“Jews, Will Not Replace Us” By Radical Jihadists, The Alt-Left and Alt-Right

The United States was alarmed and appalled at the “Unite the Right” mob march in Charlottesville, VA in August 2017. As right-wing marchers descended on a university holding torches, wearing Nazi symbols and yelling “Jews will not replace us,” the country watched a scene of racism and antisemitism unfold into a crime scene. PBS called it a “watershed moment for the white supremacist movement.”

The real life play is being revealed once again in real time, with a new set of actors and fashion brandished by radical jihadists and the alt-left, once again yelling “Jews will not replace us.”

Radical Jihadists

Radical jihadists are typically located in Muslim-majority countries in the Middle and Far East including Iran, Qatar, Pakistan, Indonesia and Somalia. They believe that Islam should dominate the world, especially in any location which was once dominated by Islamists such as the land of Israel.

The jihadi extremists began to slowly migrate into Europe and the United States starting in the 1960s but accelerated their movement in 2015/16 as the “Arab Spring” and Syrian Civil War decimated their homelands. They came to Europe (2015) and the United States (in 2016) and brought much of their instilled antisemitism.

The United States also encouraged foreign students to attend American universities. In 2003, as the American War on Terror raged in mostly Muslim countries, the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Program was launched. The goal was to bring “High school students from countries with significant Muslim populations [to] live and study in the United States for an academic year through the U.S.” In the 2015/6 academic year, 61,000 students from Saudi Arabia were at U.S. universities. That high figure represents 0.2% of the entire population of Saudi Arabia to a single country. By way of comparison, the ENTIRE American students abroad cohort all over the world is around 162,000, or 0.05% of the U.S. population.

The U.S. continues to push for foreign Muslim students at American schools. On September 12, 2023, the U.S. embassy in Israel posted an advertisement that the U.S. State Department “is seeking a group of Arab citizens of Israel secondary school students to participate in a Study- in-the-USA initiative for high school students during the 2024-2025 school year.” (bold in original). No Jewish students from Israel were invited to be part of the program.

And what do radical jihadists, faces covered in kaffiyehs, preach abroad and in the United States?

  • Jews have no history in the holy land
  • The Jewish Temples never existed in Jerusalem
  • Jews stole Arab land, as “European colonial invaders
  • Jews are trying to “Judaize” Palestine and Jerusalem
  • Zionism is racism, an attempt to ethnically cleanse non-Jews from Palestine
  • Jews eye a “Greater Israel” to encompass land from the Euphrates to the Nile
  • They consider the entire State of Israel to be an illegal project that must be terminated
  • Palestinian Arabs demand a “right of return” to towns where grandparents used to live along with an expulsion of Jews who refuse to live as second class “dhimmis.”

In short, radical jihadists are chanting that “Jews will not replace us!” in Palestine, as they seek to “Free Palestine” from the clutches of the Jews.


The far-left cohort in America is seeking to end capitalism and pursue a broad redistribution of wealth and power. They have advanced the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) into schools and corporations that demand the minorities of preference (Blacks, Hispanics, LGBT) be given priority in admission, compensation, title and power before Whites or somehow “privileged” minorities such as Asians and Jews.

The alt-left considers Jews to be part of the uber elite class, occupying too many CEO, Supreme Court and political positions. They attribute Jewish success as a matter of Jews only looking out for themselves, and cheating or stealing from the labor of the working class, in classic antisemitic tropes.

When Black Israelites shot up a kosher supermarket in Jersey City, NJ in December 2019, several leaders of the Black community were clear that they felt the killers were only REacting as a form of self defense: “Black homeowners were threatened, intimidated, and harassed by I WANT TO BUY YOUR HOUSE brutes of the jewish community.” 

Jews do not belong. In the housing or their jobs.

“Jews will not replace us!” rained down in a hail of bullets in Jersey City and in federal and state mandated DEI programs.


The alt-right coined the phrase “Jews will not replace us!” but far from monopolized the theme.

The alt-right version of the phrase in many ways is the most preposterous. White supremacists believe that Jews are so powerful that they are advancing a program of importing millions of non-White and non-Christian foreigners to dilute the White Christian backbone of the country. How and why that would have any remote advantages for Jews is never explained.

Muslim extremists, woke progressives and White nationalists have very different philosophies but congregate around a belief that Jews are cheats and thieves who are robbing the rightful owners of land, money, jobs and prestige. And they are coming for this beleaguered minority-minority “by any means they deem necessary,” much as antisemites have done for centuries.

We are at a “watershed moment for the jihadi and alt-left movements” in the United States to destroy Judeo-Christian values, capitalism and the West. How the government’s leaders and population respond will set the tone for our future.

Related articles:

The Alt-Left And Radical Muslims On The New ‘Rothschilds’: AIPAC and Jared Kushner (April 2024)

The Great Jew Replacement (February 2022)

Rashida Tlaib’s Modern ‘Mein Kampf’ (August 2021)

‘The Maiming of the Jew’ (May 2021)

Victims of Preference (July 2020)

Is the Southern Poverty Law Center Part of the Problem of Anti-Semitism? (January 2020)

The Nerve of ‘Judaizing’ Neighborhoods (January 2020)

The Holocaust Will Not Be Colorized. The Holocaust Will Be Live. (May 2019)

For The NY Times, Antisemitism Exists Because the Alt-Right is Racist and Israel is Racist (April 2019)

Why Does the New York Times Delete Stories of Attacks on Jews? (August 2017)

Your Father’s Anti-Semitism (January 2017)

If Biden Is Half Right, Is He All Wrong?

President Joe Biden called the United States to order this week in asking all Americans to tune into a prime time address staged outside Independence Hall in Philadelphia. It was an address he believed was of the utmost importance: to save democracy.

That is indeed a most important subject. Biden was right to call out “extremists” (which he mentioned six times, and political “violence” (ten times) as real risks which threaten our society. It is a principle beyond partisanship.

Alas, Biden destroyed his 3,000-word speech by only calling out extremists to the right of him, and not to the left.

He tried to coin a phrase “MAGA Republicans” (used 13 times) to describe the extremists who follow former President Donald Trump who wrongfully tried to overturn the results of the 2020 elections. He said those people “do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people…. and they fanned the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.” He made clear that they are a “threat” (used nine times) to the fabric of the United States.

Biden pretended that the extremists exist on only one side of the political spectrum. He ignored the raucous left that burned the streets of America and assaulted our persons and property:

The extremists to the left include anti-Semites like Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Rep. Ilhan Omar. Instead of lambasting their disgraceful incitement against Jews, Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi rewarded Omar with passing an act denouncing Islamophobia.

The far-left extremists are inciting hatred against the police, capitalism and Jews. They are attempting to brand all White people as racists and teach such in elementary schools. They are inciting riots and anti-Semitic attacks. But Biden won’t call it out.

President Biden calling “MAGA Republicans” a threat to democracy. He did not utter a word about radical left-wing extremists

The call to dismantle America is only part of the attack on democracy. The Obama/Biden administration gave the Islamic Republic of Iran, the leading state sponsor of terrorism, a legal pathway to nuclear weapons. Biden/Harris are working on the same, threatening All democracies around the world.

In addition to being silent on the the radical left, Biden stretched the meaning of the radical right. He said that people who were not in favor of Democrats demand for abortion until the moment of birth are threats to democracy. Does he know that over 70% of Americans are against abortions in the third trimester?

Biden said that people who were not in favor of gay marriage were extremists. Did he forget that it was illegal in the US until a few years ago? There are over 70 countries were BEING gay (let alone legalizing gay marriage) is illegal. Was his address meant to antagonize half of the world?

Biden was correct that calls for violence are completely unacceptable; people who try to rip at our common bonds that make us all Americans are threats to society. That he could only call out the alt-right while ignoring the alt-left was not just a missed opportunity to bring America to the center by clipping the fringes, but a frightening warning sign that the power of progressive extremists has already inserted itself deeply into the administration.

Related articles:

Democrats Give Platforms to Their Extremists

Islamic and Alt-Left Extremists Declare that Normalization With Zionists Is Against Sharia Law

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Bernie Sanders’ Antisemitic and Anti-Zionist Friends

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