Should The KKK Open Chapters In Every American University, What Say You?

Americans are debating free speech on college campuses, as “resistance” protests have emerged around the country with students supporting the brutal massacre and butchery of 1,400 Jews in Israel. While Jewish students mourned for murdered friends and relatives, they walked passed schoolmates who were celebrating, sitting in class next to classmates who said that their families were thrilled about the slaughter of Jews, and in front a professor who discussed the “start of the Palestinian War of Liberation“, meaning the end of the Jewish State.

University administrators, who want to foster “free speech” allow – and often encourage – the spectacle to go on, knowing that Jews feel threatened. The years of trying to create “safe spaces” for the young people – including calling for disciplinary action for misgendering someone – seemingly had limits.

The AMCHA Initiative has done extensive studies which shows that universities with five or more pro-Israeli boycott professors are more than seven times more likely to have antisemitic incidents on campus than those with fewer. They similarly showed that those with a Students for Justice in Palestine chapter on campus are at least five times more likely to intimidate and harass Jewish students.

And none of the SJP chapters have been kicked off of campus. Instead, schools like New York University hand the group official awards. Brown University hosts talks such as “Decolonizing Palestine: Hamas between the Anticolonial and the Postcolonial,” which cleansed Hamas of being a terrorist group, and promoted the idea to “normalize and globalize Hamas (27:00).”

The Ku Klux Klan must be licking their chops.

The KKK, the most infamous hate group in the United States, despises Jews. And Blacks. And other minorities.

The hate group had been sidelined for years and thought it would be able to make a breakthrough during the Trump administration. To its disappointment, it did not have the money to influence universities the way Qatar, Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries did in pouring billions of dollars onto campuses to build the anti-Zionist and antisemitic infrastructure.

But with a few student signatures and a single university professor with tenure, the KKK can open a chapter on campus. It can spout its false and hate-filled bile. And the university presidents will presumably remain silent, just as they have about SJP.

The war on college campuses is claiming its Jews, led by anti-Zionist groups like SJP. The KKK is right behind and will come for others.

Demand universities fire antisemitic professors like Columbia’s Joseph Massad, and kick Students for Justice in Palestine off of campus

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