of slaughtering Jewish civilians inside of Israel since Hamas took over Gaza in 2007.

The moral failure of the NY Times did not start on October 7, but is increasingly painful to stomach since that date. The disgraceful articles and opinions continue to bury the rampant antisemitism in Hamas and among Gazans, as well as in the United States which emanates from jihadists and socialists.

Related articles:

As The US Reels From Socialist-Jihadi Antisemitism, The NY Times Tells Readers That Republicans Are The Antisemites (May 2024)

Dangerous NY Times Lies Cleansing Palestinians’ Preference For Violence (November 2023)

NY Times Begins To Whitewash Hamas (October 2023)

NY Times Sees Neither Antisemitism Nor Dead Jews in Reporting on Murder of Two Jewish Cousins Outside A Synagogue During Religious Pilgrimage (May 2023)

Palestine Islamic Jihad: NY Times vs. State Department (May 2023)

Nicholas Kristof’s Crocodile Tears (September 2017)

Nicholas Kristof’s “Arab Land” (February 2015)

NY Times Is Worried About The Health Of The Leading State Sponsor Of Terrorism

The president of Iran’s helicopter went down in Iran and the New York Times is very worried about the health of the country.

New York Times May 19, 2024

The Times ran a headline that “Iran is confronting a volatile world,” in a complete inversion of facts. The U.S. labels the Islamic Republic of Iran as a leading state sponsor of terrorism, which has caused thousands of deaths around the Middle East. In the Times retelling of history, Iran is a victim of a volatile world as opposed to the chief architect of death and anarchy.

Rather than accompany the headline with a picture of Iran’s vast nuclear weapons infrastructure, the Times opted to post a picture of a calm but nervous man in a clothing store watching television. This is a common theme of the Times which seems to only have pictures of Iranians shopping for stuff, such as when it wrote about Israel being wary of Iran in 2021, featuring a picture of Iranian women shopping.

The article would continue its bizarre reporting style, noting how the country is facing climate change.

The paper ignored the massive number of executions, including the recent hanging of two women.

The Times did get around to discussing Iran backing terrorist groups around the Middle East… sort of.

The Times simply said that Hamas is “the Palestinian group that led the Oct. 7 assault on Israel.” It did not mention that Hamas is a US-designated terrorist group, or that the “assault” included the raping of women, burning families alive and taking hundreds of hostages. It did not even mention the total number of Israelis killed, even while it quickly mentioned the number of Palestinians who have died according to Hamas.

The Times went on to say that Iran supports other armed groups that also act against Israel, failing to mention that the Houthis in Yemen are principally engaged in a civil war destroying Yemen, and also attacks Saudi Arabia and other ships in the Gulf, including American ships.

Alarmingly, the Times went on to say that “Iran is eager to avoid being dragged into an all-out war.” Seriously? “DRAGGED INTO?” Iran is orchestrating the entire bloody mayhem unfolding throughout the Middle East and the Times tells its readers that it is avoiding war at all costs.

The Times leaned into the narrative and tried a bit of trickery in saying that Iran’s launch of hundreds of missiles and drones at Israel in an attack which could have killed thousands of Israeli civilians, was likely designed to fail, absolving Iran of any ill intent or push for war.

For The New York Times, the leading state sponsor of terrorism which has threatened to destroy the Jewish State and is actively building a nuclear weapons arsenal, is a peaceful country facing a volatile region, doing its best to stay out of the fighting. It’s #FakeNews at its most dangerous: shielding terrorists, while lying to the public.

Related articles:

The Gaza Red Herring Covering Iran’s Nuclear Breakout (January 2024)

Palestine Islamic Jihad: NY Times vs. State Department (May 2023)

Islamic Privilege (March 2022)

Will Biden Enable Hamas’s Sponsors of Iran, Qatar and Turkey (December 2020)

Reuters Can’t Spare Ink on Iranian Anti-Semitism (February 2019)

Paying to Murder Jews: From Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Iran to the Palestinian Authority (December 2017)

Half Standards: Gun Control and the Iranian Nuclear Weapons Deal (September 2015)

As The US Reels From Socialist-Jihadi Antisemitism, The NY Times Tells Readers That Republicans Are The Antisemites

The uptick in antisemitic hate crimes in the United States is at all-time terrifying highs. Since the October 7, 2023 brutal slaughter by Palestinian Arabs from Gaza of roughly 1,200 people in Israel, radical Muslim and far-left socialists have been celebrating the torture of Jews and promising to bring the “intifada” to the streets and campuses of the U.S.

The heinous antisemitism is promoted and supported by alt-left Muslim women in congress like Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) who has called Jews the sinister plotters “behind the curtains” that kill Black and Brown people “from Gaza to Detroit,” and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) who says that there are only two types of Jews: “pro-genocide or anti-genocide.” But The New York Times is trying to defend its own rather than cover the news, so is sticking with a narrative that antisemitism only exists among Republicans.

On the front page of the May 12, 2024 paper, The Times published an article titled “The Antisemitic Tropes Echoed by Republicans.” It continued on with a full two-page spread inside, complete with charts and graphics under the banner “How Republicans Echo Antisemitic Tropes.” Both headlines had sub-headers that were clear that the “declared support for Jews” was a ruse to get their votes.

For good measure, the paper added another article about the Orthodox Jewish governor of Pennsylvania. It made sure to add that he’s “A Rising Pro-Israel Democrat” in the headline.

The Times has long promoted the idea that only White people can really be racists and antisemitic, as other minorities are simply “punching up” and trying to succeed. If a Black preacher like Louis Farrakhan shouts clearly vile antisemitic things, the Democratic establishment says nothing and the Times buries the story, lest Black Americans turn on the party.

Antisemitism is not limited to the Democratic Party but it has become deeply embedded in the left flank “Squad.” Mainstream media is worried that Jews will abandon their comrades in an election year, so is spinning narratives that Jews must stay loyal to the party despite the rot, and keep lunatics like Jamaal Bowman in office.

Jewish Americans see and feel the hatred, as well as the poorly constructed cover-ups by left-wing anti-Jewish and anti-Israel media.

Related articles:

CNN And NY Times Call Congressional Hearing On Antisemitism in Public Schools A Fake Issue Concocted By Republicans (May 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Doesn’t Care About Hate Crimes Against Jews Committed By Non-Whites (January 2024)

Dangerous NY Times Lies Cleansing Palestinians’ Preference For Violence (November 2023)

NY Times Minimizes Antisemitism While Flagging Islamophobia (November 2023)

NY Times Sees Neither Antisemitism Nor Dead Jews in Reporting on Murder of Two Jewish Cousins Outside A Synagogue During Religious Pilgrimage (May 2023)

NY Times Does Not See Antisemitism In Texas Shooting (May 2023)

Black Israeli Woman Runs Marathon. NY Times Calls Israel Racist (November 2022)

New York Times’ Muslim Anti-Semitism Washing (October 2022)

The New York Times Continues ‘Powerful Jew’ Myth (June 2022)

For The New York Times, “From the River to the Sea” Is The Chant of Jewish and Christian Zealots (May 2020)

For The NY Times, Antisemitism Exists Because the Alt-Right is Racist and Israel is Racist (April 2019)

NY Times Discolors Hate Crimes (November 2016)

CNN And NY Times Call Congressional Hearing On Antisemitism in Public Schools A Fake Issue Concocted By Republicans

Amid the alarming rise of antisemitic incidents happening at schools across America, liberal mainstream media decided to call the issue #FakeNews, and a fabricated Republican spectacle to make liberals look bad.

That is no exaggeration.

CNN’s coverage started with a headline that Republicans were simply conducting a “‘gotcha’ antisemitism hearing.” The article – not an opinion piece but a news story by Matt Egan (who normally writes about business) – wrote that “It’s no coincidence that the witnesses at Wednesday’s hearing represent school districts in liberal cities. Republicans have sought to score political points by attacking “woke” policies that they say allows for hate speech.”

CNN opinion piece masquerading as news that antisemitism hearings were spectacles fabricated by Republicans

The New York Times wasn’t much better. In articles posted throughout the hearing, the liberal outlet inserted ‘Republican’ everywhere as if the issue of Jews being harassed, intimated and attacked was something that both political parties and every American shouldn’t care about.

Despite what someone might infer from the disgraceful coverage by CNN and The Times, the antisemitism is very real and immediate.

The Brandeis Center and the Anti Defamation League have filed complaints against the Department of Education about the districts brought to the hearing, including the Berkeley Unified School District. The latest letter is dated May 6, 2024 and served as a supplement to the original complaint of February 28, 2024.

In the latest Brandeis letter, numerous examples of antisemitism were listed including: violent antisemitic graffiti such as “Kill Jews”, bullying by peers, celebrating a suspended teacher who had created a hostile environment for Jewish students, vilification of parents who brought civil rights claims, use of anti-Israel propaganda in classrooms, pro-Hamas walkouts and posters, and antisemitic hostility at school board meetings.

The breadth and depth of antisemitism at the school is not in question.

Has belittling Jew hatred become a mainstream media value?

Antisemitism in society is a major and growing problem, as is liberal media’s attempt to whitewash it as a Republican political stunt. Lawsuits and new laws may help fix the former but only boycotting the papers, including withholding and redirecting advertising dollars, can fix the latter.

Related articles:

Dangerous NY Times Lies Cleansing Palestinians’ Preference For Violence (November 2023)

CNN Willfully Whitewashes Palestinians Thirst For Jewish Blood (July 2023)

Palestine Islamic Jihad: NY Times vs. State Department (May 2023)

NY Times Does Not See Antisemitism In Texas Shooting (May 2023)

CNN Sanitizes Palestinian Car Ramming Terrorism (December 2020)

CNN Eliminates Jews in Martin Luther King’s Final Speech (August 2020)

For CNN, The Critical Israeli Facts Have No Murdered Jews (April 2020)

CNN’s Politicization of Antisemitic Murder (October 2018)

CNN Will Not Report Islamic Terrorism (May 2018)

Every Picture And Headline Tells A Story: Columbia’s Pro-Palestinian Students Are NOT Antisemitic

The New York Times loves to tell stories with pictures and captions alongside its articles. It has a long history of using those visuals to downplay Palestinian Arab terrorism and antisemitism, as well as to magnify Israeli violence.

The paper also does this in its backyard of New York City, where it sanitizes Palestinian supporters’ antisemitism.

Antisemitic attacks, harassment and intimidation have become rampant on college campuses and at Columbia University in NYC, in particular. Last week, the head of the university and board members were summoned to testify before congress to address the scourge that had taken over the campus. In the aftermath of that testimony where Columbia’s leaders readily acknowledged the horrible situation for Jews on campus, things actually got worse.

Chants of “there is only one solution, intifada revolution” were heard throughout the campus and surrounding streets, in calls to terrorize and slaughter Israeli Jews. There were additional calls to “globalize the intifada” to bring the massacres to diaspora Jewry.

Jews were taunted with “Go back to Poland” and “we don’t want Zionists here!” Some Hamas supporters yelled “we’re all Hamas, pig!” at Jews walking by.

The situation was so toxic, that the Orthodox rabbi at Columbia/Barnard told his community that Columbia clearly “cannot guarantee Jewish students’ safety in the face of extreme antisemitism and anarchy,” and as such, recommended that Jewish students go home and not return to campus until matters settled.

President Biden echoed the disgust in his Passover remarks stating “This blatant Antisemitism is reprehensible and dangerous – and it has absolutely no place on college campuses, or anywhere in our country.”

The appalling situation was obvious to anyone who looked at the dynamics. But not for the Times which has an agenda to minimize antisemitism which might cloud the narrative that Palestinians are the only victims in this story.

The headline ran that “some Jewish students feel targeted” with a sub-header that other Jews “rejected that view,” informing viewers in bold that the whole narrative of antisemitism among the pro-Palestinian protestors is highly questionable.

The lead image showed marchers “apparently unaffiliated with Columbia” who “reportedly shouted at Jewish students.” There are dozens of videos showing the harassment, so why add the “reportedly” to make the claim dubious?

The article continued with a picture of “a Jewish graduate student” sitting comfortably on the campus green noting “he doesn’t feel unsafe” as well as another picture of women in kafiyehs with a caption that “many of the pro-Palestinian demonstrators at Columbia are Jewish.” Clearly the Times wanted viewers to internalize that this protest could not be antisemitic, as Jews participated.

The final picture of the protestors was taken from above at night, with tents huddled together in a peaceful shot of the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment.”

For the casual/Instagram-oriented reader who just scans the headlines, pictures and captions, the story was that Arabs, Jews and others were participating in anti-war peaceful protests on campus, with some people from outside the university perhaps saying something which might be construed as antisemitic. Any actions taken by the school administration against the student demonstrators was therefore unwarranted, and pressured by the too sensitive (and too powerful) Jews.

Just to get YOUR antisemitic attitudes up a few notches.

Even as Jews were targeted for attack and fled from university life, The Times told its readers that “pro-Palestinian demonstrators” are neither pro-Hamas nor antisemitic. It’s an alt-left / jihadi marketing ploy, marketed by the “axis of resistance” of Iran-Russia-China; their proxies of Hizbullah and Hamas in the Middle East; Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Jamaal Bowman in Congress; Students for Justice in Palestine on college campuses; and the alt-left media like The New York Times.

Know that when the alt-left demands that White people give up their privilege, they also demand that Jews give up their victim hood and rights to protection.

Related articles:

NY Times Minimizes Antisemitism While Flagging Islamophobia (November 2023)

New York Times Opinion Section Completely Fails Empathy For Slaughtered Jews With Outright Lies (October 2023)

Every Picture Tells A Story: No Brutal Slaughter Of Israeli Civilians (October 2023)

Palestine Islamic Jihad: NY Times vs. State Department (May 2023)

NY Times Does Not See Antisemitism In Texas Shooting (May 2023)

Every Picture And Headline Tells A Story: Raid On Terrorists (January 2023)

NY Times Repeatedly Tells Its Readers That An Israeli Supported A Mass Murderer, But Never That Many Palestinians Embrace Many Terrorists (December 2022)

New York Times’ Muslim Anti-Semitism Washing (October 2022)

NY Times Is Not Willfully Ignorant But Willfully Misleading About The Arab-Israeli Conflict (July 2022)

New York Times Mum on Muslim Anti-Semitism (January 2022)

Every Picture Tells a Story: Israel Is Scared of Female Iranian Shoppers (February 2021)

NY Times Considers Notion That Terrorism Against Israel is a Matter of Free Speech (January 2021)

Every Picture Tells A Story: Palestinian Terrorists are Victims (November 2020)

For The New York Times, “From the River to the Sea” Is The Chant of Jewish and Christian Zealots (May 2020)

The NY Times Will Not Write About the Preferred Violence of Palestinians (July 2019)

For The NY Times, Antisemitism Exists Because the Alt-Right is Racist and Israel is Racist (April 2019)

Every Picture Tells a Story: Anti-Semitism (February 2017)

Every Picture Tells a Story: Versions of Reality (October 2015)

Every Picture Tells a Story, the Bibi Monster (July 2014)

Every Picture Tells a Story, Don’t It? (July 2014)

Stop Calling Them “Pro-Palestinian Protests”

Many people and writers for mainstream and social media use terms like “pro-Palestinian” to describe protests like those held at Columbia University.

The New York Times writing about “pro-Palestinian” demonstrations on April 17, 2024 which were actually pro-Hamas and anti-Israel

The New York Times published an article that made it sound like young adults at Columbia University were respectfully and peacefully advocating for Palestinian Arabs. That “many Jewish people” found the protests to be antisemitic would therefore seem strange, as Jews would likely not view pro-Israel protests as being anti-Muslim. Arguably, anyone advocating for a two-state solution to the conflict is both pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli. It begs a reader to ponder whether Jews are way too sensitive or the term “pro-Palestinian” is simply incorrect.

What was happening at these “pro-Palestinian protests?”

Long live the Intifada

The chant on Columbia’s main campus of “long live the intifada” is a jihadi genocial chant to kill Jews. It is not “pro-Palestinian” but both anti-Israel and antisemitic.


Chants on Columbia’s campus to “divest” from businesses in Israel are anti-Israel, not pro-Palestinian.

We don’t want no Zionists here

Screaming around the campus that “we don’t want no Zionists here” is not pro-Palestinian but anti-Israel supporters.

Get the f*** out of here, have some shame. Don’t f***ing show your face here again you piece of sh**. Your mom is a wh***

Covered in a kaffiyeh, it’s surreal to watch an anti-Zionist shout at someone to not “”show your face here again.” But intimidation and illogic are cornerstones of haters hating.

We are all Hamas, pig!

Standing on the street alongside Columbia and shouting at a Jew “keep on moving you Zionist pig” and “we are all Hamas”, swearing allegiance to the antisemitic genocial group that has directly and indirectly caused the deaths of tens of thousands of people is both anti-Israel and antisemitic. It should also be viewed as full-throated support for a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization and a criminal act, especially when yelled at an individual with the intent to intimidate and terrorize.

Ripping an Israeli flag and punching someone in the face

Violence against someone normally carries a misdemeanor charge of assault or battery. When a group of people surround a single individual and taunt him with “kill yourself” and rip an Israeli flag, the action may be a felony. It certainly is not simply taking part in a “boisterous pro-Palestinian demonstration.”

Free, Free Palestine,” and “There is only one solution, Intifada revolution

Calling for a violent jihadi “intifada revolution” on the streets outside and on the main campus of Columbia is both antisemitic, anti-Israel and vocal support for killing Jews and expelling them from their homeland. How is that a form of “pro-Palestinian protest?”

Al-Qassam, you make us proud, kill another soldier now!

Cheering the Hamas military wing, a designated a terrorist organization by multiple countries, is anti-Israel and pro-terrorism, as is showing off a Hamas flag. It does not mark a pro-Palestinian protest.

We don’t want two states! We want ’48

Marching outside Columbia’s gates shouting for the destruction of Israel and replacing it with a new country of Palestine, which didn’t even exist in 1948, is anti-Israel.

Never forget the 7th of October. That will happen not one more time, not five more times, not 10…100…1000…10,000…The 7th of October is going to be every day for you.

Yelling at two Jewish students standing outside of Columbia University’s gates that the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust will be “every day for you” is either a wish or threat. Either way, it is profoundly anti-Israel and antisemitic.

By any means necessary

Columbia students chant that raping Jewish women, killing Jewish children, shooting elderly Jews, burning Jewish families alive, is moral, legal and appreciated. Civil society knows it to be deeply immoral, anti-Israel and antisemitic. The least one can do is clearly label it.

Demonstrators rally at an “All out for Gaza” protest at Columbia University in New York in November, 2023 (photo: Bryan R. Smith)

If people were engaged in peaceful “pro-Palestinian protests,” 80% of them wouldn’t be hiding behind masks. They know they are part of an antisemitic jihadi cabal that supports destroying the Jewish State, so why is the media soft-selling their antisemitism and genocidal intentions?

Related articles:

The Normalization Deformity: No To Zionism and Peace; Yes To Massacres and Terrorism In a Global Intifada (January 2024)

Columbia University Completely Fails Mission. And Jews (October 2023)

Palestinian Hate Speech (May 2023)

New York Times’ Muslim Anti-Semitism Washing (October 2022)

The New York Times Continues ‘Powerful Jew’ Myth (June 2022)

No Jews Killed In New York Times Telling Of Palestinian Terror Wave (May 2022)

New York Times Mum on Muslim Anti-Semitism (January 2022)

The Scary Growth of Terrorist Propaganda (November 2021)

Hamas’s Willing Executioners (July 2021)

Excerpt of Hamas Charter to Share with Your Elected Officials (May 2021)

New York Times Recharacterizes Hamas as a Right-Wing Terrorist Group (September 2020)

For The New York Times, “From the River to the Sea” Is The Chant of Jewish and Christian Zealots (May 2020)

Even The New York Times Needs to Fire David Halbfinger (May 2020)

Is Antisemitic Graffiti a Hate Crime? (December 2019)

The Insidious Jihad in America (July 2019)

The New York Times Excuses Palestinian “Localized Expressions of Impatience.” I Mean Rockets. (May 2019)

What Kind of Hate Kills? (October 2018)

Uncomfortable vs. Dangerous Free Speech (October 2017)

Take Names in the Propaganda War (March 2017)

Stopping the Purveyors of Hateful Propaganda (September 2016)

The UN is Watering the Seeds of Anti-Jewish Hate Speech for Future Massacres (May 2016)

Press Coverage Absolves Hamas, Pivoting To Israeli War Against Gazans

The New York Times lead on April 8, 2024

Under the banner “Middle East Crisis,” The New York Times has attempted to reframe the current Hamas-Israel war into a crisis in which the Israeli military targets Palestinian Arab civilians.

The headlines refer to Israeli “troop presence” while the accompanying picture has rubble with a caption of “displaced Palestinians in Rafah, Gaza, last week.” One cannot find any mention of the Hamas.

The article continues about the “Israeli military” and its “ground troops” reviewing the reduction in the number “of the soldiers.” It added about the “98th Division” leaving “to recuperate and prepare for future operations in southern Gaza,” an area “where more than a million people have sought refuge.” There was no description of Hamas soldiers.

The Times framing of the story pits a large Israeli military pounding a beleaguered Gazan civilian population. There is no context of the antisemitic genocidal intentions of Hamas, the ruling entity in the Gazan terrorist enclave. It does not recount that Hamas started the war butchering 1,200 people, mostly civilians in Israel and promised to repeat the atrocities. The Times neglected to mention Gazans support for the October 7 attack and long history of supporting killing Jewish civilians in Israel predating Hamas’s takeover of Gaza. It left out the 133 hostages still held by Hamas, with its leaders still ensconced in southern Gaza.

People should stop wondering why there is amnesia about Hamas’s atrocities and Palestinian support to butcher Jews. It is a narrative of emotions-not-facts that vomit on social media, and alternative facts spread by the anti-Israel mainstream media.

Related articles:

US Hypocrisy On Terrorist Media (April 2024)

Dangerous NY Times Lies Cleansing Palestinians’ Preference For Violence (November 2023)

NY Times Begins To Whitewash Hamas (October 2023)

Palestine Islamic Jihad: NY Times vs. State Department (May 2023)

NY Times Repeatedly Tells Its Readers That An Israeli Supported A Mass Murderer, But Never That Many Palestinians Embrace Many Terrorists (December 2022)

We Listen To Idiots (November 2022)

Social Media’s “Fake News” and Mainstream Media’s Half-Truths (November 2016)

The Big Lie About Al Aqsa Mosque Access Is Really About Jews

The first Friday or Ramadan came to Jerusalem amidst the 2023-4 Hamas War from Gaza. The jihadi-political party which leads the Palestinian army called upon Palestinians to confront Israel and come to the al Aqsa Mosque by the thousands.

Wafa, the official news agency of the Palestinian Authority took the other side of the jihadi extremist coin, and blamed Israel for blocking Muslims from visiting their holy site:

“Israeli occupation forces barred thousands of Palestinian Muslim worshippers from reaching the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem this morning to perform the first Friday prayer of the holy month of Ramadan.

Eyewitnesses reported a significant deployment of Israeli troops around the Qalandiya checkpoint to the north of Jerusalem, the Zeitoun checkpoint to its east, and Bethlehem to its south. Thousands of worshippers were turned back and denied access to the city under the pretext of not having the necessary permits.

The occupation forces also deployed thousands of police officers in the alleys of the Old City of Jerusalem, around the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and at its gates to restrict the entry of worshipers.

This action follows the installation yesterday of iron barriers at the gates of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, specifically at the gates of King Faisal, Al-Ghawanmeh, and Al-Hadid, in an attempt to exert more control over the entry of worshippers and to restrict access and freedom of worship in the holy site.

Of note, the occupation authorities have already been imposing strict restrictions on entry of worshipers to the Old City of Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque since the outbreak of the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Palestinian people in early October of last year.

Al-Aqsa Mosque is the third holiest place of worship for Muslims around the world after Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia. It has been under Israeli military occupation since 1967.”

The New York Times picked up on the Hamas and Palestinian Authority propaganda of Muslims going to al Aqsa but being denied access by Israelis.

The Times claimed that “Muslim access to the mosque has long been a point of contention… one of many restrictions endured by Palestinians living under Israeli occupation.” It picked up the theme from an article a few days earlier called “Navigating Israeli Restrictions, Many Palestinians Find It Hard To Reach Al Aqsa.

This is a miseducation and misdirection of the public in the extreme. It is Jews who suffer from restricted access to their holiest site in Judaism.

In the entirety of 2023, only 50,000 Jews got to visit the Jewish Temple Mount. That compares to over 1 million Muslims who came to the site over the single month of Ramadan.

The United Nations supports this discrimination against Jews at the Temple Mount. Tor Wennesland, the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, this week calledfor the status quo at the holy sites in Jerusalem to be upheld and respected,” meaning barring Jews from praying at their holiest site.

Jews are being banned from visiting their holiest site per the demands of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority which consider any Jew visiting Judaism’s most sacred location to be a form of “provocation.” More Muslims get to visit the al Aqsa/ Temple Mount Compound on a single day of Ramadan than Jews over an entire year.

Yet the press inverts the story that it is Muslims who are “enduring” restrictions when in fact it is the Jews who face UN-endorsed discrimination.

Related articles:

We Normalized Jew-Hatred For Years (December 2023)

Palestinian Propaganda Before The Gruesome Massacre (October 2023)

The United States Is “Morally, Historically, and Politically Wrong” About Jewish Prayer on Temple Mount (October 2023)

Palestinian Authority Continues To Incite Violence Against Jews On Temple Mount (May 2023)

On Defenses: Provocative and Legal / Unprovocative and Illegal (January 2023)

The New York Times Lies About Ben-Gvir And Muslim Arabs Regarding Temple Mount Visit (January 2023)

Reuters Anti-Jewish Disinformation Campaign About The Temple Mount (April 2022)

The Inalienable Right of Jews to Pray on The Temple Mount (November 2021)

Dignity for Israel: Jewish Prayer on the Temple Mount (May 2017)

The UN’s Disinterest in Jewish Rights at Jewish Holy Places (September 2015)

The US State Department’s Selective Preference of “Status Quos” (September 2015)

The United Nations and Holy Sites in the Holy Land (November 2014)

Who Will Protest Or Resign From NY Times For Posting Opinion From Hamas’s Gaza City Mayor?

On Christmas Eve, The New York Times chose to publish an opinion letter by the mayor of Gaza City, Yahya Sarraj. Sarraj was appointed to his role by the ruling authority of Gaza, Hamas.

Hamas was launched in 1987 as the Palestinian arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. Its 1988 charter is the most antisemitic foundational charter ever written, calling for the killing of Jews as a religious obligation by the world’s Muslims. Palestinians elected Hamas to 58% of the parliament in 2006 with this genocidal charter. On October 2023, it made good on its promise to Palestinians with the invasion and brutal slaughter of 1,200 people in Israel.

The Times figured that it would give its Sunday platform to a member of this U.S.-designated terrorist organization, as a form of support that people assume only comes from TikTok. Sarraj got to plead his case that Israel is attacking a peace-loving enclave. The dozens of squares, schools, buildings and tournaments named after terrorists in and around Gaza City were not listed. The polls which show that the vast majority of Gazans have consistently embraced killing Jewish civilians inside of Israel since 2000, was also omitted.

Have various Jewish and Zionist employees of The Times voiced their disgust at giving a platform for Hamas? Has the opinion editor been forced to resign the way James Bennet did after Sen. Tom Cotton wrote an op-ed in 2020?

Leaders of the Taliban, al Qaeda and ISIS were not given a prominent platform at The New York Times. But they hadn’t just killed over a thousand Jews.


Write to  letters@nytimes.com “Giving a platform to a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization is unlawful and immoral. You have put the lives of millions of Jews in danger by airing Hamas propaganda.”

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The New York Times Refuses to Label Hamas a Terrorist Group

Stopping the Purveyors of Hateful Propaganda

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Jewish Anti-Zionists’ Confession, Absolution And Fratricide

The Shrapnel of Intent

‘The Maiming of the Jew’

In San Francisco Schools, Anti-Zionism is Anti-Racism

Organized and Disorganized Antisemitism

Palestine Islamic Jihad: NY Times vs. State Department

No Israeli Good Deed Goes Unpunished For Amnesty International and NY Times

NY Times Repeatedly Tells Its Readers That An Israeli Supported A Mass Murderer, But Never That Many Palestinians Embrace Many Terrorists

NY Times Is Not Willfully Ignorant But Willfully Misleading About The Arab-Israeli Conflict

NY Times Dislikes ‘Judaizing’ Israel