First the Attackers Were Radical Islamic Extremists

First the attackers were radical Islamic extremists, and people protected them – because they were also Muslims.

Then the attackers were radical black preachers, and people protected them – because they were also black.

Then the attackers were alt-right white supremacists, and people protected them – because they were also white.

Then the attackers were progressive Antifa extremists, and people protected them – because they were also progressives.

And each of them came for the Jew – because each of the attackers was breast-fed antisemitism from birth and nurtured by the United Nations which singles out the Jewish State for demonization every day.

The United Nations in New York City

Martin Niemoller wrote his poem focused on victims and on remaining silent because the victims were the “other.” He didn’t realize his complicity in the crime until he suffered the same fate.

The updated version of the poem above is focused on the haters who come from a variety of groups, with each silently shielding its own radicals.

Except for the Jews. While all of the haters come for the Jews and the Jewish State, radical progressive Jews are at the front line calling for the world to attack the most moderate nation in the entire Middle East. In reaction, the right-wing Jews yell at the alt-left Jews to stop the vilification. And the remaining Jews in the middle stay silent, hoping that not engaging in the bilestorm will provide its own haven.

The Jews have always been everyone’s “other.” Today, they are also “others” to themselves. It is a story that played out 2,000 years ago to a tragic end.

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I See Dead People

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Muslim Women Debate Anti-Semitism

Stopping the Purveyors of Hateful Propaganda

The Selfishness, Morality and Effectiveness of Defending Others

The United Nations’ Incitement to Violence

The Only Religious Extremists for the United Nations are “Jewish Extremists”

For The NY Times, Antisemitism Exists Because the Alt-Right is Racist and Israel is Racist

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17 thoughts on “First the Attackers Were Radical Islamic Extremists

  1. So accurate. The focus on identity blurs any other type of judgement. I keep wondering on whether this is just a transformative state as social media is a new thing in our culture and perhaps in the next decade, people will know better how to use it without clouding real-life events by their virtual segregated illusions.


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