“Jews, Will Not Replace Us” By Radical Jihadists, The Alt-Left and Alt-Right

The United States was alarmed and appalled at the “United the Right” mob march in Charlottesville, VA in August 2017. As right-wing marchers descended on a university holding torches, wearing Nazi symbols and yelling “Jews will not replace us,” the country watched a scene of racism and antisemitism unfold into a crime scene. PBS called it a “watershed moment for the white supremacist movement.”

The real life play is being revealed once again in real time, with a new set of actors and fashion brandished by radical jihadists and the alt-left, once again yelling “Jews will not replace us.”

Radical Jihadists

Radical jihadists are typically located in Muslim-majority countries in the Middle and Far East including Iran, Qatar, Pakistan, Indonesia and Somalia. They believe that Islam should dominate the world, especially in any location which was once dominated by Islamists such as the land of Israel.

The jihadi extremists began to slowly migrate into Europe and the United States starting in the 1960s but accelerated their movement in 2015/16 as the “Arab Spring” and Syrian Civil War decimated their homelands. They came to Europe (2015) and the United States (in 2016) and brought much of their instilled antisemitism.

The United States also encouraged foreign students to attend American universities. In 2003, as the American War on Terror raged in mostly Muslim countries, the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Program was launched. The goal was to bring “High school students from countries with significant Muslim populations [to] live and study in the United States for an academic year through the U.S.” In the 2015/6 academic year, 61,000 students from Saudi Arabia were at U.S. universities. That high figure represents 0.2% of the entire population of Saudi Arabia to a single country. By way of comparison, the ENTIRE American students abroad cohort all over the world is around 162,000, or 0.05% of the U.S. population.

The U.S. continues to push for foreign Muslim students at American schools. On September 12, 2023, the U.S. embassy in Israel posted an advertisement that the U.S. State Department “is seeking a group of Arab citizens of Israel secondary school students to participate in a Study- in-the-USA initiative for high school students during the 2024-2025 school year.” (bold in original). No Jewish students from Israel were invited to be part of the program.

And what do radical jihadists, faces covered in kaffiyehs, preach abroad and in the United States?

  • Jews have no history in the holy land
  • The Jewish Temples never existed in Jerusalem
  • Jews stole Arab land, as “European colonial invaders
  • Jews are trying to “Judaize” Palestine and Jerusalem
  • Zionism is racism, an attempt to ethnically cleanse non-Jews from Palestine
  • Jews eye a “Greater Israel” to encompass land from the Euphrates to the Nile
  • They consider the entire State of Israel to be an illegal project that must be terminated
  • Palestinian Arabs demand a “right of return” to towns where grandparents used to live along with an expulsion of Jews who refuse to live as second class “dhimmis.”

In short, radical jihadists are chanting that “Jews will not replace us!” in Palestine, as they seek to “Free Palestine” from the clutches of the Jews.


The far-left cohort in America is seeking to end capitalism and pursue a broad redistribution of wealth and power. They have advanced the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) into schools and corporations that demand the minorities of preference (Blacks, Hispanics, LGBT) be given priority in admission, compensation, title and power before Whites or somehow “privileged” minorities such as Asians and Jews.

The alt-left considers Jews to be part of the uber elite class, occupying too many CEO, Supreme Court and political positions. They attribute Jewish success as a matter of Jews only looking out for themselves, and cheating or stealing from the labor of the working class, in classic antisemitic tropes.

When Black Israelites shot up a kosher supermarket in Jersey City, NJ in December 2019, several leaders of the Black community were clear that they felt the killers were only REacting as a form of self defense: “Black homeowners were threatened, intimidated, and harassed by I WANT TO BUY YOUR HOUSE brutes of the jewish community.” 

Jews do not belong. In the housing or their jobs.

“Jews will not replace us!” rained down in a hail of bullets in Jersey City and in federal and state mandated DEI programs.


The alt-right coined the phrase “Jews will not replace us!” but far from monopolized the theme.

The alt-right version of the phrase in many ways is the most preposterous. White supremacists believe that Jews are so powerful that they are advancing a program of importing millions of non-White and non-Christian foreigners to dilute the White Christian backbone of the country. How and why that would have any remote advantages for Jews is never explained.

Muslim extremists, woke progressives and White nationalists have very different philosophies but congregate around a belief that Jews are cheats and thieves who are robbing the rightful owners of land, money, jobs and prestige. And they are coming for this beleaguered minority-minority “by any means they deem necessary,” much as antisemites have done for centuries.

We are at a “watershed moment for the jihadi and alt-left movements” in the United States to destroy Judeo-Christian values, capitalism and the West. How the government’s leaders and population respond will set the tone for our future.

Related articles:

The Alt-Left And Radical Muslims On The New ‘Rothschilds’: AIPAC and Jared Kushner (April 2024)

The Great Jew Replacement (February 2022)

Rashida Tlaib’s Modern ‘Mein Kampf’ (August 2021)

‘The Maiming of the Jew’ (May 2021)

Victims of Preference (July 2020)

Is the Southern Poverty Law Center Part of the Problem of Anti-Semitism? (January 2020)

The Nerve of ‘Judaizing’ Neighborhoods (January 2020)

The Holocaust Will Not Be Colorized. The Holocaust Will Be Live. (May 2019)

For The NY Times, Antisemitism Exists Because the Alt-Right is Racist and Israel is Racist (April 2019)

Why Does the New York Times Delete Stories of Attacks on Jews? (August 2017)

Your Father’s Anti-Semitism (January 2017)

Reps. Bowman And Omar Showcase Lack Of Care About Jew Hatred During Panel On Antisemitism

The situation for Jews on American college campuses is terrible. While Jews have always been much more likely to suffer a hate crime than any other group including Blacks, gays, Muslims or people with handicaps, the spike in harassment since the jihadi Palestinian attacks on October 7 have been terrifying everywhere, and especially on college campuses.

Congress took notice and held a hearing about antisemitism on campuses with the heads of MIT, Harvard and University of Pennsylvania, and brought in Columbia University on April 17, 2024 for its own hearing. The incidents at Columbia have been plentiful, including from professors glorifying the barbarous attacks on Jewish civilians on October 7, student groups calling to “globalize the intifada (terrorism against Jews)”, “F**k Jews”, swastikas drawn on college property, Jewish mezuzahs torn off student housing and more.

The chair of the committee, Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) showed a video (12:22) of some of the recent events to help frame the discussion, including showing masked people in keffiyehs threatening to make life for Jews “a nightmare.”

While the issue of antisemitism is immediate, horrible and indisputable, three members of congress decided that Jews really didn’t need protection or a special review. They included Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY16), Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN5) and Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA3).

Jamaal Bowman

Bowman spoke after a short recess and his remarks can be seen in the video at 2:23:22. He asked three questions of the panel, starting with Columbia’s president Minouche Shafik, none of which related to the terrible situation of Jews being targeted on college campuses. The first question asked whether all discussions regarding the Gaza War were necessarily antisemitic. The second was asking about Islamophobia on campus. The last was whether there was action taken for a “chemical attack” against pro-Palestinian person on campus.

Zero questions about the welfare of Jews.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman, representing one of the most heavily Jewish districts in the country, would not ask a single question about the welfare of Jews on a panel specifically on the issue of antisemitism at Columbia University

Ilhan Omar

Omar spoke at 2:34:20 and rattled off a series of quick questions to Shafik about the welfare of Muslims, Arabs and Palestinians. When she asked whether Shafik had seen protests against Jews, she incorrectly stated that she had not seen any, and later modified her remarks upon cross-examination (2:54:00) that while protests were not specifically about Jews, there were many antisemitic comments made at various protests.

Omar continued to pepper the panel about a supposed “toxic chemical substance” against pro-Palestinian students which was actually a foul odor skunk spray. She pushed for what actions were taken about doxxing of students and Israeli professor Shai Davidi complaining about the administration, professors and students.

When Columbia’s president said that six pro-Palestinian students were suspended for the “very serious case” of those students “inviting people inciting violence” against Jews, Omar shut down the response and moved on to the well-being of the suspended students and said absolutely nothing about students threatening violence against Jews.

She did not ask anything about the welfare of Jewish students under threat of attack.

Bobby Scott

As a ranking chair of the education committee, Scott got to speak twice on the panel, at the opening and the close. To start (4:35) and close (3:19:50) Scott devoted his time to the antisemitic incidents at the University of Virginia in 2017 from the alt-right, making it sound like antisemitism is solely a far-right phenomenon, a theme falsely aired by the left. He then said that all students need protection including Muslims and gays so there was no real reason to have this specialized investigation for antisemitism.

Rep. Foxx reacted to Scott’s comments (10:11) that the UVA incident did not involve university students or faculty, while the persistent matters of Jew-hatred are systemic in Columbia from the student groups, to professors, to the administration.

Scott was concerned for Jews but only in the general context of being worried about the welfare of all students, even though Jews are by far the most targeted.

While this was happening in Washington, people at Columbia University were shouting “we are all Hamas,” the genocidal maniacs who commited the October 7 massacre of 1,200 people and sworn to killing of Jews and destroying the Jewish state.

The far-left squad again showed that it cannot find any empathy for American Jews suffering attacks and threats of violence, even young Jewish adults on college campuses just seeking an education. That is a lesson for all Americans to internalize.


  • In NY-16, extremist Rep. Jamaal Bowman is being challenged by Westchester County Executive George Latimer. Donate to Latimer here.
  • In MN-05, extremist Rep. Ilhan Omar is being challenged by Minneapolis City Council member Don Samuels. Donate to Samuels here.

Related articles:

Over Half A Million Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians. They Are Being Sponsored In Congress By Tlaib And Bowman (March 2024)

Columbia University Completely Fails Mission. And Jews (October 2023)

Should The KKK Open Chapters In Every American University, What Say You? (October 2023)

Columbia University’s Latest Anti-Semitic Inanity: “Palestinian Hebrews” (July 2022)

Socialists Employ Arabs’ Four Step Battle Plan (July 2020)

Is Columbia University Promoting Violence Against Israel and Jews? (December 2019)

AIPAC’s Open Tent Versus Justice Democrats Niche Extremism

To visit social media during election season is to be barraged by smear campaigns of the extremists. Nowhere is this more apparent than the alt-woke group called Justice Democrats.

Justice Democrats was established to help elect far-left progressives into political office. Rather than form their own party like the Working Families Party with whom they align, they have sought to infiltrate the Democratic Party by ousting moderate Democratic politicians in deeply Democratic congressional districts.

Their poster child is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who was by far the biggest money-hauler in the 2022 election cycle, raising nearly $10 million. She has used her deep pockets to influence other races outside of her district, often being the king-maker alongside the Justice Democrats’ “Dr. Frankenstein.” With eight politicians in Congress now, the alt-left beast is very much “alive” in the Democratic Party.

In contrast to the extremism of the Justice Democrats’ “Squad” which seeks to elect non-White, women and LGBT+ people who seek to dismantle America in a broad redistribution of wealth, there are many political movements which believe that the United States is an amazing country, and support and welcome everyone who empowers America. One of those groups is AIPAC, which seeks to strengthen the U.S.-Israel alliance.

AIPAC supports Whites, Blacks, Hispanics and Asians. It backs progressives, liberals, moderates and conservatives. It has endorsed every type of American that makes up this great country, as long as they believe in the unique greatness here, and want to strengthen it and the U.S.-Israel alliance.

The Justice Democrats in Congress think America is an atrocious, racist and horrible country that must be ripped down. They see Republicans and White men as the embodiment of the system that must be toppled in a broad redistribution of wealth from those pockets of the “patriatchy” to those the enlightened “woke” deem more worthy.

For some reason, those same alt-ledt people who hate America also hate the Jewish State. They believe that Israel is a “White European Settler Colonialist” country in an antisemitic whitewashing of thousands of years of Jewish history and false accounting of the population of Israel which has a plurality of Jews of color.

The Justice Democrats are now pouring millions of dollars into campaigns against AIPAC, rather than promote their candidates.

Justice Democrats has falsely stated that AIPAC is against “Black and Brown progressives” when, in fact, it endorses many, including Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY15) who represents one of the poorest districts in the country.

Justice Democrats unleashed a campaign called RejectAIPAC, and the alt-left politicians they support have leaned into the theme. They are seeking to pressure the United States to stop supporting Israel in its defensive war against the terrorist group Hamas, to enable the antisemitic group to survive the war.

Justice Democrats and sister groups like the Democratic Socialists of America are no longer just anti-White, anti-Republican and anti-America but anti-Israel and anti-Jewish. They have launched a smear campaign against the bipartisan group AIPAC and will certainly come after other pro-America organizations as they seek to tear down America in a campaign to redistribute wealth to the people they consider most worthy.

Related articles:

The Alt-Left And Radical Muslims On The New ‘Rothschilds’: AIPAC and Jared Kushner (April 2024)

The DSA Is Systematically Coming For Zionist Jews (August 2023)

The Center Of Intersectionality Sounds Like Adolf Hitler (July 2023)

The Noxious Anti-Semitism Of “European Settler Colonialism” (September 2022)

As Democrats Become More Liberal And Anti-Israel, DMFI Sticks Fingers In The Dike (July 2022)

Rashida Tlaib’s Modern ‘Mein Kampf’ (August 2021)

Rep. Ritchie Torres Doesn’t Want To Be the Only Progressive Pro-Israel Unicorn (June 2021)

Whose Hate is on the Ballot (November 2020)

David Duke, Ilhan Omar and the Three Lenses of Anti-Semitism (September 2020)

From “You Didn’t Build That” to “You Don’t Own That” (August 2019)

Ilhan Omar Isn’t Debating Israeli Policy, She is Attacking Americans (March 2019)

The Alt-Left And Radical Muslims On The New ‘Rothschilds’: AIPAC and Jared Kushner

The alt-right and White Supremacists have long vilified wealthy Jews as out to destroy the world for their own selfish profit. It was one theme of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf and some right-wingers condemnation of Jewish billionaire George Soros today. The alt-left and Radical Muslims are doing the same, mostly around the Jewish State.

The Palestinian political-terrorist group Hamas led the charge. In its foundational 1988 charter, the militant jihadists lied that Jews started global wars to amass huge wealth in Article 22. It added to the antisemitic point in Article 32, that Jews’ greed will make them want to steal land throughout the Middle East like they did in Palestine.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), who considers herself a Palestinian-American, echoed these sentiments and took the slander to the shores of the United States. In a speech delivered to the Democratic Socialists of America in 2021, she said that Jews “exploit the rest of us, for their own profit,” and do it everywhere “from Gaza to Detroit… [as a] way to control people, to oppress people.” To be clear, that this is a global Jewish conspiracy, she added “open the curtain and look behind the curtain, it’s the same people who make money and—yes they do—off of racism.”

The money and oppression theme of the extreme left and radical jihadists has started to identify specific names instead of generic Jews and Zionists. The current primary targets are Jared Kushner, former President Donald Trump’s Jewish son-in-law, and AIPAC which backs pro-Israel policies and Democratic and Republican politicians supporting those policies.

Kushner worked with Trump in creating the Abraham Accords which brought normalization agreements between Israel and four Muslim-majority countries. He also put forward an extensively thought-out plan to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict which went nowhere. His views on the current Hamas war from Gaza were therefore sought out at the Harvard Kennedy School as part of a series of talks with people with a wide range of views on the current war.

Kushner commented that Biden spent no time on the region until now and bemoaned the fact that Hamas used the last seventeen years to invest in a battlefield infrastructure with hundreds of miles of underground tunnels rather than build a functioning economy. He noted that there was no reason that Gaza could not have become beautiful luxury waterfront had its leaders had more peaceful intentions. Unfortunately, Israel now needs to rid the region of the evil extremists and Kushner thought that maybe to protect Gaza’s civilians during the war, Israel should allocate a section of Israel’s Negev as a safe haven where they could be relocated until Hamas was defeated.

The alt-left chose to deliberately cherry-pick parts of Kushner’s comments to suggest that he was in favor of ethnically cleansing Gaza, killing every Arab and then putting up luxury condos with Trump’s name on top. It was a classic ‘Rothschild’ smear in which Jews advocate for war against non-Jews to steal and make money. Cenk Uygur, an alt-woke candidate for president who runs a site called The Young Turks, said that Kushner was “salivating over ethnic cleansing opportunities,” to get rich. Seemingly knowing that his comments reeked of antisemitism he added that you couldn’t call him an antisemite because Jews are like “the boy who cried wolf.”

AIPAC is the accompanying bogeyman for the extremist left and militant jihadists. The left-wing fringe group Justice Democrats launched a campaign called ‘Reject AIPAC’ in which they demonize AIPAC as a shady organization launched by Zionists and billionaires to ethnically cleanse Gaza.

The radical politicians backed by Justice Democrats echo the evil Jewish money-theme, that rich Jews are targeting American minorities so Zionists can go on killing and stealing.

The alt-left attempts to invert the narrative when Jews point out the antisemitism, declaring that Zionists are Islamophobic in yet another disgusting smear attempt.

Antisemites have always come in a variety of political stripes and colors but are always easy to identify by their ‘Rothschild’-vitriol against Jews as foreign, racist meddlers in local matters who are consumed by unquenched greed.

Related articles:

Over Half A Million Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians. They Are Being Sponsored In Congress By Tlaib And Bowman (March 2024)

The Center Of Intersectionality Sounds Like Adolf Hitler (July 2023)

Watching Jews (October 2022)

Lunatics To Love And Loathe (October 2022)

As Democrats Become More Liberal And Anti-Israel, DMFI Sticks Fingers In The Dike (July 2022)

Islamic and Alt-Left Extremists Declare that Normalization With Zionists Is Against Sharia Law (June 2022)

MSNBC Courts Anti-Semitic Leftists (July 2021)

Mum on Black, Brown and Leftist Anti-Semitism (June 2021)

Taking it Straight to the People: Obama and Kushner (June 2019)

The Highbrow Anti-Semite (January 2018)

Jared Kushner’s Parents Donate $20 million to the First Hospital Likely to Win the Nobel Peace Prize (December 2016)

Jamaal Bowman Insists On Playing Dealer In The Dangerous Game Of Jew Hatred

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY16) is a slick promoter who markets himself as an educator working for the working class who will not play games with Republican politicians.

In truth, he lives the game of politics, and it is well beyond a focus on Republicans as he plays games with antisemitism and anti-Zionism.

Reacting to his own insulting boycott of a bipartisan and bicameral invitation to Israeli President Isaac Herzog addressing a joint session of Congress, and fellow left-wing extremist Rep. Pramila Jaypal (D-WA07) calling Israel is a racist state, Bowman tweeted that he voted against a resolution condemning antisemitism because of Republican “idiotic games.”

There is no place for antisemitism or any form of hate. Today’s vote was not about peace or anti-hate. It was a bad faith attempt by Republicans to shame a Democratic leader and silence human rights and civic orgs globally. I refuse to play into their idiotic game.

Note that Jaypal herself posted a lengthy release about her poorly chosen words that Israel is a racist state. Her 414-word statement affirmed her belief that “words do matter and so it is important that I clarify my statement.

Almost every Democrat joined all Republicans in backing the resolution, except for the radical left-wing fringe that is adamant about playing with the toxic hatred in the Middle East.

Almost every Democrat joined all Republicans to attend the speech by a liberal pro-peace leader in the Middle East.

The contingent that instead chose to play politics was Bowman and the Squad.

This is not new to Bowman.

Anti-Israel and Anti-Semitic

Bowman has a long history of voting against Jews and the Jewish State:

  • Would not sign letter to Department of Education to fight antisemitism at colleges (February 4, 2022)
  • Original sponsor of resolution calling the founding of Israel a “catastrophe” (May 17, 2022)
  • Does not recognize discrimination against Jews (March 9, 2023)
  • Authored letter to President Biden to condition aid to Israel (April 23, 2023)
  • Voted against the Abraham Accords (April 25, 2023)
  • Voted against condemning antisemitism, and that Israel isn’t a racist state (July 18, 2023)
  • Boycotted speech by the Israeli president to a joint session of Congress (July 19, 2023)

Bowman takes these positions because radicals fund him. They are his real constituents.

On September 20, 2021, Bowman thanked the radical anti-Israel group, IfNotNow for their “partnership.” His top donors in the 2021-2 election cycle were another anti-Israel group, J Street, and the powerful leaders controlling schools, the American Federation of Teachers and the City University of New York, which has become a hotbed of rampant antisemitism and anti-Zionism. He is also a top recipient of money from Justice Democrats, a radical group backing alt-left politicians.

Bowman believes that liberal Jews will look past his nods to antisemitism and insults to Israel if they value the embrace of intersectionality more than from fellow Jews and Zionists. He is leaning into the cleft opening among American Jews, betting he can divide the most persecuted minority in America.

It is an ugly game that not only fans the flames of Jew hatred globally but pits Jews against themselves.

And there’s a big pot of money at the end of the anti-Jewish rainbow, a trough from which Bowman plans to feed.

Related articles:

Jamaal Bowman Does Not Recognize Discrimination Against Jews

J Street Says Nothing About Its Heavily-Sponsored Candidate, Jamaal Bowman, Boycotting Israeli President Address

Letter To Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY16) About Palestinian Support For Attacks

Jamaal Bowman Disgustingly Compares Israeli Actions in Jerusalem To A ‘Military Coup’, ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ And A “Genocide”

Why Does Rep. Jamaal Bowman Lie to Constituents?

The Root of Left-Wing Anti-Zionism in Congress is Left-Wing Jews