Can YouTube Understand Hatred?

In March 2017, YouTube was criticized for placing advertisements next to videos that were considered disturbing expressions of hate, including racist and anti-Semitic videos. Large brands like AT&T, HSBC, Starbucks, Volkswagen and Walmart, pulled their ad campaigns from the media giant as they did not want to be associated with such ugly videos.

The Internet is rife with extremist videos, but Google has had a difficult time using algorithms to flag them.

Consider the channel FirstOneThrough, which posted over a dozen videos to COMBAT the hatred of Israel. The titles of its video series was deliberately called “I hate Israel” to counter the arguments against Israel:

The videos were headed with “I hate Israel” to CONFRONT hatred and push the videos with actual evil bias off of the front search pages. But YouTube has a hard time discerning the content of the videos and has labeled each video as “Not advertiser-friendly.

FirstOneThrough does not seek profit from any of its videos, so the removal of advertisements is not a source of concern. However, the action underscores the difficulty of algorithms to distinguish between a simple phrase and the broader discussion in the videos.

In the meantime, supporters of Israel should continue to watch and share the videos in the series to not only become further educated about the incredible democracy, but to push anti-Israel videos off of the first page of the YouTube search screen.

FirstOneThrough’s Series “I hate Israel”

Related First.One.Through articles:

Take Names in the Propaganda War

Social Media’s “Fake News” and Mainstream Media’s Half-Truths

NY Times Discolors Hate Crimes

New York Times Finds Racism When it Wants

Your Father’s Anti-Semitism

Subscribe YouTube channel: FirstOneThrough

Join Facebook group: FirstOne Through  Israel Analysis

2016 FirstOneThrough Summary

2016 was dominated by the US presidential election, additional terrorism in Europe, and a United Nations that continued to attack the Jewish State. Readership interest in FirstOneThrough continued to grow.

FirstOneThrough published 133 articles in 2016, down from the 2015 total of 151 articles. Despite the fewer posts, the number of visitors jumped by 35% year-over-year.


Israel and the United States continued to lead the readership, accounting for 70% of the views overall, down from 73% in 2015. The drop was due to the readership in Israel being flat, while readership around the world grew. Visitor growth from English-speaking countries was significant: Canada (+49%); United Kingdom (+46%); Australia (+14%) and South Africa (+125%). Overall, readership from those countries jumped to 18% of the total, up from 15% in 2015. Other countries that also saw an increase in viewership included: Netherlands; France; Germany; Sweden; Norway; and Brazil. Brazil saw the greatest increase year-over-year, jumping 167%.


The most popular stories of 2016 were:

The Invisible Anti-Semitism in Obama’s 2016 State of the Union

Jared Kushner’s Parents Donate $20 million to the First Hospital Likely to Win the Nobel Peace Prize

UN Media Centre Ignores Murdered Israelis

The Countries that Acknowledge the Jewish Temple May Surprise You

Sanders Accuses Israel of Deliberately Killing Palestinians

New York Times Grants Nobel Prize-in Waiting to Palestinian Arab Terrorist

The Only Religious Extremists for the United Nations are “Jewish Extremists”

The New York Times Thinks that the Jews from Arab Countries Simply “Immigrated”

Al Jazeera (Qatar) Evicts Jews and Judaism from Jerusalem. Time to Return the Favor


In 2016, Facebook became an even more important source of viewers, jumping to 60% of referrers from 46% in 2015.  Search, The Jewish Press and Twitter continued to be the next important sources, but Facebook did not take share from any of those categories, as much as other referral sites.

Some of the global sites that have linked to the FirstOneThrough blog include:

Jewish Issues Watchdog
Jews Down Under



Audiatur Online




SMA-Norge has taken information without properly sourcing the information and link to FirstOneThrough

Denmark also used information with properly sourcing FirstOneThrough



Shiloh Musings
Anne’s Opinions

Black Kettle

Jewish Press
American Thinker
CAMERA (not used properly as not sourced to FirstOneThrough)
The Israel Forever Foundation
Legal Insurrection
The Truth About Guns
Watching Over Zion
DusIzNies (not used properly as not sourced to FirstOneThrough)
TeaParty Community
Exposing Modern Mugwumps
UN Trendolizer
Jewish Refugees 

Please continue to encourage others to join the blog.

Wishing you a wonderful 2017.

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Who Reads First One Through?

Summary: A year in, 50,000+ views.


The idea behind the blog First.One.Through was to get people educated about Israel. While there are many news sites that describe the latest events, there are woefully few that do any proper analysis, as many are either lazy, inaccurate, or just have a very anti-Israel bias.

First.One.Through is deliberately anonymous; you will not see a byline in the articles.  The goal of the site is to empower each person who reads the articles to post them to their Facebook page, Twitter feeds, forward an email, etc. By simply using “First One Through,” people are not forwarding someone else’s opinion piece, but sharing their own sentiments (which someone wrote out for them).

The blog has loyal followers in Australia, Israel, United States and slowly growing in the UK, where articles are re-posted and re-blogged almost daily.  Hopefully the other English-speaking countries like Canada and South Africa will gain loyal followers this year.

As the blog just reached 50,000 views as it passed its first anniversary, it seemed an opportune time to share with you a little bit about your fellow readers. As seen below, sharing things in a digital world has a way of reaching all parts of the globe.


People read the posts in 130+ countries and territories. Top Ranked are:

  1. United States
  2. Israel
  3. Australia
  4. United Kingdom
  5. Canada
  6. South Africa
  7. Netherlands
  8. Germany
  9. Brazil
  10. France

In case you were curious how this list compares to the FirstOneThrough YouTube channel, here is the top ten countries for the videos:

  1. United States
  2. Israel
  3. Canada
  4. United Kingdom
  5. Australia
  6. Germany
  7. Netherlands
  8. France
  9. Saudi Arabia
  10. Brazil

Yes, that is Saudi Arabia at number 9, mostly watching a video about themselves followed by Syria .

Top Posts

  1. Honor Killings in Gaza
  2. Every Picture Tells a Story, Don’t it?
  3. “Please Sir, May I have Some More?”
  4. Early Fridays in the Office
  5. An “Anti-Semitic Tinge”
  6. An Inconvenient Truth: Population Statistics in Israel/ Palestine
  7. Aliyah to Israel
  8. Eyal Gilad Naftali Klinghoffer. The New Blood Libel
  9. The Legal Israeli Settlements
  10. Alternatives for Punishing Dead Terrorists

How they found the Blog

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Jewish Press
  4. Google
  5. American Thinker

What Links did People Click?

  1. Other WordPress articles
  2. Youtube
  3. New York Times
  4. Al Monitor
  5. Al Jazeera
  6. Wall Street Journal
  7. Times of Israel
  8. United Nations
  9. NY Post
  10. CNN

The busiest viewership months were July 2014 and November 2014 as Israel was in the news often.  Over the past few months, the number of viewers has declined, but the “quality” has improved as measured by the number of articles read by  the average reader each visit (growing from 1.5 to 1.9).

The site does not make any money from advertisements and does not take donations.  All of the work is for free.  If you would like to support the cause, be an avid advertiser by forwarding and promoting the articles you like.  Forward email addresses of people who would enjoy the articles under a private message.

To answer a question that has come up many times- the pictures at the top of the each article appear randomly and do not have anything to do with the content of the article.  I took every picture at various locations in Israel.

Continue to enjoy and share the posts.

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Related First.One.Through article:

“Cast thy bread upon the waters”