“Context” For Attacking People In The West Regarding Situation In The Middle East

Amid the current wave of Jew-hatred in the United States, there have been few incidents of violent attacks and murder thus far. But the vitriol from the socialist-jihadi alliance is still gathering steam as it tries to cement the foundation of the dehumanization of Jews by isolating and de-normalizing interactions with “Zionists.”

It is therefore worth looking at the United Kingdom which has experienced jihadi murder, with the recent sentencing of a Moroccan asylum seeker to life in prison for killing a stranger and attempted killing of an apostate, a man who converted from Islam to Christianity.

Ahmed Ali Alid murdered one person and attempted to kill a second in the United Kingdom in an effort to push the UK to change course on the Israeli-Hamas war

In her sentencing, British Judge Bobbie Cheema-Grubb said (34:50):

“Those who genuinely seek refuge in this country will embrace the values we hold dear. These values include respect for the value of each person as an individual with freedom to choose their political opinions without intimidation, and whether to observe a particular faith without fear or oppression. These moral and ethical principles are based on the Judeo-Christian foundation of our social structures. Not all ideas are of equal quality or integrity, but religious and political freedom is something that generations have fought for.

“Given my findings of fact, the murder of Terrence Carney and the attempted murder of Javid Nouri were attempted to subvert those values and to lead our government to pursue a particular course concerning the situation in Palestine by force and fear rather than through democratic means. This means that those offenses were of extreme gravity, even within the context of murder.”

The judge sentenced the jihadi murderer to 45 years in prison because the context for the killing went beyond the particular crime, and was executed to undermine core Western principles of freedom for political opinions and to practice faith without fear or intimidation. People must work within democratic norms to influence governmental action, and not via “force and fear.”

In the United States, formerly “elite” university presidents failed to comprehend such notion. They said before a congressional committee about antisemitism on college campuses, that calling for the genocide of Jews may or may not go against university code of conduct depending on “context.” For the university presidents, “context” depends on whether a call to annihilate Jews is voiced generally, or directed at specific Jews, as if Jews would not be intimidated or fearful by mobs chanting for their annihilation amongst themselves.

People are free to hate; there is no law that jihadists must love Jews or vice versa. However, there are established laws regarding harassing, intimidating and discriminating against people for their beliefs. And it is precisely those laws which are being ignored by law enforcement today as it relates to targeting Jews, as universities cave to the pressure of the mob.

Some Jews are being held as hostages in terrorist tunnels of Gaza as pawns for the political-terrorist group Hamas to barter with the Jewish State to release terrorists. In the Jewish diaspora, the jihadi-socialist alliance is encircling Jews to force administrations and governments to abandon support for Israel and dismantle the Judeo-Christian foundations of their societies.

It’s a jihadi barter: ransoming Jews and Judeo-Christian values for short-term calm. All know it is a matter of “extreme gravity,” yet many leaders feel compelled to tender their values and their Jews, and to let the future address the malignancy.

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