“The Squad” Starts To Eat Its Own

Former Member of Congress, Mondaire Jones, came out against incumbent Rep. Jamaal Bowman in New York’s 16th District. Jones used to represent much of the district of lower Westchester in 2020, before redistricting changed the contours of NY’s congressional district and Jones opted to run in lower Manhattan, where he lost in the primary in 2022.

Many people have come out against Jamaal Bowman, a fiery far-left extremist who claims to be causing “good trouble” when he calls for “defunding the police”, “abolishing ICE” (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement), demanding $14 trillion of “reparations” for Black Americans, and ending U.S. support for the only Jewish State. What makes the Jones’ criticism of Bowman special is that it is coming from a Black progressive member of congress who used to represent many of Bowman’s constituents.

Mondaire Jones speaking in White Plains, NY while a member of Congress in June 2021

According to Jewish Insider, “Jones said he’s had conversations ‘all the time’ with Jewish residents in the district who are ‘horrified by his [Bowman’s] words and actions — it gives them anxiety. And it has contributed to the fearfulness that American Jews are feeling in this very heightened climate of increased hostility towards the Jewish community and Israel.’ [Jones added] ‘I will always stand up for my Jewish constituents. It’s just critically important we rebuke the extremists that some would have take over the Democratic Party.'”

Members of the extremist far-left “Squad” were appalled by Jones’ actions and comments that he is endorsing Westchester County Executive George Latimer, a White, 70-year old man for the position.

According to Semafor, Rep. Summer Lee, (D-PA) called the endorsement “incredibly disappointing.” Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) said “It’s disgusting. Here we have a former CPC [Congressional Progressive Caucus] and CBC [Congressional Black Caucus] member who’s endorsing against both a Progressive and Black man who was the first Black man in his seat.”

Lee and Bush are essentially parrots of Bowman in Congress, voting in the same manner nearly every time, as do AOC (D-NY) and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA).

The extreme left “Squad” essentially vote as a unified block, with 98-99% overlap. Chart above compares Bowman’s voting record against other progressives and New York Republicans for comparison. Data for 2023-4 118th Congress according to ProPublica.com

Almost all of the Westchester Democratic establishment has endorsed Latimer over the incumbent Bowman due to the latter’s vitriol and embarrassing actions. Now fellow Black progressives are turning on the censured Bowman in the homestretch towards the Democratic primary scheduled for June 25.

As Mondaire Jones said about Bowman, it is “critically important we rebuke the extremists that some would have take over the Democratic Party.” Bowman will hopefully be the first but not last to fall.


Vote and volunteer for Westchester County Executive George Latimer ASAP

Sign petition for Planned Parenthood to pull endorsement of rape denier Bowman

Related articles:

Latimer-Bowman Contest Is About Redistricting, Not October 7 (May 2024)

The Ongoing Embarrassment Of Jamaal Bowman Has Rallied The Local Democratic Establishment To George Latimer (April 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Is Unfit To Serve In Congress (November 2023)

The DSA Is Systematically Coming For Zionist Jews (August 2023)

The Center Of Intersectionality Sounds Like Adolf Hitler (July 2023)

As Democrats Become More Liberal And Anti-Israel, DMFI Sticks Fingers In The Dike (July 2022)

“Context” For Attacking People In The West Regarding Situation In The Middle East

Amid the current wave of Jew-hatred in the United States, there have been few incidents of violent attacks and murder thus far. But the vitriol from the socialist-jihadi alliance is still gathering steam as it tries to cement the foundation of the dehumanization of Jews by isolating and de-normalizing interactions with “Zionists.”

It is therefore worth looking at the United Kingdom which has experienced jihadi murder, with the recent sentencing of a Moroccan asylum seeker to life in prison for killing a stranger and attempted killing of an apostate, a man who converted from Islam to Christianity.

Ahmed Ali Alid murdered one person and attempted to kill a second in the United Kingdom in an effort to push the UK to change course on the Israeli-Hamas war

In her sentencing, British Judge Bobbie Cheema-Grubb said (34:50):

“Those who genuinely seek refuge in this country will embrace the values we hold dear. These values include respect for the value of each person as an individual with freedom to choose their political opinions without intimidation, and whether to observe a particular faith without fear or oppression. These moral and ethical principles are based on the Judeo-Christian foundation of our social structures. Not all ideas are of equal quality or integrity, but religious and political freedom is something that generations have fought for.

“Given my findings of fact, the murder of Terrence Carney and the attempted murder of Javid Nouri were attempted to subvert those values and to lead our government to pursue a particular course concerning the situation in Palestine by force and fear rather than through democratic means. This means that those offenses were of extreme gravity, even within the context of murder.”

The judge sentenced the jihadi murderer to 45 years in prison because the context for the killing went beyond the particular crime, and was executed to undermine core Western principles of freedom for political opinions and to practice faith without fear or intimidation. People must work within democratic norms to influence governmental action, and not via “force and fear.”

In the United States, formerly “elite” university presidents failed to comprehend such notion. They said before a congressional committee about antisemitism on college campuses, that calling for the genocide of Jews may or may not go against university code of conduct depending on “context.” For the university presidents, “context” depends on whether a call to annihilate Jews is voiced generally, or directed at specific Jews, as if Jews would not be intimidated or fearful by mobs chanting for their annihilation amongst themselves.

People are free to hate; there is no law that jihadists must love Jews or vice versa. However, there are established laws regarding harassing, intimidating and discriminating against people for their beliefs. And it is precisely those laws which are being ignored by law enforcement today as it relates to targeting Jews, as universities cave to the pressure of the mob.

Some Jews are being held as hostages in terrorist tunnels of Gaza as pawns for the political-terrorist group Hamas to barter with the Jewish State to release terrorists. In the Jewish diaspora, the jihadi-socialist alliance is encircling Jews to force administrations and governments to abandon support for Israel and dismantle the Judeo-Christian foundations of their societies.

It’s a jihadi barter: ransoming Jews and Judeo-Christian values for short-term calm. All know it is a matter of “extreme gravity,” yet many leaders feel compelled to tender their values and their Jews, and to let the future address the malignancy.

Related articles:

Drawing Muhammed On U.S. College Campuses (May 2024)

It’s Jewish: Kosher, Bris, Menorah, Mikvah, Land of Israel (April 2024)

Biden SOTU Mum On Tsunami Of Jew Hatred (March 2024)

The “Context” For October 7 Is Palestinians Prioritize Destroying Israel Over Getting Statehood (January 2024)

The Grave Humanitarian Crisis In Gaza Is About Values (January 2024)

Deformity Of Palestinian Culture In America’s Youth (October 2023)

Obstruction Of Free Exercise Of Religious Beliefs (June 2023)

Neo Nazis’ Day Of Hate; Radical Jihadists’ Day Of Rage (February 2023)

Biden Doesn’t Believe In His Own Religious Freedom Declaration (January 2023)

The Downhill Spiral From Washington To Biden On Anti-Semitism And Jewish Freedom of Worship (May 2022)

The Inalienable Right of Jews to Pray on The Temple Mount (November 2021)

Quantifying the Values of Gazans (May 2019)

BDS is a Movement by Radical Islamists and Far-Left Progressives to Block Your Freedoms (November 2018)

Obama’s “Values” Red Herring (June 2015)

Bibi’s Paris Speech in Context (February 2015)

Israel’s Freedom of the Press; New York Times “Nonsense” (October 2014)

When Enemies Of The Jews Use “Any Means Necessary”

For thousands of years, Jews have been hunted, caged, expelled and exterminated.

In 1791, Catherine II confined Jews into the “Pale of Settlement” which consisted of only 25% of Russian lands and forbade them from living anywhere else. Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s restricted Jews to ghettos before shipping them to extermination camps. The Germans and their allies killed 6 million Jews, one-third of the global population.

Today, radical jihadi organizations in the United States and elsewhere want to liquidate the land of Israel of its Jews, where roughly 45% of world Jewry lives. Groups like Within Our Lifetime and American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) were gleeful as Gazans went door-to-door on October 7, 2023 to rape women, shoot children before their parents and burn families alive.

WESPAC and the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) stand before Jewish schools and organizations and chant “by any means necessary” to intimate and harrass American Jews that the global intifada is here to claim more victims.

Members of WESPAC gather before a Jewish Day School in Westchester, NY calling for “Liberation by any means necessary” after the October 7 slaughter of 1,200 Jews in Israel

What is the defense against such people? Have they passed the point of rehabilitation? Should the focus be on limiting their power and influence? If so, by what means? Should they be prosecuted? Shut down or denied tax-exempt status?

Or is it to fight back similarly “by any means necessary,” that if they advocate for an immoral war, then the proportionate response is also by any means necessary, including advocating carpet-bombing Gaza? If they will protest in front of Jewish organizations, should Zionists map out every Muslim organization using the same tactic and confront children in school for complicity with heinous crimes against humanity?

Masked people outside of Columbia University calling for destroying the Jewish State “by any means necessary”

Jews and Zionists have tried to find a way to coexist with Arabs since they started returning to the Jewish holy land in greater numbers in the 1840s. The Arab response since 1920 has been a complete rejection of Jewish presence and rights.

Perhaps now is the time to not reply “in-kind” and refuse to allow evil actors to dictate the relationship between the groups.

Perhaps it is the moment for Jews to liberate themselves from antisemitism that has plagued them for centuries by being more assertive in claiming their basic human rights, which are being denied both by Arabs and the United Nations:

  • Declare United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 which made it illegal for Jews – and only Jews – to live in Judaism’s holiest city of the Old City of Jerusalem, a flagrant antisemitic edict, inherently illegal, and null and void as it denies Jews basic human rights
  • Declare that the Jordanian Waqf no longer can demand that Jews – and only Jews – cannot pray at Judaism’s holiest location on the Jewish Temple Mount, as it is a flagrant violation of Jews basic human rights

Antisemitic anti-Zionist groups are calling for violence to ethnically cleanse Jews from their holy land – as Palestinian Arabs have done for a century – and to come after Jews and Zionists globally. In reply, Jews and Zionists should stand tall and demand “by human rights means only”, demand basic civility to live freely anywhere and everywhere, and to pray openly at their holiest location.

Related articles:

US Fails To Lead Systemically Anti-Israel UN Security Council (March 2024)

The United States Is “Morally, Historically, and Politically Wrong” About Jewish Prayer on Temple Mount (October 2023)

The Terrorism Of Emasculated Palestinians (June 2023)

Dividing The Temple Mount Into Jewish And Muslim Sections (June 2023)

The Anti-Semitism In Anti-Zionism (March 2023)

You Cannot Be Progressive And Pro-Palestinian (October 2022)

Jews In Jerusalem Still Fighting For ‘Social Justice’ (May 2022)

The Inalienable Right of Jews to Pray on The Temple Mount (November 2021)

Zionism is Justice (July 2021)

Palestinian Actions Matter (July 2020)

The Insidious Jihad in America (July 2019)

Dignity for Israel: Jewish Prayer on the Temple Mount (May 2017)

Active and Reactive Provocations: Charlie Hebdo and the Temple Mount (October 2015)

Visitor Rights on the Temple Mount (October 2015)

The United Nations and Holy Sites in the Holy Land (November 2014)

Joint Prayer: The Cave of the Patriarchs and the Temple Mount (November 2014)

Hamas, CAIR, DSA, Within Our Lifetime, SJP Are All Gunning For Jews

Jews have enemies, and they are public and proud about gunning for Jews. Some are deranged individuals but others are members of organized groups like American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) with thousands of supporters and growing power.


Hamas is the ruling authority of Gaza and a political party which controls 58% of the seats of the Palestinian parliament. They are considered a terrorist group by much of the West, and just a political party by the United Nations.

Hamas’s stated goal is the eradication of the Jewish State of Israel. It has a religious calling, infused with a radical jihadi philosophy.

Hamas’s 1988 Foundation Charter is the most antisemitic political document in history, a sick combination of Adolph Hitler’s Mein Kampf and the Russian forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It’s goal of killing Jews with global support is found throughout the charter:

  • Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it.” (Opening)
  • “Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious.” (Preamble)
  • raise the banner of Jihad in the face of the oppressors, so that they would rid the land and the people of their uncleanliness, vileness and evils.” (Article 3)
  • raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine” (Article 6)
  • Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews)… there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him” (Article 7)
  • Nothing in nationalism is more significant or deeper than in the case when an enemy should tread Moslem land” (Article 12)
  • There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time” (Article 13)
  • In face of the Jews’ usurpation of Palestine, it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised…. the Palestinian problem is a religious problem, and should be dealt with on this basis.” (Article 15)
  • Zionist “organizations, hostile to humanity and Islam, will be obliterated.” (Article 17)
  • In their Nazi treatment, the Jews made no exception for women or children… [Jews] attack people where their breadwinning is concerned, extorting their money” (Article 20)
  • With their money, they took control of the world media, news agencies, the press, publishing houses, broadcasting stations, and others. With their money they stirred revolutions in various parts of the world with the purpose of achieving their interests and reaping the fruit therein…. They obtained the Balfour Declaration, formed the League of Nations through which they could rule the worldThey were behind World War II, through which they made huge financial gains by trading in armaments, and paved the way for the establishment of their state. It was they who instigated the replacement of the League of Nations with the United Nations and the Security Council to enable them to rule the world through them. There is no war going on anywhere, without having their finger in it.” (Article 22)
  • The Zionist invasion is a vicious invasion… using all evil and contemptible ways… infiltration and espionage operations on the secret organizations… aim at undermining societies, destroying values, corrupting consciences, deteriorating character and annihilating Islam. It is behind the drug trade and alcoholism in all its kinds so as to facilitate its control and expansion…. Israel, Judaism and Jews challenge Islam and the Moslem people.” (Article 28)
  • the ferocity of the Zionist offensive and the Zionist influence in many countries exercised through financial and media control.” (Article 30)
  • Peace and quiet would not be possible except under the wing of Islam… It is the duty of the followers of other religions to stop disputing the sovereignty of Islam in this region… The Zionist Nazi activities against our people will not last for long.” (Article 31)
  • The Zionist plan is limitless. After Palestine, the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, and their present conduct is the best proof of what we are saying.… here is no way out except by concentrating all powers and energies to face this Nazi, vicious Tatar invasion. The alternative is loss of one’s country, the dispersion of citizens, the spread of vice on earth and the destruction of religious values… fight with the warmongering Jews.” (Article 32)
  • everywhere in the Islamic world will come forward in response to the call of duty while loudly proclaiming: Hail to Jihad. Their cry will reach the heavens and will go on being resounded until liberation is achieved, the invaders vanquished” (Article 33)
  • Moslems were able to retrieve the land only when they stood under the wing of their religious banner… This is the only way to liberate Palestine… Nothing can overcome iron except iron.… confront the Zionist invasion and defeat it… rid themselves of the effects of ideological invasion.” (Article 34)

Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

CAIR should in theory, be a non-violent or toxic organization that advocates for Muslims in the United States. Alas, it is headed by antisemites who wish to attack Jewish institutions and run them out of the public square, as well as to destroy the only Jewish State.

The head of CAIR, Nihad Awad, defended the October 7 savage butchering of Israeli civilians. He has long said that  “Zionist organizations” are “enemies of the Muslim community” and that “Zionist organizations make up the core of the Islamophobia network in the United States.”

CAIR-San Francisco Bay Area Executive Director Zahra Billoo, addressing an American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) conference, made clear that all Zionists are enemies. “Know your enemies, and I’m not going to sugar-coat that. They are your enemies. There are organizations and infrastructure out there who are working to harm you. Make no mistake of it. They would sell you down the line if they could, and they very often do behind your back. I mean the Zionist organizations, I mean the foreign policy organizations that say they’re not Zionists but want a two-state solution. I’m not a Palestinian myself but it’s my understanding that that is laughable. So know your enemies.” Billoo listed some of them: “We need to pay attention to the Anti-Defamation League. We need to pay attention to the Jewish Federation. We need to pay attention to the Zionist synagogues. We need to pay attention to the Hillel chapters on our campuses. Because just because they’re your friend today, doesn’t mean that they have your back when it comes to human rights. So oppose the vehement fascists but oppose the polite Zionists too. They are not your friends.

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

The far-left DSA has long been against Israel and its “platform proudly states continued support for and involvement with the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, and efforts to eliminate U.S. military aid to Israel, while resisting the “normalization” of relationships between the Israeli government and other governments.” 

The DSA chapter in New York City asked candidates to pledge to not even visit Israel and see firsthand what is happening, and blindly follow Palestinian propaganda. The questionnaire asked “Do you pledge not to travel to Israel if elected to City Council in solidarity with Palestinians living under occupation?”

The organization went further and stated that EVERY Israeli Jew is fair game for violence in a June 2023 tweet that said “in a settler colonial context there are no such things as “civilians”, but disregarding that even, it’s total folly to honestly compare settlers perpetuating pogroms to resistance groups deploying violence to liberate themselves.” Note that the Palestinian narrative considers all of Israel to be a settlement, and thereby calls the presence of any Jew to be a member of the military and fair target for violence. Rep. Ritchie Torres was apoplectic and rebuked the DSA for “declaring them [Jews] fair game for violence and terror.

Within Our Lifetime (WOL)

Within Our Lifetime is a group that creates loud rallies calling for the destruction of Israel and calling to confront every group that supports Israel everywhere, including the United States. They insist that every Jew must be routed from “Palestine,” “We don’t want no two states. We want all of it!”

In their call to “Globalize the Intifada” they have a map of “Zionist organizations” in New York City (4:30) with a call for people to visit each of the locations.

In the immediate aftermath of October 7, the group chanted support for the killing of Jewish civilians in New York City’s Times Square in what they hoped was a war to destroy the “Zionist entity.”

SJP, within Our Lifetime and Palestine Youth Movement celebrate the killing of 1,200 Israelis in the immediate aftermath of the massacre

WOL is so fundamentally violent, Instagram removed their accounts in February 2024.

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)

SJP is a hate group with about 300 groups on college campuses around the United States. It believes that every Israeli Jew and Zionist is an enemy to be confronted “by any means necessary,” which means burning families alive, as Gazans did on October 7.

In the aftermath of the Gazan barabrity, SJP said this is a “historic win for the Palestinian resistance,” and “This is what it means to Free Palestine: not just slogans and rallies, but armed confrontation with the oppressors.

Israeli Jews have other enemies, such as the Palestinian Authority. The PA is headed by a Holocaust denier who has demanded a country devoid of any Jews. Palestinian Arabs are the most antisemitic group by far, with 93% holding antisemitic beliefs according to the ADL.

But these days, one has to put the garden-variety Jew-haters on the back-burner and focus on the antisemites who want to do Jews harm and have the means to do so. Those with weapons like Hamas must be fought with weaponry. Those with political clout like CAIR and the DSA must be fought politically. And those inciting violence like WOL and SJP must be fought legally.

Jihadis and the alt-left declared Zionists as sworn enemies and to be confronted “by any means necessary.” On October 7, the world learned what that means. How will Jews, Zionists, their supporters and governments protect them?

Related articles:

Sharansky on Churchill’s “We Shall Fight Them On The Beaches” Speech For Jews Today (December 2023)

CAIR Celebrates Sadistic Murder of Jews Because It Believes “Palestinian Human Rights” Demand The Destruction Of Israel (December 2023)

WESPAC, The Charitable Terrorist Supporters In Your Backyard (October 2023)

Know Your Enemies. This Is 1948 Redux (October 2023)

Antisemitism Is A Tool For Ethnic Cleansing (October 2023)

The Center Of Intersectionality Sounds Like Adolf Hitler (July 2023)

The Middle East with American Leaders that Back Friends and Punish Enemies (February 2023)

Islamic and Alt-Left Extremists Declare that Normalization With Zionists Is Against Sharia Law (June 2022)

WHY The Progressive Assault on Israel (June 2020)

The New York Times Whitewashes Motivation of Palestinian Assassin of Robert Kennedy (June 2018)

Why Did Jamaal Bowman Fly To Virginia To Fundraise With Hamas’ Backers?

On May 1, 2024, a lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern Division of Virginia by a group of victims of the October 7 Palestinian Arab heinous terrorist attack, against American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) and National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP). The suit asserts that AMP and NSJP work in the United States as collaborators and propagandists for Hamas, a US foreign terrorist organization.

Far-left extremist Congressman Jamaal Bowman of New York’s 16th District thought that the date was an ideal time to leave his district, and go to Virginia to solicit support and money from those same terrorist supporters.

The featured sponsor of the Bowman money-night was Osama Abu Irshaid, Executive Director of AMP. The Investigative Project on Terrorism did a full report on Irshaid in 2020 and AMP’s connection to the Hamas-linked Palestine Committee. IPT has continued to track AMP’s antisemitic and anti-Israel activities, as has Canary Mission.

Another highlighted speaker of the Bowman night was Nihad Awad, Executive Director and co-founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Awad has publicly stated his support for Hamas and tweeted after the October 7 butchery of Jewish civilians that “a riot is the language of the unheard.” On December 7, 2023, Awad spoke at an AMP event and called Gaza a “concentration camp” and he “was happy to see” the events of the day, adding that Gazans’ burning Jews alive was an “act of self defense.” President Joe Biden quickly condemned the vile comments and removed Awad from a federal antisemitism committee.

Through NSJP, AMP uses propaganda to intimidate, convince, and recruit uninformed, misguided, and impressionable college students to serve as foot soldiers for Hamas on campus and beyond. – Lawsuit filed May 1, 2024 against NSJP and AMP

So why would Bowman have supporters of Hamas terrorism headline a fundraiser? Why did Bowman leave his constituents in New York and fundraise in Virginia? Is this connected to Bowman’s refusal to attend a single event in a synagogue in Westchester since the October 7 massacre? Is it part of the rationale for his absence from attending the scene of an antisemitic hate crime in Scarsdale where his challenger Westchester County Executive George Latimer came and loudly rebuked antisemitism?

Through threats, violence, and vocal support for “globalizing” attacks against Jews and anyone who dares to support them, AMP and NSJP have intentionally instigated a mass culture of fear, threats, violence, and overt hatred to intimidate politicians and institutions for Hamas’s substantial benefit. – Lawsuit filed May 1, 2024 against NSJP and AMP

Bowman has decided to wear his Hamas shield proudly and fundraise from terrorist supporters outside of his district, while Americans and Israelis fight and sue for justice against the genocidal group.

Related articles:

Jamaal Bowman Is The Complete Package No One Wants (April 2024)

Over Half A Million Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians. They Are Being Sponsored In Congress By Tlaib And Bowman (March 2024)

Jamaal Bowman And Hamas (February 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Parrots Iran That American Exceptionalism Is A Lie Based In Racism (January 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Is Unfit To Serve In Congress (November 2023)

WESPAC, The Charitable Terrorist Supporters In Your Backyard (October 2023)

Jamaal Bowman Insists On Playing Dealer In The Dangerous Game Of Jew Hatred (July 2023)

Jamaal Bowman Does Not Recognize Discrimination Against Jews (June 2023)

Letter To Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY16) About Palestinian Support For Attacks (April 2023)

Why Does Rep. Jamaal Bowman Lie to Constituents? (December 2021)

The Zone Of Jew Hatred Interest

The Zone Of Interest‘ is an unusual Holocaust movie. It shows the daily life of the head of the Auschwitz concentration camp inside his home abutting the vast killing factory. Living a peaceful life with his wife and children, the viewer is struck by the carefree life of the Nazi officer and his family, treating the annihilation of European Jewry as simply a normal 9-to-5 job which supports the family in the way they always desired.

Part of the funding for the movie was from the government of Poland, and its influence can be seen in directing the audience to see that the true evil actors were the German Nazis and not Poles, who were portrayed as trying to help Jews in some way, dropping apples around the camp for Jews who managed to escape. Modern Poles are shown at the end of the film, keeping today’s Holocaust museum at the site tidy for tourists who can view the Jewish possessions which were not seized by the Nazis and their families. The actual rampant Polish Jew hatred is invisible in the film.

Vile Jew-hatred continues today, as do new movies, shows and museums focused on the global scourge. Many contrast past antisemitism to modern Jew-hatred such as the remarkable play ‘Prayer for the French Republic‘ as well as ‘Leopolstadt’. Others are devoted just to the Holocaust like the new museum in Amsterdam. Some try to tie antisemitism into the Arab-Israeli conflict like the opera ‘Death of Klinghoffer.

Tragically, many of the works of art about noxious Jew hatred have become awash in the Arab-Israeli conflict. It would appear that Jews being cast as victims – whether with posters of kidnapped Israeli Jewish civilians, or a Holocaust museum – is too much for Palestinian Arab supporters who want to see the Jewish State crushed.

At the March 2024 opening of the new Holocaust museum in Amsterdam, hundreds of protestors gathered outside to shout “Free, free Palestine” and “Viva, viva Intifada,” screaming for the destruction of the Jewish State and murder of Jews.

Anti-Israel demonstrators at the opening of the National Holocaust Museum in Amsterdam. Pic: AP

In the U.S., The New York Times published a grotesque opinion that compared Israel’s activities in trying to save its hostages and root out the perpetrators of the October 7 massacre to the Nazi family in ‘The Zone of Interest.’ Over-and-again it wrote of the “military siege of Gaza” and “Israel’s assault on Gaza” in a movie review about a Holocaust film.

NY Times lead opinion piece on March 9, 2024

The author, David Klein, could have stated his opinion about the War From Gaza without attaching his comments to a film about the systematic killing of 6 million Jews but he, and many like him, don’t want to. They want to strip Jews of any protection – offensive or defensive. The end of the article makes clear that he is against supplying Israel with weaponry to prosecute the Palestinian terrorist army of Hamas; appending his opinion to a Holocaust film is designed to also remove America’s shield for Israel at the United Nations and with resupplying the Iron Dome missile defense.

To make his refuse stink a bit less, Klein peppered the “AsAJew” line to protect himself from accusations of antisemitism.

Eli Lake penned an article in Commentary Magazine in March 2024 called “A Brief History of the ‘AsAJew’“. Lake sees this as a phenomenon of far-left diaspora Jews, as even progressives in Israel know that Hamas must be destroyed after the heinous barbarous attack which the terrorist group has threatened to repeat.

Lake described a long history of AsAJews during moments of Jewish suffering appealing to the antisemitic attackers to continue to persecute. He wrote that centuries ago, “the AsAJews of their day lobbied their hosts in the Diaspora to banish or convert the Jewish people to Christianity and to confiscate and burn the Talmud.” He details the story of a man in the 15th century named Johannes Pfefferkorn who converted from Judaism and helped fuel a mini crusade against his former co-religionists.

Times have changed some of the nouns in the anti-Semitic Mad Lib, but the story reads familiar.

Lake wrote, “In the Middle Ages, AsAJew converts were pawns the Church used to spread lies about the Talmud. In 2024, the AsAJews are not converts to Christianity. They are instead converts to the false prophecy of left-wing social-justice activism…. The anti-Semites of the Middle Ages needed AsAJews to provide credentials for the lies that justified their pogroms and expulsions. Today, Hamas and its allies in Iran need the AsAJews to persuade the Hague, European governments, and the White House to delegitimize Israel’s right to self-defense.”

I will add some observations on top of Lake’s. For centuries, antisemites including AsAJews, came for the Jews by attacking the religion itself. They concocted stories about Passover matzah in blood libels and the Talmud teaches black magic. Today’s cohort attack Jews and Jewish history, not the religion. They mock the Holocaust. They claim Jews have no history in the land of Israel and are “colonizers” who stole land from Arabs, and that Jews never had holy temples in Jerusalem so should be banned from prayer in a site that is solely holy to Muslims.

By ignoring religion, the modern day antisemites refuse to carry the antisemitic mantle because they are not attacking the religion, just bad actors who happen to be Jewish. The AsAJew allies provide a wide fig leaf for the charade, much as they’ve done for centuries.

Museums and films devoted to the heinous slaughter of Jews in the Holocaust, which would normally demonstrate the profound need for Jews to have self-determination, are being used by the alt-left and Islamic radicals to argue that Jews should be left to the wolves of Hamas. Some are not as shrill, and offer a tepid “both sides” support, blind to their echoing former President Donald Trump’s Charlottesville remarks.

‘The Zone of Interest’ Winning Best International Film on March 10, 2024, with callout to Israeli and Palestinian victims of terror

As antisemitism scales to terrifying levels around the world, the alt-left and Islamic radicals are turning works of art and remembrances of the deliberate mass butchering of Jews on October 7 and during the Holocaust into calls to attack Jews and the one Jewish State. Many progressive Jews are appalled and are abandoning their former partners-in-crime as now-revealed naked antisemites. But the AsAJews have remained steadfast and will share names and addresses of the Zionists, marking Jews as zealots who need to be punished for the good of mankind once again.

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The Normalization Deformity: No To Zionism and Peace; Yes To Massacres and Terrorism In a Global Intifada (January 2024)

Now Is The Time For Sabra, An Israeli Superhero, To Join Captain America (October 2022)

Watching Jews (October 2022)

Anti-Semites Don’t Ride In Cattle Cars (September 2022)

The Campus Inquisition (April 2022)

11 Hours in Colleyville, 7 Days in Entebbe (January 2022)

Humble Faith (October 2021)

Peter Beinart is an Apologist for Anti-Semites (December 2020)

Socialists Employ Arabs’ Four Step Battle Plan (July 2020)

For The New York Times, “From the River to the Sea” Is The Chant of Jewish and Christian Zealots (May 2020)

The March of Silent Feet (January 2020)

Iran’s New Favorite Jewish Scholars (December 2017)

Liberals’ Biggest Enemies of 2015 (December 2015)

Eyal Gilad Naftali Klinghoffer. The new Blood Libel. (June 2014)

The UN Has Joined The Jihadi Fray

The UN on Hamas

After the heinous butchering, raping and slaughtering of 1,200 people in Israel, the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres did not call for Hamas to be brought to justice nor did he lambast Muslim extremism. Instead, he called for Israel to use “maximum restraint” against the killers. It seemed bizarre to excuse mass terrorism but the rationale soon became clear.

Just last week, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths was more explicit about excusing Hamas’s atrocities and saidHamas is not a terrorist group for us, of course, as you know. It’s a political movement.”

The UN is correct at some level: Hamas is a popular Palestinian political party which was elected to 58% of the Palestinian parliament in 2006. It has had complete rule over Gaza since 2007. So it is indeed a political group. It is also a terrorist group and a deeply antisemitic group, but the UN refuses to acknowledge those two plain facts.

That is because the United Nations has long tried to distance the idea of “terrorism” and “Islamic extremism,” which are both at the heart of Hamas’s evil ideology.

On March 17, 2016, the then-United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon addressed the UN Human Rights Council about a “Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism.” At the event, the then-UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights Kate Gilmore said that “selective application of the term “violent extremism” only to Muslim believers reinforces intolerance and discrimination.”

UN Secretary General visits Gaza in 2010, even though the region was not a UN member state, and it was ruled by Hamas, a terrorist Group (Photo: Reuters)

At least in regards to Islamic extremists. The media and United Nations talk about “Israeli settler extremism” and “right-wing Israeli government,” all of the time but whitewash the brutal attacks committed by Islamic fanatics.

US Politicians And NGOs

Aggravating this horrible situation, people attempt to smear people discussing terrorism and vicious antisemitism of jihadi radicals, as “Islamophobes.” Rep. Ilhan Omar made several comments which were widely viewed as antisemitic in her first weeks in office and then inverted the perpetrator-and-victim saying, “what I am fearful of is that because [Rep.] Rashida [Tlaib] and I are Muslim, that a lot of Jewish colleagues, a lot of our Jewish constituents, a lot of our allies, go to thinking that everything we say about Israel, to be anti-Semitic, because we are Muslim.”

Years later in 2024, when Congress passed a resolution condemning Hamas’s mass raping and mutilation of Jewish women, Rep. Tlaib refused to join civilized society and simply voted ‘present.’ The sadism of the emasculated Palestinian men was absolved by a sitting elected American official.

Tlaib’s sponsors like the DSA say much the same. The Democratic Socialists of America said that every Israeli Jew is fair game for annihilation by “resistance groups” in the months before the October 7 massacre. CAIR’s Zahara Billoo clearly called all Jews are the “enemy.” The “Mapping Project” in Massachusetts created by proponents of boycotting Israel, tried to make the targeting of Jews easy by providing names and addresses of Jewish organizations.

Notorious antisemite Rep. Rashida Tlaib being embraced by censured Rep. Jamaal Bowman (photo: AP)

The Arts and Media

The art world found its muse in Palestinian jihadists.

John Adams composed an opera called “The Death of Klinghoffer,” with arias about Palestinian terrorists who killed an elderly wheelchair-bound American Jew and threw him off a ship. The New York Times said the Metropolitan Opera’s general manager, Peter Gelb, said that the composer “John Adams said that in composing ‘The Death of Klinghoffer’ he tried to understand the hijackers and their motivations, and to look for humanity in the terrorists.” The Times went on to call the opera a “masterpiece.”

The media world’s empathy and shield for non-Palestinian jihadists extends to those who murder Jews around the world.

In 2008, ten Pakistani men from the Lashkar-e-Tayyiba terrorist group entered Mumbai, India and started slaughtering people. After killing dozens of people at a train station and luxury hotel, the terrorists descended on a small Jewish community center run by a Chabad rabbi. The terrorists killed the rabbi and his pregnant wife along with others at the facility. At no point in the storyline did CNN convey that the Pakistani men were Muslim and that they belonged to a radical jihadi group.

In 2015, four radical Muslim men killed people at the publishing offices of the magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, France, and then entered a kosher supermarket to kill more Jews. While CNN mentioned that the terrorists were upset at Charlie Hebdo for printing a picture of the Islamic prophet Mohammed, it never wrote that the killers were jihadi extremists.

The problem is not limited to The New York Times and CNN. Reuters avoids calling Hamas a terrorist group in its articles while comfortably doing so for other terrorist organizations.

The jihadists and socialists have already entered the final phase of their war against the Jews. The Four Step Battle Plan started with 1) Denying the Enemy Rights and Legitimacy; 2) Gathering Masses to the Cause; 3) Removing the Enemy’s Defenses; and 4) Assembling the Armies for the Battle. They are now bringing the world into phase 2 at the International Court of Justice, to advance quickly to phase 3, to abandon the Jewish State and global Jewry.

When the United Nations says aloud what radical socialists and jihadists have argued for years, that Hamas is not an antisemitic jihadi terrorist group but a legitimate political actor, it is time to ring the alarm bells. Global “legitimate” actors are now backing Hamas and its supporters who attack Jews around the world, smearing Jews as supporters of an apartheid, colonizing Zionist regime, consequently not victims but fair targets for assault.

Related articles:

Know Your Enemies. This Is 1948 Redux (October 2023)

Palestinian Authority “Martyrs Fund” May Soon Fund Killing Jews in the US and UK (August 2023)

The Center Of Intersectionality Sounds Like Adolf Hitler (July 2023)

Neo Nazis’ Day Of Hate; Radical Jihadists’ Day Of Rage (February 2023)

Rashida Tlaib’s Modern ‘Mein Kampf’ (August 2021)

Excerpt of Hamas Charter to Share with Your Elected Officials (May 2021)

The Insidious Jihad in America (July 2019)

Examining Ilhan Omar’s Point About Muslim Antisemitism (March 2019)

Rep. Ilhan Omar and The 2001 Durban Racism Conference (March 2019)

Abbas’s Speech and the Window into Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism (May 2018)

Ban Ki Moon Stands with Gaza (July 2016)

Why the Media Ignores Jihadists in Israel (January 2015)

What do you Recognize in the Palestinians? (January 2015)

Eyal Gilad Naftali Klinghoffer. The new Blood Libel. (June 2014)

What Changed With October 7 Massacre

A month after the heinous massacre of October 7, the world feels very different, when in fact only a few things changed.

Hamas was a terrorist group at its founding in 1987, when it wrote its infamous 1988 charter, when Palestinian Arabs voted the group to 58% of parliament in 2006, and today. Their capabilities have gotten better while their intent to murder Jews and destroy the Jewish State remains constant.

The Israeli Defense Forces is seemingly capable of responding to the threat when given time but were horribly unprepared during that first day. The Palestinian jihadists were not able to launch an even more deadly invasion from the West Bank showing the important life-saving work of active intelligence and occasional raids into terrorists’ enclaves. The IDF had done no such raids into Gaza for two years.

In reality, much of the underlying matters have not changed much. However, the scale and barbarity of the attack has put Israeli society in shock. It cannot permit Hamas to maintain such genocidal capabilities to launch similar attacks.

The United States, Germany and several other western democracies are standing with Israel in its fight against jihadi terror. The American president and Secretary of State have both said that “Hamas is ISIS”, a lethal, radical Islamist group with a poisonous ideology which a global coalition helped defeat in Syria and Iraq.

It’s much of the rest of the world that changed.

While the Muslim world did not actively condemn the destruction of ISIS, they have rallied to the Palestinians as many have been killed in the effort to root out Hamas. Many governments have also excused Hamas’s atrocities and some even support it.

Worse, socialists around the world have been cheering Hamas’s slaughter. On college campuses, students and professors shout about their joy about the attacks, hailing it is the start of “decolonizing Palestine.”

Faced with clear footage of barbarism, the radical left is supporting genocidal maniacs. With the clarity that the conflict is not just about land but vicious racism and antisemitism, the alt-left is cleaving to the jihadists.

Socialists have demonstrated their depravity. They are not just indifferent but joyous to see Jews suffer.

I have long known about Hamas but I didn’t really know you.

October 7 did not change my view of Hamas.

October 8 changed my view of you.

Related articles:

The Asynchronous Audience At Jihadists’ Auto-da-Fe

Deformity Of Palestinian Culture In America’s Youth

United Kingdom’s Home Grown Terrorism, Abroad

Watching Jews

Why the Media Ignores Jihadists in Israel

An Open Letter To Progressive Diaspora Jews

Congressional Socialists Won’t Support Israel After Hamas Massacre

The Democratic Socialists Tell Lies and Half Truths About Lobbyists

Know Your Enemies. This Is 1948 Redux

Gaslighting Gas Chambers and Indigenousness

Gaslighting is the action of repeatedly lying to someone to make them question their sanity and truth in order to control them. It is typically used in a relationship between two people where the liar continues to fabricate reality to make the other party docile to blindly follow the wishes of the deceiver.

The Palestinians and anti-Zionists use the disinformation technique in the media and schools to fictionalize Jewish history, in order to dismantle the Jewish State.

Holocaust Denial

Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority wrote his doctoral thesis on Holocaust denial. It remains a foundation of his worldview.

On September 6, 2023, Abbas claimed that Adolf Hitler wasn’t really an anti-Semite but hated Jews because of their “social role” and actions in society. The goal of the statement was clear: Jews brought their own destruction upon themselves through bad behavior. Palestinians are similarly not the antisemites portrayed in polls (93% according to the ADL), but hate Jews because of their actions in Israel/Palestinian territories.

Holocaust denial is part of the fabric of Palestinian society at this point. In August 2022, Abbas said that the Israelis had perpetuated “50 Holocausts” upon the Palestinians. Hamas, which controls 58% of the Palestinian parliament, wrote in its 1988 foundational charter that Jews are behind all of wars in the world and behave like Nazis themselves.

The world is picking up the vile Holocaust denial and inserting it into the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Roger Cohen wrote an editorial in The New York Times that equated the Holocaust and the Nakba. Nikolas Kristof wrote that today’s Anne Frank is a Syrian Girl trying to flee a civil war. Somehow the methodical targeting of defenseless Jews by their own government for torture and annihilation has become a metaphor for a migraine.

The steady toxic drip is intended to make Jews forget and distort the horrors of the Holocaust to advance pro-Palestinian goals. Perhaps some Israeli Jews will move to their grandparents’ countries in Europe. Maybe Israel will lay down its defensive weapons and let Iran build a nuclear weapon and not react to Palestinian terrorism with such force. Surely if the Europeans and United States who fought and defeated the evil Nazis echo Holocaust denial, Jews may join the chorus and revise their understanding of the slaughter of the last generation.

Israel is NOT the Homeland of Jews

Abbas’s September 6 speech led off with a history lesson that European Jews are not really Jews but converts from Khazar.

All of them.

Every European Jew that was forced to convert to Christianity or Islam, or was killed in pogroms, the Inquisition or the Holocaust over the past 1,100 years weren’t even real Jews.

Abbas is trying to miseducate the world that he cannot be an antisemite for hating Israeli Jews because their not even Semites. Further, they cannot claim any roots in the holy land laid out in the Bible because they are only newer converts in the case of Ashkenazi Jews, and Mizrachi Jews are actually from the Arabian peninsula (3:10 in speech).

The Palestinian leader called the United Kingdom and the United States “enemies” of the Palestinian people (4:30 in speech) for advancing the Balfour Declaration and the Palestine Mandate which recognized “the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine” when those Ashkenazi Jews had no historical connection to the land.

Abbas also absolved the Arab world for expunging its Jews after World War II. He accused Israeli Prime Minister Ben Gurion of making life unbearable for the Jews in the Muslim world so they would be forced to flee to Israel (5:50 in the speech).

Abbas gaslighted Jews that the Muslim world is not antisemitic and did not chase one million Jews out of their homes. Jews did it to themselves, much as Abbas’ doctoral thesis claimed that Zionists convinced Hitler to make life impossible for Jews in Europe to force them to immigrate to a land that was not even their homeland.

Repeated often enough, gaslighting works. People adopt the new narrative and blindly follow the parties with the power to mark history. Jews did it to themselves, as seen in millions of Jews who believe that the Kotel, the Western wall in Jerusalem, is Judaism’s holiest space and not the Temple Mount itself.

There is a new group called The Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism which is trying to decouple the study of Zionism from Jewish Studies program in universities, and place it in “settler colonial studies” and put it in the context of “repressive work and solidarities” since “Zionism’s project extends beyond the borders of Palestine.” These efforts are now being pushed in the University of California school systems and at New York University. While there is pushback, over time, the antisemitic radicals will likely prevail.

The insidious inanity that Zionism is racism AND colonialism will eventually be taught to your children.

The binding of Palestinian antisemitism with Critical Race Theory is part of the global intifada to divorce Jews from the holy land and paint them as evil interlopers. The disinformation campaign is being waged to isolate Jews and make them doubt their own history and moral standing, to ultimately cave to the jihadist demands of the Palestinian wolves next door.

Related articles:

The Left Wing’s Accelerating Assault on the Holocaust

The Cancer in the Arab-Israeli Conflict

In San Francisco Schools, Anti-Zionism is Anti-Racism

Abbas’ European Audience for His Rantings

‘Critical Race Theory’ in Palestinian Schools Calls For The Murder of Israeli Jews

Is NYC Mayor Adams Going To Israel To Discuss Battling Antisemitism?

New York City is home to the largest Jewish diaspora. It is also home to some of the worst antisemitism in the world.

According to the ADL, 2022 was the worst reported year of antisemitic attacks since it started tracking incidents in 1979, and New York State and New York City had record breaking numbers of incidents. The NYPD data showed that Jews were the most targeted ethnic group by a wide margin.

The city now has members on the city council (left-wing DSA member Shahana Hanif) who refuse to condemn Jew hatred in the city saying Jews don’t care for anyone but themselves. Two DSA-supported members of congress from the NYC area, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman are both openly hostile to the Jewish State, a phenomenon never seen in the metropolitan area’s history.

So it was curious to see how the news reacted to New York City mayor Eric Adams visiting Israel in August 2023.

The Jewish sites zeroed in on the current wave of Jew hatred. The Times of Israel led with the mayor coming to Jerusalem to combat antisemitism. The Algemeiner led with the same, and added a bit about learning about Israeli technology. The Forward also focused on the same issues. The Jerusalem Post captured Adam’s first day of touring discussing his meeting with various faith groups to fight against antisemitism. 

The New York Times went in the opposite direction. It made the trip predominantly about Adams seeking reelection and wanting to win over Orthodox Jewish voters in New York. The NYT article didn’t delve into the trip’s focus on antisemitism until the third to last paragraph. Much of the article was about political crises and New Yorkers being unhappy about the direction of the Jewish State “who fear Israel is abandoning its democratic traditions.” When it wrote about the mayor’s visit to an interfaith group it was to “address global problems, such as migrant crises and wars,” not Jew hatred.

While The New York Post also led with a focus on politics, it had a very different narrative than the NYT. It spent time discussing antisemitism towards the top of the article: “Adams spent Monday speaking with Jewish, Muslim, Christian and Druze representatives in Israel, saying now is the time to act on one’s faith, according to the Times of Israel. “What we learn in our churches, synagogues and mosques cannot remain in the sterilized environment of our places of faith,” the mayor said. Hizzoner’s visit also comes as antisemitic violence continues throughout the five boroughs, although hate crimes citywide declined by approximately 8% compared to last year, based on a recent NYPD report.” It tied the meeting with interfaith group to fighting antisemitism, not migrant crises as the Times opted to write.

The exact same story told from three different perspectives: Jewish publications focused on rampant antisemitism in NYC; New York’s right-leaning paper implied a city broadly supporting Israel and worried about antisemitism; and the left-wing Times which conveyed that New Yorkers generally disliking the current Israeli government and not very worried about global or local antisemitism.

The media writes for its audience, and The New York Times’ readers do not like Israel and aren’t very concerned about antisemitism.

Related articles:

The Media’s Divergent Coverage of Abbas’ “50 Holocausts”

No Israeli Good Deed Goes Unpunished For Amnesty International and NY Times

NY Times Repeatedly Tells Its Readers That An Israeli Supported A Mass Murderer, But Never That Many Palestinians Embrace Many Terrorists

The Media Splits on Showing “Islamic Terrorism” and its Presence in Israel

NY Times Sees Neither Antisemitism Nor Dead Jews in Reporting on Murder of Two Jewish Cousins Outside A Synagogue During Religious Pilgrimage

Palestine Islamic Jihad: NY Times vs. State Department

NY Times Does Not See Antisemitism In Texas Shooting

NY Times Is Not Willfully Ignorant But Willfully Misleading About The Arab-Israeli Conflict

NY Times Dislikes ‘Judaizing’ Israel

“An anti-Semitic Tinge”