Defeat ‘Outside Money’ Bowman

Rep. Jamaal Bowman has earned a number of nicknames over his time in Congress. Some call him ‘Fire Alarm’ Bowman for infamously pulling a fire alarm to delay a House vote. Others calls him ‘Censured’ Bowman’ for being censured by a bipartisan Congress, while others call him ‘Blowhard’ Bowman for constantly race-baiting Republicans in calling them Nazis as well as mentally and emotionally deficient to understand people of color.

The latest earned moniker is ‘Outside Money’ Bowman, as he has utterly failed to raise money from inside his district so is now focused on collecting money from extremists around the country and from radical Islamic regimes.

For the period ending December 31, 2023, Westchester County Executive George Latimer raised $1.4 million while Bowman couldn’t even raise $700,000. While Latimer raised 73% of his money from inside his district, Bowman only could muster 9 per cent.

Bowman has therefore decided to team up with the worst antisemites and far-left and jihadi radicals to raise money for his campaign.

Bowman’s first stop was to align his campaign with the worst antisemite in Congress, Rep. Rashia Tlaib who has accused Jews of making money off of racism in both the United States and Israel. Tlaib is running unopposed so plans to funnel money she gets into Bowman’s pockets.

Jamaal Bowman hugging notorious antisemite Rashida Tlaib who is funding much of his election campaign

Bowman is now actively jumping into the deep anti-Israel cesspool with a group called ‘Reject AIPAC’ that is calling Israel an ‘apartheid’ state built on ‘colonialism’ committing a ‘genocide’ of Palestinians. The group is attempting to shield the political-terrorist group Hamas and the rest of the Palestinian army from defeat so it can commit more atrocities against civilians in Israel.

The ‘Reject Israel’ supporters include the extremist fringe of anti-Zionists including Justice Democrats, Jewish Voice for Peace Action, IfNotNow, Working Families Party, Sunrise Movement, MPower Change Action Fund, Democratic Socialists of America, Our Revolution, Peace Action, National Iranian American Council, and Gen-Z for Change.

Westchester County Executive George Latimer has a long history of delivering for his constituents in NY congressional District 16 and has a grassroots campaign of locals who respect him. The incumbent has virtually no base, and is relying on radical groups from around the country and Iran to buy an election.

Related articles:

Jamaal Bowman And Hamas (February 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Parrots Iran That American Exceptionalism Is A Lie Based In Racism (January 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Is Unfit To Serve In Congress (November 2023)

Rep. Bowman Is A Liar. And Dangerous (October 2023)

The DSA Is Systematically Coming For Zionist Jews (August 2023)

Jamaal Bowman Insists On Playing Dealer In The Dangerous Game Of Jew Hatred (July 2023)

Excerpt of Hamas Charter to Share with Your Elected Officials (May 2021)