Purim 2024: Fighting

This Purim in Gaza
Jews seek a calm plaza
To recite the lengthy Megilat Esther.

An evil plot spun
By the antisemite Haman
Who would eventually become Jews’ jester.

The IDF’s mishloach manot
Would break from historic rote
And include foods each had on hand.

Each soldier had the same
And laugh at the passe game;
Exchanging foods which for months had become bland.

Tuna MREs,*
A bunch of chickpeas,
And a ripe, military-green avocado,

American Kind bars,
Often delivered with greeting cards
Would cement each gever’s bravado.

Classic sunflower seeds
Top off the good deed
Of gifts among Jewish friends.

In the Jewish Promised Land
And beyond, hand-to-hand
This holiday is seen through a new lens.

Many Jews are now scared
As our neighbors declared
That we are enemies for supporting Israel.

They are ready to pounce
Unless we renounce
The Jewish State and declare it vestigial.

This Purim 2024
We cautiously open the door
Now monitored by a Ring alarm.

Cautious of antisemites
Who deny Jewish rights
And mean to do us physical harm.

Recalling Mordecai did not bend
And Esther did ascend
To flip that historic situation.

Persian Jews defeated
An evil ideology, deep-seated
And avoided a mass annihilation.

We will also stand proud –
Zionists unbowed,
Sporting American and Israeli flags.

We yell “Happy Purim!”
As we munch our gar’inim
Handing IDF foods in olive green bags.

We will celebrate victory
Current and from history
And salute everyone involved in the fight.

That includes G-d
As well as the Mossad
And do it all over a bite.

Make sure IDF soldiers have a bit more to eat for Purim and throughout the war: https://my.israelgives.org/en/fundme/Hoffman_PURIM24

*MRE: military term for “meals ready to eat”

Mishloach Manot 2024, tribute to the IDF

Related articles:

Purim 2023: Non-Conformity Before The Drunken Purity Crusade

Passport Purim 2022

Purim 2020, Jewish Haikus

Purim 2019, The Progressive Megillah

Purim 5776/ 2016 Poem

First One Through music video:

Queen Esther Saves A Life (music by The Fray)

PA President Mahmoud Abbas Wishes Jews Happy New Year, Not

It has been a long-standing tradition of Israeli Prime Ministers to wish warm holiday blessings to Christians and Muslims in the Jewish State and around the world.

In 2018, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said “I would like to wish the Muslim and Druze an ‘Eid al-Adha mubarak.’ I’m proud for the fact that in Israel we have freedom of worship for all: Muslims, Druze, Christians, Baha’is, Jews — everyone. And I would like to wish you and your families a happy holiday. Bless you.”

In 2017 Netanyahu said “I wish #Ramadan Kareem to Israel’s Muslim citizens and Muslims around the world, hoping for much needed brotherhood, mutual respect & peace.”

In 2023, Israeli President Isaac Herzog reached out to Muslim leaders ahead of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, extending his wishes for “peace, happiness and health.”

In 2021, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said “I want to wish all Christians in Israel and across the world a Merry Christmas.”

Every year in the Jewish State, the heads of government – whoever is in power – reach out to people of other faiths to offer words of peace, respect and happiness.

This never happens for the Palestinian Arab leadership. The Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is too busy with antisemitic tirades – and then defending himself as not really an antisemite – to utter any words of blessing to the Jewish people as they celebrate their holidays. He prefers to use his pulpit to inform Jews that they are fake Jews with fake history and heritage, who have no roots in the holy land and are deeply racist.

It’s not too late. Someone, please wake up the corrupt and unpopular leader and tell him to stand before the microphone and wish Jews in the holy land and all around the world a peaceful and happy new year. As of now, Jews in Jerusalem are placing armed guards in their sanctuaries, as they await the fruit from Palestinian leadership incitement to arrive at their doorsteps.

Related articles:

Imagine You Were Abbas, Giving A Speech To The United Nations

Abbas Declares All of Israel is a “Painful Settlement”

United Nations Urges ‘Utmost Restraint’ By Israel In Defending Synagogues On High Holidays