Jamaal Bowman Wants A Radical Redistribution Of Wealth And Power

Rep. Jamaal Bowman has no idea how to build an economy or how to address the needs of all of the members of his district. He believes that the role of government is to take wealth and power from those he feels have too much, and redistribute it to those he believes deserve it more.

In his address to a crowd for Martin Luther King Day in January he said (1:01) “We need a radical redistribution of political and economic power.” His messaging continues to be to achieve that goal.

Bowman wants to cancel all student debt to Black people, hand $14 trillion in “reparations” to Black descendants of slaves, tax wealth (not only income), defund the police, abolish immigration controls, halt funding wars in foreign countries which he perceives as “white” or wealthy, and push DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) into every facet of the American economy and power structures to strip non-minorities of their wealth and jobs.

Rather than focus on programs and policies which can CREATE wealth for everyone, Bowman calls for seizing it from non-minorities and handing it to the only constituents he wants to serve.

Black people in his district do not believe in Bowman’s antics. Darius Jones, co-founder of the National Black Empowerment Action Fund, mocked Bowman for not doing his job as a legislator to create jobs and enable the economy, voting against Biden’s Infrastructure Bill. Jones chided Bowman for holding back Black people by nixing charter schools and standing with the broken public schools system of which he is an integral part.

Not coincidentally, Bowman is one of the powerful teachers’ unions biggest donor recipients.

Bowman’s crusade is to enact former New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio’s words: “Brothers and sisters, there’s plenty of money in the world. There’s plenty of money in this city. It’s just in the wrong hands,” with a radical redistribution of wealth and power from White people to Black and Brown people in the U.S. and to the Global South.

While the media ponders whether Bowman is deeply anti-Zionists or anti-Jews, they miss the bigger picture: Bowman is anti-White and anti-capitalism, and views Israel and Jews as the nexus of White power and wealth he is targeting. A good deal of them are his own constituents in Westchester County.

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