A Genocide On A Different October 7 Massacre

Roughly 3,500 Palestinians Arabs from Gaza stormed into Israel from Gaza on October 7, 2023. They went into civilian homes and killed children in front of their parents as well as parents before their children. They burned families alive. Roughly 1,200 Israeli civilians and hundred of security personnel were murdered.

Imagine that the Israeli army acted quickly.

Imagine that Israeli soldiers and drones quickly encircled the Palestinian terrorists and wiped all of them out. Imagine that the Israelis killed 3,500 Palestinians after the terrorists killed only 100 people in Israel, a 35-to-1 ratio.

Would the world have condemned Israel for the “disproportionate” slaughter of Palestinians? Would extremist American politicians like Jamaal Bowman have gone onto the streets of his district to rile up a crowd that Israelis have been brutalizing Palestinians “for 75 years [since the founding of Israel]” and that Israel “values certain lives over others“? Would protests on college campuses have become hotbeds of antisemitism calling to “Globalize the intifada [to kill Zionists everywhere]?”

Gazans launched a war of barbarity which showed venom without limits as to the Zionists they would kill in whatever means, wherever they are. The leadership of Hamas promises to keep up the campaign “again and again” and the majority of Gazans support Hamas and the October 7 slaughter. Similarly, jihadi and alt-left radicals in the United States have echoed the call to repeat the October 7 massacre.

Jihadists in New York City hold banner “Long live October 7th, Samidoun”. Samidoun is supported by groups like WESPAC in Westchester County

Gazans started and are still engaged in a war intended to destroy the Jewish State and annihilate Jews. The fact that Palestinians are dying in much greater numbers than Israelis does not change the basic facts that Gazans are engaged in a genocidal war while Israel is fighting a defensive war.

Related articles:

The Hamas – Gazans Partnership (May 2024)

Stop Genocide. Destroy Hamas (May 2024)

Press Coverage Absolves Hamas, Pivoting To Israeli War Against Gazans (April 2024)

Over Half A Million Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians. They Are Being Sponsored In Congress By Tlaib And Bowman (March 2024)

The Quantitative Shield For A Qualitative Problem (March 2024)

Hamas Is The Very Definition Of A Genocidal Group (November 2023)

Know Your Enemies. This Is 1948 Redux (October 2023)

The Collective Punishment Of Terrorism (June 2023)

Israelis Targeting Terrorists, Palestinians Targeting Civilians (January 2023)

UN Doesn’t Like ‘Proportionate’ Israeli Reaction To Arab Terror Either (November 2022)

Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians (February 2021)

The United Nations Can Hear the Songs of Gazans, but Cannot See Their Rockets (December 2017)

Regime Reactions to Israel’s “Apartheid” and “Genocide” (March 2017)

The United Nations’ Adoption of Palestinians, Enables It to Only Find Fault With Israel (March 2016)

Pray for a Lack of “Proportionately” in Numbers. There will never be an Equivalence of Intent. (July 2014)

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