Why Did Jamaal Bowman Fly To Virginia To Fundraise With Hamas’ Backers?

On May 1, 2024, a lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern Division of Virginia by a group of victims of the October 7 Palestinian Arab heinous terrorist attack, against American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) and National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP). The suit asserts that AMP and NSJP work in the United States as collaborators and propagandists for Hamas, a US foreign terrorist organization.

Far-left extremist Congressman Jamaal Bowman of New York’s 16th District thought that the date was an ideal time to leave his district, and go to Virginia to solicit support and money from those same terrorist supporters.

The featured sponsor of the Bowman money-night was Osama Abu Irshaid, Executive Director of AMP. The Investigative Project on Terrorism did a full report on Irshaid in 2020 and AMP’s connection to the Hamas-linked Palestine Committee. IPT has continued to track AMP’s antisemitic and anti-Israel activities, as has Canary Mission.

Another highlighted speaker of the Bowman night was Nihad Awad, Executive Director and co-founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Awad has publicly stated his support for Hamas and tweeted after the October 7 butchery of Jewish civilians that “a riot is the language of the unheard.” On December 7, 2023, Awad spoke at an AMP event and called Gaza a “concentration camp” and he “was happy to see” the events of the day, adding that Gazans’ burning Jews alive was an “act of self defense.” President Joe Biden quickly condemned the vile comments and removed Awad from a federal antisemitism committee.

Through NSJP, AMP uses propaganda to intimidate, convince, and recruit uninformed, misguided, and impressionable college students to serve as foot soldiers for Hamas on campus and beyond. – Lawsuit filed May 1, 2024 against NSJP and AMP

So why would Bowman have supporters of Hamas terrorism headline a fundraiser? Why did Bowman leave his constituents in New York and fundraise in Virginia? Is this connected to Bowman’s refusal to attend a single event in a synagogue in Westchester since the October 7 massacre? Is it part of the rationale for his absence from attending the scene of an antisemitic hate crime in Scarsdale where his challenger Westchester County Executive George Latimer came and loudly rebuked antisemitism?

Through threats, violence, and vocal support for “globalizing” attacks against Jews and anyone who dares to support them, AMP and NSJP have intentionally instigated a mass culture of fear, threats, violence, and overt hatred to intimidate politicians and institutions for Hamas’s substantial benefit. – Lawsuit filed May 1, 2024 against NSJP and AMP

Bowman has decided to wear his Hamas shield proudly and fundraise from terrorist supporters outside of his district, while Americans and Israelis fight and sue for justice against the genocidal group.

Related articles:

Jamaal Bowman Is The Complete Package No One Wants (April 2024)

Over Half A Million Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians. They Are Being Sponsored In Congress By Tlaib And Bowman (March 2024)

Jamaal Bowman And Hamas (February 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Parrots Iran That American Exceptionalism Is A Lie Based In Racism (January 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Is Unfit To Serve In Congress (November 2023)

WESPAC, The Charitable Terrorist Supporters In Your Backyard (October 2023)

Jamaal Bowman Insists On Playing Dealer In The Dangerous Game Of Jew Hatred (July 2023)

Jamaal Bowman Does Not Recognize Discrimination Against Jews (June 2023)

Letter To Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY16) About Palestinian Support For Attacks (April 2023)

Why Does Rep. Jamaal Bowman Lie to Constituents? (December 2021)

Every Picture And Headline Tells A Story: Columbia’s Pro-Palestinian Students Are NOT Antisemitic

The New York Times loves to tell stories with pictures and captions alongside its articles. It has a long history of using those visuals to downplay Palestinian Arab terrorism and antisemitism, as well as to magnify Israeli violence.

The paper also does this in its backyard of New York City, where it sanitizes Palestinian supporters’ antisemitism.

Antisemitic attacks, harassment and intimidation have become rampant on college campuses and at Columbia University in NYC, in particular. Last week, the head of the university and board members were summoned to testify before congress to address the scourge that had taken over the campus. In the aftermath of that testimony where Columbia’s leaders readily acknowledged the horrible situation for Jews on campus, things actually got worse.

Chants of “there is only one solution, intifada revolution” were heard throughout the campus and surrounding streets, in calls to terrorize and slaughter Israeli Jews. There were additional calls to “globalize the intifada” to bring the massacres to diaspora Jewry.

Jews were taunted with “Go back to Poland” and “we don’t want Zionists here!” Some Hamas supporters yelled “we’re all Hamas, pig!” at Jews walking by.

The situation was so toxic, that the Orthodox rabbi at Columbia/Barnard told his community that Columbia clearly “cannot guarantee Jewish students’ safety in the face of extreme antisemitism and anarchy,” and as such, recommended that Jewish students go home and not return to campus until matters settled.

President Biden echoed the disgust in his Passover remarks stating “This blatant Antisemitism is reprehensible and dangerous – and it has absolutely no place on college campuses, or anywhere in our country.”

The appalling situation was obvious to anyone who looked at the dynamics. But not for the Times which has an agenda to minimize antisemitism which might cloud the narrative that Palestinians are the only victims in this story.

The headline ran that “some Jewish students feel targeted” with a sub-header that other Jews “rejected that view,” informing viewers in bold that the whole narrative of antisemitism among the pro-Palestinian protestors is highly questionable.

The lead image showed marchers “apparently unaffiliated with Columbia” who “reportedly shouted at Jewish students.” There are dozens of videos showing the harassment, so why add the “reportedly” to make the claim dubious?

The article continued with a picture of “a Jewish graduate student” sitting comfortably on the campus green noting “he doesn’t feel unsafe” as well as another picture of women in kafiyehs with a caption that “many of the pro-Palestinian demonstrators at Columbia are Jewish.” Clearly the Times wanted viewers to internalize that this protest could not be antisemitic, as Jews participated.

The final picture of the protestors was taken from above at night, with tents huddled together in a peaceful shot of the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment.”

For the casual/Instagram-oriented reader who just scans the headlines, pictures and captions, the story was that Arabs, Jews and others were participating in anti-war peaceful protests on campus, with some people from outside the university perhaps saying something which might be construed as antisemitic. Any actions taken by the school administration against the student demonstrators was therefore unwarranted, and pressured by the too sensitive (and too powerful) Jews.

Just to get YOUR antisemitic attitudes up a few notches.

Even as Jews were targeted for attack and fled from university life, The Times told its readers that “pro-Palestinian demonstrators” are neither pro-Hamas nor antisemitic. It’s an alt-left / jihadi marketing ploy, marketed by the “axis of resistance” of Iran-Russia-China; their proxies of Hizbullah and Hamas in the Middle East; Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Jamaal Bowman in Congress; Students for Justice in Palestine on college campuses; and the alt-left media like The New York Times.

Know that when the alt-left demands that White people give up their privilege, they also demand that Jews give up their victim hood and rights to protection.

Related articles:

NY Times Minimizes Antisemitism While Flagging Islamophobia (November 2023)

New York Times Opinion Section Completely Fails Empathy For Slaughtered Jews With Outright Lies (October 2023)

Every Picture Tells A Story: No Brutal Slaughter Of Israeli Civilians (October 2023)

Palestine Islamic Jihad: NY Times vs. State Department (May 2023)

NY Times Does Not See Antisemitism In Texas Shooting (May 2023)

Every Picture And Headline Tells A Story: Raid On Terrorists (January 2023)

NY Times Repeatedly Tells Its Readers That An Israeli Supported A Mass Murderer, But Never That Many Palestinians Embrace Many Terrorists (December 2022)

New York Times’ Muslim Anti-Semitism Washing (October 2022)

NY Times Is Not Willfully Ignorant But Willfully Misleading About The Arab-Israeli Conflict (July 2022)

New York Times Mum on Muslim Anti-Semitism (January 2022)

Every Picture Tells a Story: Israel Is Scared of Female Iranian Shoppers (February 2021)

NY Times Considers Notion That Terrorism Against Israel is a Matter of Free Speech (January 2021)

Every Picture Tells A Story: Palestinian Terrorists are Victims (November 2020)

For The New York Times, “From the River to the Sea” Is The Chant of Jewish and Christian Zealots (May 2020)

The NY Times Will Not Write About the Preferred Violence of Palestinians (July 2019)

For The NY Times, Antisemitism Exists Because the Alt-Right is Racist and Israel is Racist (April 2019)

Every Picture Tells a Story: Anti-Semitism (February 2017)

Every Picture Tells a Story: Versions of Reality (October 2015)

Every Picture Tells a Story, the Bibi Monster (July 2014)

Every Picture Tells a Story, Don’t It? (July 2014)

The Hangman’s Noose For Jews, Held Aloft And Chanted On College Campuses

The hangman’s noose has long been viewed as a potent symbol of racism against Black people in the United States. As the NAACP has written about the noose, it “has been used both directly and symbolically throughout American history to racially lynch, kill, terrorize and threaten African Americans, other racial or ethnic minority Americans and their allies.” As such, many municipalities – including New York City – enacted special hate crime laws which capture the noose alongside a swastika as a symbol of hate and terror.

The Southern Poverty Law Center wrote about the difference between simply displaying a noose, which may be protected by the First Amendment under free speech, to a threat to violence. It summarized a Supreme Court ruling on cross burnings which can be applied to hanging nooses:

“In her majority opinion in Virginia v. Black, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor defined true threats as “those statements where the speaker means to communicate a serious expression of an intent to commit an act of unlawful violence to a particular individual or group of individuals.” She noted “that the history of cross burning in this country shows that cross burning is often intimidating, intended to create a pervasive fear in victims that they are a target of violence.” O’Connor also recognized, however, that “a burning cross does not inevitably convey a message of intimidation.” For this reason, the court invalidated the part of the Virginia law that provided that any cross burning at all “shall be prima facie evidence of an intent to intimidate a person or group of persons.” In other words, prosecutors must prove an intent to intimidate; the First Amendment will not allow intent to be presumed.”

The phrase “globalize the Intifada” is Jews’ hangman noose, a phrase being used today to intentionally terrorize Jews on college campuses and on America’s streets.

Columbia University in New York City is becoming ground zero north for American Jewry, akin to ground zero south at the World Trade Center attacks of September 11, 2001 for the United States. The so-called “pro-Palestinian protests” are loud and deliberate calls to taunt, intimidate and threaten violence against global Jewry.

The cheers of “there is only one solution: intifada revolution” and “never forget the 7th of October” shouted at Jewish students are not simply calls for the destruction of the only Jewish State; they are calls for violence against Jewish civilians in the diaspora. As preached on college campuses and by the Democratic Socialists of America “in a settler colonial context there are no such things as ‘civilians'”, blessing the barbarity of the October 7 massacre.

The celebrations of the heinous and brutal slaughter of Jewish civilians on America’s streets and universities is a profound deformity in our culture but not a crime in itself. However, the chants to “globalize the intifada” shouted at Jews are hate crimes which must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Failure to do so is an abandonment of American Jews, the most persecuted minority, and a sign of the breakdown of society. Terrifyingly, that is the precise goal of the “axis of resistance” of Iran-Russia-China, backed on these shores by the DSA, the alt-left “Squad” and their supporters at leading universities.

Related articles:

The Normalization Deformity: No To Zionism and Peace; Yes To Massacres and Terrorism In a Global Intifada (January 2024)

Palestinian Authority Tries To Fan Flame Of Global Intifada While War Rages In Gaza (October 2023)

Palestinian Authority “Martyrs Fund” May Soon Fund Killing Jews in the US and UK (August 2023)

The Global Intifada (July 2021)

The Current Intifada against Everyone (November 2015)

Pick Your Jihad; Choose Your Infidel (September 2014)

The Banners of Jihad (September 2014)

Stop Calling Them “Pro-Palestinian Protests”

Many people and writers for mainstream and social media use terms like “pro-Palestinian” to describe protests like those held at Columbia University.

The New York Times writing about “pro-Palestinian” demonstrations on April 17, 2024 which were actually pro-Hamas and anti-Israel

The New York Times published an article that made it sound like young adults at Columbia University were respectfully and peacefully advocating for Palestinian Arabs. That “many Jewish people” found the protests to be antisemitic would therefore seem strange, as Jews would likely not view pro-Israel protests as being anti-Muslim. Arguably, anyone advocating for a two-state solution to the conflict is both pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli. It begs a reader to ponder whether Jews are way too sensitive or the term “pro-Palestinian” is simply incorrect.

What was happening at these “pro-Palestinian protests?”

Long live the Intifada

The chant on Columbia’s main campus of “long live the intifada” is a jihadi genocial chant to kill Jews. It is not “pro-Palestinian” but both anti-Israel and antisemitic.


Chants on Columbia’s campus to “divest” from businesses in Israel are anti-Israel, not pro-Palestinian.

We don’t want no Zionists here

Screaming around the campus that “we don’t want no Zionists here” is not pro-Palestinian but anti-Israel supporters.

Get the f*** out of here, have some shame. Don’t f***ing show your face here again you piece of sh**. Your mom is a wh***

Covered in a kaffiyeh, it’s surreal to watch an anti-Zionist shout at someone to not “”show your face here again.” But intimidation and illogic are cornerstones of haters hating.

We are all Hamas, pig!

Standing on the street alongside Columbia and shouting at a Jew “keep on moving you Zionist pig” and “we are all Hamas”, swearing allegiance to the antisemitic genocial group that has directly and indirectly caused the deaths of tens of thousands of people is both anti-Israel and antisemitic. It should also be viewed as full-throated support for a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization and a criminal act, especially when yelled at an individual with the intent to intimidate and terrorize.

Ripping an Israeli flag and punching someone in the face

Violence against someone normally carries a misdemeanor charge of assault or battery. When a group of people surround a single individual and taunt him with “kill yourself” and rip an Israeli flag, the action may be a felony. It certainly is not simply taking part in a “boisterous pro-Palestinian demonstration.”

Free, Free Palestine,” and “There is only one solution, Intifada revolution

Calling for a violent jihadi “intifada revolution” on the streets outside and on the main campus of Columbia is both antisemitic, anti-Israel and vocal support for killing Jews and expelling them from their homeland. How is that a form of “pro-Palestinian protest?”

Al-Qassam, you make us proud, kill another soldier now!

Cheering the Hamas military wing, a designated a terrorist organization by multiple countries, is anti-Israel and pro-terrorism, as is showing off a Hamas flag. It does not mark a pro-Palestinian protest.

We don’t want two states! We want ’48

Marching outside Columbia’s gates shouting for the destruction of Israel and replacing it with a new country of Palestine, which didn’t even exist in 1948, is anti-Israel.

Never forget the 7th of October. That will happen not one more time, not five more times, not 10…100…1000…10,000…The 7th of October is going to be every day for you.

Yelling at two Jewish students standing outside of Columbia University’s gates that the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust will be “every day for you” is either a wish or threat. Either way, it is profoundly anti-Israel and antisemitic.

By any means necessary

Columbia students chant that raping Jewish women, killing Jewish children, shooting elderly Jews, burning Jewish families alive, is moral, legal and appreciated. Civil society knows it to be deeply immoral, anti-Israel and antisemitic. The least one can do is clearly label it.

Demonstrators rally at an “All out for Gaza” protest at Columbia University in New York in November, 2023 (photo: Bryan R. Smith)

If people were engaged in peaceful “pro-Palestinian protests,” 80% of them wouldn’t be hiding behind masks. They know they are part of an antisemitic jihadi cabal that supports destroying the Jewish State, so why is the media soft-selling their antisemitism and genocidal intentions?

Related articles:

The Normalization Deformity: No To Zionism and Peace; Yes To Massacres and Terrorism In a Global Intifada (January 2024)

Columbia University Completely Fails Mission. And Jews (October 2023)

Palestinian Hate Speech (May 2023)

New York Times’ Muslim Anti-Semitism Washing (October 2022)

The New York Times Continues ‘Powerful Jew’ Myth (June 2022)

No Jews Killed In New York Times Telling Of Palestinian Terror Wave (May 2022)

New York Times Mum on Muslim Anti-Semitism (January 2022)

The Scary Growth of Terrorist Propaganda (November 2021)

Hamas’s Willing Executioners (July 2021)

Excerpt of Hamas Charter to Share with Your Elected Officials (May 2021)

New York Times Recharacterizes Hamas as a Right-Wing Terrorist Group (September 2020)

For The New York Times, “From the River to the Sea” Is The Chant of Jewish and Christian Zealots (May 2020)

Even The New York Times Needs to Fire David Halbfinger (May 2020)

Is Antisemitic Graffiti a Hate Crime? (December 2019)

The Insidious Jihad in America (July 2019)

The New York Times Excuses Palestinian “Localized Expressions of Impatience.” I Mean Rockets. (May 2019)

What Kind of Hate Kills? (October 2018)

Uncomfortable vs. Dangerous Free Speech (October 2017)

Take Names in the Propaganda War (March 2017)

Stopping the Purveyors of Hateful Propaganda (September 2016)

The UN is Watering the Seeds of Anti-Jewish Hate Speech for Future Massacres (May 2016)

Jamaal Bowman Is Either An Ignoramus Or A Madman Looking To Put Millions Of Lives In Danger

On April 14, 2024, The Islamic Republic of Iran fired hundreds of missiles and drones at the State of Israel. It was the first time Iran fired upon Israel from its own territory, as it had historically used its proxies of Hezbollah in Lebanon, Houthis in Yemen, Hamas in Gaza and the government of Syria to attack the Jewish State.

The United States has labeled Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism since 1984. The State Department highlights Iran supplying “weapons to Hizballah, Iran’s primary terrorist proxy group,” as well as “providing weapons systems and other support to Hamas and other U.S.-designated Palestinian terrorist groups, including Palestine Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command.  These groups were behind numerous deadly attacks originating in Gaza and the West Bank.”

Iran and its proxies have been responsible for the deaths of thousands of Israelis; on October 7, 2023 as well as since and before that date. It is the root cause of instability and war in the region, and for the deaths of thousands outside of Israel as well.

These are well established facts and known to anyone with passing knowledge of the region. It is terrifying that a sitting member of congress is either too ignorant to know this or more frighteningly, chooses to ignore reality to conjure a fantasy which falsely inverts cause-and-effect to act as a protector of the axis of evil of Iran-Russia-Syria and their proxies.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman, is such a disgrace. At best he can be called a fool and at worst, a man dedicated to the destruction of Israel and America.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman tweet after Iran fired hundreds of missiles at America’s ally of Israel

Bowman said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu caused the “escalation” via his “warmongering.” He charged Netanyahu as being a “madman” who is “willing to endanger the lives of millions just to draw the US deeper into a conflict.”

Not only does Bowman fail to comprehend that Iran is behind the entire war apparatus in “Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Iraq”, he falsely asserted that Israel is not only not being defensive, but outrageously claimed that Israel is offensive just to draw America into the war.

Alarmingly, Bowman is getting more radical supporters for his outlandish statements, including young people covered in Palestinian kaffiyehs, some with Palestinian flags around their shoulders, some waving Palestinian flags and others in front of hanging Palestinian flags. They are calling for “death to Israel” and “death to America”; for repeats of October 7 in Israel and September 11 in the U.S.A., as they cut checks to and support terrorist groups.

Vote on H.R. 6408 on April 15, 2024 to terminate tax-exempt status for terrorist supporting organizations passed with almost complete support – except for the far-left extremists of the “Squad” including Jamaal Bowman

The Obama Doctrine of placating Iran with billions of dollars and leaving its nuclear program intact is bearing fruit a decade later in Israeli kibbutzim and on American streets. Political anarchists like Bowman, who shout “defund the police” and “defund Israel” are seeking to set the Western world aflame.


  • In NY-16, extremist Rep. Jamaal Bowman is being challenged by Westchester County Executive George Latimer. Donate to Latimer here.
  • In MO-1, extremist Rep. Cori Bush is being challenged by public defender Wesley Bell. Donate to Bell here.
  • In MN-05, extremist Rep. Ilhan Omar is being challenged by Minneapolis City Council member Don Samuels. Donate to Samuels here.
  • In PA-12, extremist Summer Lee is being challenged by local legislator Bhavini Patel. Donate to Patel here.
  • Write to the White House and your local politician to supply Israel with full military support to confront the axis of evil of Iran-Russia-Syria and their proxies.

Related articles:

Jamaal Bowman Parrots Iran That American Exceptionalism Is A Lie Based In Racism (January 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Is Unfit To Serve In Congress (November 2023)

The DSA Is Systematically Coming For Zionist Jews (August 2023)

Palestinian Authority “Martyrs Fund” May Soon Fund Killing Jews in the US and UK (August 2023)

Act Against The Antisemitic Slanderers And Definitely Those In Power (August 2023)

The Center Of Intersectionality Sounds Like Adolf Hitler (July 2023)

Lunatics To Love And Loathe (October 2022)

The Insidious Jihad in America (July 2019)

Is Ilhan Omar’s Mentor the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei? (March 2019)

Please Don’t Vote for a Democratic Socialist (November 2018)

Paying to Murder Jews: From Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Iran to the Palestinian Authority (December 2017)

Time To Sentence The United Nations For Involuntary Manslaughter

James and Jennifer Crumbley were found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for a crime they did not physically commit. Their teenage son shot and killed several classmates, and the courts sentenced the couple to 10 to 15 years for turning a blind eye to what was clearly a toxic situation.

Even though prosecutors did not advance an argument regarding the parents knowledge (or lack thereof) that their son planned to commit the heinous attack, the courts found that the parents ignored all of the warning signs that their son was a troubled teen and nevertheless, bought him a gun, and did not have it locked away. As guardians of their son, the U.S. courts ruled that the parents were guilty of essentially pouring flammable fluid around a pyromaniac.

Should this ruling hold up, it could have ramifications for many other guardian-ward situations, such as the United Nations and their Palestinian Arab wards.

The UN has long adopted Palestinian Arabs as their wards, setting up distinct agencies like UNRWA to care for them, hosting countless sessions and agenda items surrounding their situation, hiring special “rapporteurs” to look into their well-being, et cetera. These agencies have all been complicit in the ongoing situation in the Middle East and Gaza specifically.

  • UNRWA runs the school system in Gaza which lies to the youth that Israel is an illegal entity and occupier of Palestinian land
  • UNRWA runs the “refugee” camps for millions of Arabs who live in historic “Palestine” in Gaza and the West Bank.
  • The United Nations promises millions of “refugees” that their future is in Israel, just over the fence
  • UNRWA hires thousands of local Arabs, many of which are members of terrorist groups including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, devoted to killing Jews
  • The UN has invested billions of dollars into the UNRWA schools, hospitals, apartments and micro loans, all in coordination with Hamas which rules Gaza, even though Hamas has the destruction of Israel a core part of its philosophy and foundational charter

Even though Israel left Gaza in 2005, Gazans did not focus on building a thriving independent peaceful society. Gazans expressed greater support for killing Jewish civilians inside Israel even before Hamas took which triggered the Israeli and Egyptian blockade. All the while, the number of missiles and weaponry and massive tunnel infrastructure was assembled under the watch of UNRWA and the United Nations which are integral to the operations inside Gaza.

Despite the evil intent of Gazans and Gaza leadership, every year the UN asked the world to send hundreds of millions of dollars to the terrorist enclave, knowing they sought the destruction of Israel. The UN took billions of dollars of global generosity for a premeditated genocide. It knowingly built human shield infrastructure atop a foundation of radical jihadists’ military infrastructure, in what can most generously be called “willful ignorance.”

Willful ignorance is no longer a defense. It is insufficient to dismantle UNRWA; the UN should be brought to the International Court of Justice.

Related articles:

Sue The United Nations For Supporting Terrorism (February 2024)

UNRWA Is Hamas’s Iron Dome (February 2024)

Fire United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres (January 2024)

The United Nations Fails Own Resolution To Combat Terrorism (October 2023)

UNRWA Is A Prison (November 2021)

The United Nations’ Adoption of Palestinians, Enables It to Only Find Fault With Israel (March 2016)

Press Coverage Absolves Hamas, Pivoting To Israeli War Against Gazans

The New York Times lead on April 8, 2024

Under the banner “Middle East Crisis,” The New York Times has attempted to reframe the current Hamas-Israel war into a crisis in which the Israeli military targets Palestinian Arab civilians.

The headlines refer to Israeli “troop presence” while the accompanying picture has rubble with a caption of “displaced Palestinians in Rafah, Gaza, last week.” One cannot find any mention of the Hamas.

The article continues about the “Israeli military” and its “ground troops” reviewing the reduction in the number “of the soldiers.” It added about the “98th Division” leaving “to recuperate and prepare for future operations in southern Gaza,” an area “where more than a million people have sought refuge.” There was no description of Hamas soldiers.

The Times framing of the story pits a large Israeli military pounding a beleaguered Gazan civilian population. There is no context of the antisemitic genocidal intentions of Hamas, the ruling entity in the Gazan terrorist enclave. It does not recount that Hamas started the war butchering 1,200 people, mostly civilians in Israel and promised to repeat the atrocities. The Times neglected to mention Gazans support for the October 7 attack and long history of supporting killing Jewish civilians in Israel predating Hamas’s takeover of Gaza. It left out the 133 hostages still held by Hamas, with its leaders still ensconced in southern Gaza.

People should stop wondering why there is amnesia about Hamas’s atrocities and Palestinian support to butcher Jews. It is a narrative of emotions-not-facts that vomit on social media, and alternative facts spread by the anti-Israel mainstream media.

Related articles:

US Hypocrisy On Terrorist Media (April 2024)

Dangerous NY Times Lies Cleansing Palestinians’ Preference For Violence (November 2023)

NY Times Begins To Whitewash Hamas (October 2023)

Palestine Islamic Jihad: NY Times vs. State Department (May 2023)

NY Times Repeatedly Tells Its Readers That An Israeli Supported A Mass Murderer, But Never That Many Palestinians Embrace Many Terrorists (December 2022)

We Listen To Idiots (November 2022)

Social Media’s “Fake News” and Mainstream Media’s Half-Truths (November 2016)

The Alt-Left And Radical Muslims On The New ‘Rothschilds’: AIPAC and Jared Kushner

The alt-right and White Supremacists have long vilified wealthy Jews as out to destroy the world for their own selfish profit. It was one theme of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf and some right-wingers condemnation of Jewish billionaire George Soros today. The alt-left and Radical Muslims are doing the same, mostly around the Jewish State.

The Palestinian political-terrorist group Hamas led the charge. In its foundational 1988 charter, the militant jihadists lied that Jews started global wars to amass huge wealth in Article 22. It added to the antisemitic point in Article 32, that Jews’ greed will make them want to steal land throughout the Middle East like they did in Palestine.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), who considers herself a Palestinian-American, echoed these sentiments and took the slander to the shores of the United States. In a speech delivered to the Democratic Socialists of America in 2021, she said that Jews “exploit the rest of us, for their own profit,” and do it everywhere “from Gaza to Detroit… [as a] way to control people, to oppress people.” To be clear, that this is a global Jewish conspiracy, she added “open the curtain and look behind the curtain, it’s the same people who make money and—yes they do—off of racism.”

The money and oppression theme of the extreme left and radical jihadists has started to identify specific names instead of generic Jews and Zionists. The current primary targets are Jared Kushner, former President Donald Trump’s Jewish son-in-law, and AIPAC which backs pro-Israel policies and Democratic and Republican politicians supporting those policies.

Kushner worked with Trump in creating the Abraham Accords which brought normalization agreements between Israel and four Muslim-majority countries. He also put forward an extensively thought-out plan to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict which went nowhere. His views on the current Hamas war from Gaza were therefore sought out at the Harvard Kennedy School as part of a series of talks with people with a wide range of views on the current war.

Kushner commented that Biden spent no time on the region until now and bemoaned the fact that Hamas used the last seventeen years to invest in a battlefield infrastructure with hundreds of miles of underground tunnels rather than build a functioning economy. He noted that there was no reason that Gaza could not have become beautiful luxury waterfront had its leaders had more peaceful intentions. Unfortunately, Israel now needs to rid the region of the evil extremists and Kushner thought that maybe to protect Gaza’s civilians during the war, Israel should allocate a section of Israel’s Negev as a safe haven where they could be relocated until Hamas was defeated.

The alt-left chose to deliberately cherry-pick parts of Kushner’s comments to suggest that he was in favor of ethnically cleansing Gaza, killing every Arab and then putting up luxury condos with Trump’s name on top. It was a classic ‘Rothschild’ smear in which Jews advocate for war against non-Jews to steal and make money. Cenk Uygur, an alt-woke candidate for president who runs a site called The Young Turks, said that Kushner was “salivating over ethnic cleansing opportunities,” to get rich. Seemingly knowing that his comments reeked of antisemitism he added that you couldn’t call him an antisemite because Jews are like “the boy who cried wolf.”

AIPAC is the accompanying bogeyman for the extremist left and militant jihadists. The left-wing fringe group Justice Democrats launched a campaign called ‘Reject AIPAC’ in which they demonize AIPAC as a shady organization launched by Zionists and billionaires to ethnically cleanse Gaza.

The radical politicians backed by Justice Democrats echo the evil Jewish money-theme, that rich Jews are targeting American minorities so Zionists can go on killing and stealing.

The alt-left attempts to invert the narrative when Jews point out the antisemitism, declaring that Zionists are Islamophobic in yet another disgusting smear attempt.

Antisemites have always come in a variety of political stripes and colors but are always easy to identify by their ‘Rothschild’-vitriol against Jews as foreign, racist meddlers in local matters who are consumed by unquenched greed.

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Islamic and Alt-Left Extremists Declare that Normalization With Zionists Is Against Sharia Law (June 2022)

MSNBC Courts Anti-Semitic Leftists (July 2021)

Mum on Black, Brown and Leftist Anti-Semitism (June 2021)

Taking it Straight to the People: Obama and Kushner (June 2019)

The Highbrow Anti-Semite (January 2018)

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US Hypocrisy On Terrorist Media

It is rumored that Israel may soon ban Al Jazeera, the Qatar-owned media company.

Qatar is Hamas’s principle backer (nearly $2 billion), and the oil rich kingdom has long used its state-owned Al Jazeera and AJ+ media platforms to broadcast the Palestinian political-terrorist group’s propaganda. Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu posted on X/Twitter on April 1 that “the terrorist channel Al Jazeera will no longer broadcast from Israel. I intend to act immediately in accordance with the new law to stop the channel’s activities.”

At a press conference in Washington, D.C. later the same day, a journalist asked White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre about the potential Israeli ban. She said that it is “concerning,” and that “the United States supports the critically important work journalists around the world do.”

White House Spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre on April 1, 2024 discussing Israel’s possible ban of Al Jazeera

Yet the United States itself bans terrorist-supporting media.

In December 2004, the United States banned Al Manar, the satellite station run by the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah, which is backed by the Islamic Republic of Iran, much like Hamas. In June 2021, the U.S. blocked and/or seized the websites of several dozen Iranian sites for spreading “disinformation.”

More recently, the U.S. was influential in getting social media sites Facebook and Instagram to shut down Hamas’s postings. Right now, the U.S. government is trying to ban the entire social media platform of Tik Tok which is indirectly owned by the Chinese government due to security concerns, even though the country is not a designated terrorist entity.

Qatar is one of the richest countries in the world and uses its vast fossil fuel deposits to fund the murderous jihadists of Hamas, as well as radical jihadist professors and student groups at American universities. Despite knowing this, the Biden Administration offered a hypocritical defense of Al Jazeera.

The U.S. government should not only reverse the White House press secretary’s remarks about Israel’s potential actions against Al Jazeera, but should support the effort and consider doing the sames in the U.S. as well.

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Considering Campus Antisemitism (November 2023)

Nexus of Terrorism Hypocrisy: UN, Qatar and Hamas (June 2021)

Will Biden Enable Hamas’s Sponsors of Iran, Qatar and Turkey (December 2020)

Beheadings are Not Terrorism for Al Jazeera (October 2020)

Bad Education: Al Jazeera (September 2020)

Al Jazeera’s Lies Call for Jihad Against the Jewish State (November 2017)

Al Jazeera (Qatar) Evicts Jews and Judaism from Jerusalem. Time to Return the Favor (October 2016)

An Easy Boycott: Al Jazeera (Qatar) (April 2015)

Over Half A Million Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians. They Are Being Sponsored In Congress By Tlaib And Bowman

There is a deep deformity in Gaza’s culture and society. It predates Hamas’s takeover of the region and the subsequent blockade imposed by Egypt and Israel. It has been constant for over two decades.

Palestinian Arabs poll themselves every three months and ask people in Gaza and the West Bank whether they are in favor of killing Jewish civilians inside of Israel. From 2001 to 2005, when Israel still controlled Gaza, 62.1% of Gaza’s adult population were in favor of killing Jewish civilians. That percentage increased to 65.3% of Gazans since Hamas took over the region completely in 2007.

With about 1.2 million adults in Gaza, the number who supported terrorism was roughly 800,000 before the October 7 Simchat Torah War. As Israel is now actively destroying Hamas and its military infrastructure, more Gazans are starting to turn away from their genocidal aspirations according to the latest PCPSR poll.

Americans understand the noxious hatred and violent attitudes of Hamas, and support Israel in its current defensive war according to a March 2024 Pew Research poll. Americans have read Hamas’s antisemitic foundational charter and see the Nazi-like evil of Palestinian intent to wipe Jews out of the land of Israel.

But there are powerful antisemites and anti-Zionists in America trying to protect Hamas. Rep. Jamaal ‘Fire Alarm’ Bowman lied (once again) to the media and claimed that Americans support a permanent ceasefire to allow Hamas to live to kill Jewish civilians again. He is banking on obtaining campaign funding from anti-Zionists and Jew haters outside of his district, as he aligned his fundraising with notorious antisemite and anti-Zionist Rep. Rashida Tlaib.

There are roughly three-quarters of a million Gazans who dream of spilling Jewish blood in the streets of Israel, and there are two American members of congress – Bowman and Talib – who are fundraising to enable them to commit such massacres.

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Defeat ‘Outside Money’ Bowman (March 2024)

The Normalization Deformity: No To Zionism and Peace; Yes To Massacres and Terrorism In a Global Intifada (January 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Is Unfit To Serve In Congress (November 2023)

Palestinian Poll About October 7 Massacre (November 2023)

Rep. Bowman Defends Vile Antisemite Rashida Tlaib (November 2023)

The Scale And Barbarity Of The Hamas Massacre (October 2023)