Purim 2024: Fighting

This Purim in Gaza
Jews seek a calm plaza
To recite the lengthy Megilat Esther.

An evil plot spun
By the antisemite Haman
Who would eventually become Jews’ jester.

The IDF’s mishloach manot
Would break from historic rote
And include foods each had on hand.

Each soldier had the same
And laugh at the passe game;
Exchanging foods which for months had become bland.

Tuna MREs,*
A bunch of chickpeas,
And a ripe, military-green avocado,

American Kind bars,
Often delivered with greeting cards
Would cement each gever’s bravado.

Classic sunflower seeds
Top off the good deed
Of gifts among Jewish friends.

In the Jewish Promised Land
And beyond, hand-to-hand
This holiday is seen through a new lens.

Many Jews are now scared
As our neighbors declared
That we are enemies for supporting Israel.

They are ready to pounce
Unless we renounce
The Jewish State and declare it vestigial.

This Purim 2024
We cautiously open the door
Now monitored by a Ring alarm.

Cautious of antisemites
Who deny Jewish rights
And mean to do us physical harm.

Recalling Mordecai did not bend
And Esther did ascend
To flip that historic situation.

Persian Jews defeated
An evil ideology, deep-seated
And avoided a mass annihilation.

We will also stand proud –
Zionists unbowed,
Sporting American and Israeli flags.

We yell “Happy Purim!”
As we munch our gar’inim
Handing IDF foods in olive green bags.

We will celebrate victory
Current and from history
And salute everyone involved in the fight.

That includes G-d
As well as the Mossad
And do it all over a bite.

Make sure IDF soldiers have a bit more to eat for Purim and throughout the war: https://my.israelgives.org/en/fundme/Hoffman_PURIM24

*MRE: military term for “meals ready to eat”

Mishloach Manot 2024, tribute to the IDF

Related articles:

Purim 2023: Non-Conformity Before The Drunken Purity Crusade

Passport Purim 2022

Purim 2020, Jewish Haikus

Purim 2019, The Progressive Megillah

Purim 5776/ 2016 Poem

First One Through music video:

Queen Esther Saves A Life (music by The Fray)

US Embassy to Israel Ignores Jewish Holidays

September 16 and 17, 2023 were celebrated by Jews around the world as the start of the new year. Together with Yom Kippur next week, they mark the holiest days in Judaism.

The United States embassy to Israel did not mark the occasion with any wishes to the Jews in Israel or around the world. This stood in sharp contrast to commemorating holidays for other religions.

In April 2023, the US embassy posted articles about the US Ambassador to Israel hosting Muslims to celebrate an Iftar meal. It also posted about National Arab American Heritage Month. In March, the site posted a message from the Secretary of State and his wish to “the 1.8 billion Muslims around the world Ramadan Kareem.”

Yet the embassy did not post about Jewish Heritage Month in May. It did not post Passover wishes which coincided with Ramadan in 2023. It has not wished any Jews greetings over their high holy days in September.

The embassy is well aware of the holidays. It chose to warn Jews to not travel to Uman, Ukraine over Rosh Hashana. President Biden wished Jews a happy holiday but the embassy staff in Israel did think it important to share, even as it does so for Muslim holidays.

The current staff of the U.S. embassy to Israel is seemingly going out of its way to belittle Jews and Judaism, and court Arabs and Muslims.

Related articles:

The Arabists of the US Embassy in Israel

Western Jerusalem’s U.S. Consulate and Embassy

Having the Boss in the Sukkah

Have you thought about having your non-Jewish boss over to your sukkah?  What could go wrong?  Enjoy the FirstOneThrough comedy sketch:

Other FirstOneThrough comedy shorts on Sukkot:

Sukkot in the Office: https://firstonethrough.wordpress.com/2014/10/02/anyone-working-in-october/

Occupy Sukkahs- end the 2nd day of Yom Tov: https://firstonethrough.wordpress.com/2014/10/05/occupy-sukkahs-end-the-2nd-day-of-yom-tov/

Sukkot package deliveries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDCkTqiWMfQ

Sukkot Package Deliveries

Does anyone miss the old horsehair for wrapping etrogim? Someone is bringing back a few tons of the stuff from Israel. Enjoy the FirstOneThrough comedy sketch.


Other FirstOneThrough comedy shorts on Sukkot:

Sukkot in the Office: https://firstonethrough.wordpress.com/2014/10/02/anyone-working-in-october/

Occupy Sukkahs- end the 2nd day of Yom Tov: https://firstonethrough.wordpress.com/2014/10/05/occupy-sukkahs-end-the-2nd-day-of-yom-tov/

Occupy Sukkahs- End the 2nd Day of Yom Tov

Diaspora Jews have been forced to celebrate a second day of yontif for thousands of years. The frustration has been magnified as society moves to an “always-on” environment. Try to explain to your boss how you hate taking off for extra holidays.

Enjoy the comedy sketch by FirstOneThrough below:

Other FirstOneThrough comedy shorts on Sukkot:

Sukkot in the Office: https://firstonethrough.wordpress.com/2014/10/02/anyone-working-in-october/

Sukkot package deliveries: https://firstonethrough.wordpress.com/2014/10/06/sukkot-package-deliveries/

Anyone Working in October?

The Jewish holiday season is here. Jews who celebrate the holidays outside of Israel will have two days of synagogue in a row – for back-to-back weeks! The stress over missed work days will undoubtedly result in one’s mind wandering about work while fasting on Yom Kippur. They really should add another al chet just for that.

Enjoy the FirstOneThrough animated comedy short “Sukkot in the Office” on explaining to one’s boss about missing a month of work – for holidays no one has ever heard of!

Other FirstOneThrough comedy shorts on Sukkot:

Occupy Sukkahs- End the 2nd day of Yom Tov:

Sukkot package deliveries