CNN Willfully Whitewashes Palestinians Thirst For Jewish Blood

CNN posted an article called “Palestinian leader calls on world to ‘protect us,’ and his people respond with bitter laughter,” which highlighted how much the Palestinian Arab street dislikes its acting President Mahmoud Abbas. It cited various media posts that mocked the old man and his visit to the UNRWA camp in Jenin which housed Arab terrorists killed by the Israel Defense Forces.

The article continued that Palestinian people had “frustrations and aspirations” that were not met by the unpopular leader, and referenced a poll conducted by PCPSR in September 2022 that showed how dissatisfied people were with his leadership.

There have been three polls since that time, so it is unclear why CNN chose to highlight the one from September 2022. In that poll, Palestinian support for another intifada was at 48% (Q46_5), 56% favored NOT engaging in peace talks under international sponsorship (Q55) and 45% supported killing Jewish civilians inside Israel (Q65). The June 2023 poll showed an even greater desire for violence, with 53% supporting an intifada (Q38_5) and 57% support violence against Israeli Jews (Q70).

CNN wrote an article that made Palestinian Arabs “aspirations” seem peaceful and “frustrated” by an inept leader who has not advanced their appeal for sovereignty. The reality is that Arabs’ aspiration is for a land free of Jews and their embrace of violent jihad to achieve such aims.

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