Youth / Martyr / Gunman / Terrorist Or Just A Palestinian?

News departments around the world are at the smallest levels, as the Internet destroyed the business model many years ago. Due to that reality, media outlets use the same source information and then craft it in a manner that fits the biases of its management team and readership.

The range of headlines that can emerge from a single story in a highly charged environment like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is almost too remarkable to believe. Consider a story from August 17, 2023:

The plain facts are that the Israeli Defense Forces entered Jenin to arrest two people. As they encircled a building to arrest two wanted men, Palestinians fired on the troops who returned fire. A 32-year old Palestinian Arab named Mustafa al-Kastouni died of his wounds. He was a member of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, a U.S. designated foreign terrorist organization.

Here’s how different media showcased the story online:

  • Israeli forces kill Palestinian youth during Jenin raid,” wrote the official Palestinian news media Wafa, describing a 32 year old as a child. He was killed by “Israel forces” making the dynamic a David vs. Goliath scenario.
  • Palestinian youth shot dead by zionist forces in Jenin,” read the Turkish ILKHA, repeating the lie that the Palestinian was a child and using inflammatory language that dismisses Israel as a country.
  • Martyr, injuries from IOF fire during Jenin raid,” was the headline from Al Mayadeen, a Lebanese-based media group, that opted to sanctify the Palestinian gunman.
  • Israel blows up Jenin bakery to assassinate resistance fighter,” was the most inflammatory headline cooked up by an online news site The Cradle, where anyone can contribute.
  • Another Israeli raid on occupied West Bank’s Jenin kills one Palestinian,” from The New Arab also added inflammatory language in the headline to make the event part of a broader story of Israelis constantly invading Palestinian territory.
  • One fatally shot during Israeli Occupation raid on Jenin,” from Jordan’s RoyaNews did not identify the dead man as a Palestinian Arab which was implied by the Israeli raid.
  • Israeli forces kill Palestinian during Jenin raid” was the Middle East Eye headline, giving neither age nor status as to whether the man was armed.
  • Israeli forces kill Palestinian during Jenin arrest raid,” from al Quds, an independent Palestinian-British site, was similar.
  • Israeli forces fatally shoot Palestinian man in Jenin raid,” from Iranian PressTV also followed the most common fomat.
  • Israel forces kill Palestinian in Jenin,” was the short headline from Middle East Monitor, was similar to Middle East Eye but dropped mentioning the raid.
  • Israeli raid on Jenin kills Palestinian,” was the curt headline from ArabNews.
  • Palestinian Killed in Exchange of Fire With Israeli Military in Jenin, Palestinian Health Ministry Says,” read the left-wing Israeli Haaretz headline, which added that there was an exchange of fire.
  • Israeli troops kill a Palestinian militant in a gunbattle outside a West Bank bakery,” wrote ABCNews, in a bizarre highlight of the bakery on the ground floor of the building where the shooting took place.
  • Israel raid kills West Bank militant, wounds health worker: Palestinians,” wrote France24, saying that the Palestinian killed was a militant in the West Bank.
  • West Bank: a member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades killed in Jenin,” was the headline from Italy’s AgenziaNova, which uniquely highlighted the terrorist group affiliation of the Palestinian man.
  • Palestinian gunman killed, terror cell arrested by Israeli forces in Jenin,” wrote The Times of Israel, marking the incident as between armed groups.
  • An Israeli Raid on Jenin, a West Bank Militant Stronghold, Kills 1, Palestinians Say” was the Newsmax headline, which emphasized that Palestinian militants control Jenin.
  • Palestinian Terrorist Killed as IDF Engages in Heavy Clashes in Jenin,” was the headline from Hamodia, a Jewish publication, labeling the Palestinian man as a terrorist.
  • Clashes erupt in West Bank’s Jenin, one Palestinian terrorist killed,” from Israel’s i24News highlights that a terrorist was killed but doesn’t attribute the source of the fire from Israeli troops.

Such is the biased coverage from pro-Palestinian to pro-Israeli in the Middle East and European media. It demonstrates how news today is a crafted editorial to lead a reader to particular conclusions.

Some additional takeaways from this reporting is that Palestinian news lies openly and Israel’s left-wing Haaretz reporting mirrors that from Arab countries, while the right-wing US site Newsmax aligns its stories with Israeli and Jewish news sites.

Reading a single source of news about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will inevitably leave a reader with a highly skewed view of any story, and if that source is the official news of the Palestinian Authority, with complete fabrications, commonly called #FakeNews.

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Official Palestinian Propaganda Turns Terrorist Into Assassinated “Palestinian Youth”

Palestinian Authority Continues To Incite Violence Against Jews On Temple Mount

Praising and Defending Terrorism Against Jews

Radical Muslim Groups Celebrate Bombings And Murder of Jewish Teenager In Jerusalem

Is The Beheading Of A Gay Palestinian Man News Or Opinion?

Palestinian Inversion Of Facts Based On Refusal To Coexist

A Country Divided

Politicians have a long history of throwing mud at each other. However, over the past ten years, our elected officials have turned from attacking each other, to attacking sectors of Americans. It has divided our nation.

When Barack Obama ran for office, he took aim at the top 1% of wage earners in the country. He blamed “fat cat” bankers for making too much money and further blamed them for pushing the country into financial ruin (“you guys caused the problem,“) conveniently ignoring the government failings for pushing banks to lend to credit-challenged people to buy homes. Obama continued to attack wealthy Americans as people that did not pay their “fair share” of taxes. His attacks appealed to the masses – the 99% of Americans – that would be the beneficiaries of his wealth redistribution. He bought votes by dividing a slice of Americans.

Obama’s class warfare was enhanced by far-left wing politicians like Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Sanders claimed that “the business model of Wall Street is fraud,” attacking the entire financial sector, not just some “fat cats.” Warren wouldn’t even allow a banker, Antonio Weiss, to leave his position at an investment bank to help fix the economy of Puerto Rico which was in crisis, because she viewed him as part of the evil Wall Street, even though Weiss had nothing to do with the financial meltdown.

The radical socialists in Congress were no longer satisfied only picking the pockets of “fat cats,” they wanted them either in jail or unemployed.

What these left-wing politicians failed to appreciate, was that there were professions more reviled by Americans than bankers. Specifically, politicians and the news media.

According to polls – both by Pew and Gallup – politicians were ranked as the least trust-worthy group by Americans. The October 2016 Pew poll ranked the military, scientists, school principals, religious leaders, the news media, business leaders and then elected leaders in order of highest to lowest in regards to confidence. A total of 73% of Americans had little or no confidence in their elected officials.

The December 2016 Gallup poll had similar results, with people in the medical profession scoring as the most honest and ethical, with the least trust-worthy professions being state senators, business executives, stock brokers, HMO managers, Senators, advertising people, insurance salespeople, car salespeople and members of Congress. A total of 59% and 50% of Americans had either low or very low views of members of Congress and Senators, respectively. That compared to 30% for bankers and 41% for journalists.

Donald Trump understood this. He rode Americans distaste for their elected officials, and became the first non-public official in the White House.

Rather than attack bankers, Trump has taken aim at the media, another industry that is not trusted by Americans. He called out “fake news” which the public has long believed. One of his advisors sited “alternative facts” in an interview with the press in an ongoing debate with the media.


Donald Trump in first news conference as President-elect labeled CNN as “fake news”
January 11, 2017
The press, which has long enjoyed crafting a narrative to fit the political agenda of their editorial boards, are appalled.  Already under threat from changes in technology that is making their work uneconomic, they are attacking every move being made by Trump, in sharp contrast to the gentle treatment of Obama for eight years.

It would be nice to have politicians debate issues rather than resort to personal attacks. Unfortunately, that has never been proven effective in political campaigns.

But politicians have moved passed throwing mud at a single opponent to attacking the American people they are meant to serve.

Obama decided to splinter off only a small number of Americans – the “fat cats.” He made fun of Americans that “cling to guns or religion,” but he didn’t vilify them as bringing down the country. We are past that now.

Hillary Clinton said that she was proud that Republicans hated her, and then described half of America as “deplorables.” Warren and Sanders have continued the attack broad swaths of America.

For his part, Trump narrowed his attacks on those that were unpopular in America. When Americans said that they were more scared of terrorism than mass shootings, he attacked radical Islamic terrorism and went light on gun control. When Americans showed their hatred for politicians and the news media, he berated them to their faces, to the cheers of many.

It is ugly. It is popular. It is the voice of protestors and people angry with the state of our world.

It is us.

Our leaders contributed to our division. Do we rely on them to fix it?

We are all media pundits in a world of social media. We celebrate and castigate politicians with whom we agree and disagree. But we are also doing so with friends and colleagues.

That splinter that Obama opened with the top 1% has opened a chasm in our country and our relationships.

Related First.One.Through articles:

Political Pinatas: Populist Greed Meets Populist Anger

American Hate: The Right Targets Foreigners, The Left Targets Americans

An Open Letter to Non-Anti-Semitic Sanders Supporters

Naked Democracy

Eyes Wide Shut

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