Why Did Jamaal Bowman Fly To Virginia To Fundraise With Hamas’ Backers?

On May 1, 2024, a lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern Division of Virginia by a group of victims of the October 7 Palestinian Arab heinous terrorist attack, against American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) and National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP). The suit asserts that AMP and NSJP work in the United States as collaborators and propagandists for Hamas, a US foreign terrorist organization.

Far-left extremist Congressman Jamaal Bowman of New York’s 16th District thought that the date was an ideal time to leave his district, and go to Virginia to solicit support and money from those same terrorist supporters.

The featured sponsor of the Bowman money-night was Osama Abu Irshaid, Executive Director of AMP. The Investigative Project on Terrorism did a full report on Irshaid in 2020 and AMP’s connection to the Hamas-linked Palestine Committee. IPT has continued to track AMP’s antisemitic and anti-Israel activities, as has Canary Mission.

Another highlighted speaker of the Bowman night was Nihad Awad, Executive Director and co-founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Awad has publicly stated his support for Hamas and tweeted after the October 7 butchery of Jewish civilians that “a riot is the language of the unheard.” On December 7, 2023, Awad spoke at an AMP event and called Gaza a “concentration camp” and he “was happy to see” the events of the day, adding that Gazans’ burning Jews alive was an “act of self defense.” President Joe Biden quickly condemned the vile comments and removed Awad from a federal antisemitism committee.

Through NSJP, AMP uses propaganda to intimidate, convince, and recruit uninformed, misguided, and impressionable college students to serve as foot soldiers for Hamas on campus and beyond. – Lawsuit filed May 1, 2024 against NSJP and AMP

So why would Bowman have supporters of Hamas terrorism headline a fundraiser? Why did Bowman leave his constituents in New York and fundraise in Virginia? Is this connected to Bowman’s refusal to attend a single event in a synagogue in Westchester since the October 7 massacre? Is it part of the rationale for his absence from attending the scene of an antisemitic hate crime in Scarsdale where his challenger Westchester County Executive George Latimer came and loudly rebuked antisemitism?

Through threats, violence, and vocal support for “globalizing” attacks against Jews and anyone who dares to support them, AMP and NSJP have intentionally instigated a mass culture of fear, threats, violence, and overt hatred to intimidate politicians and institutions for Hamas’s substantial benefit. – Lawsuit filed May 1, 2024 against NSJP and AMP

Bowman has decided to wear his Hamas shield proudly and fundraise from terrorist supporters outside of his district, while Americans and Israelis fight and sue for justice against the genocidal group.

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