Tlaib And Bowman Have Aligned With Terrorists To Destroy Israel And America

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Jamaal Bowman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush and Betty McCollum put forward H.Res 1123, a ‘Nakba Resolution’ in May 2022 which demanded that millions of Arabs who had parents, grandparents or great-grandparents who once lived in Israel should be allowed to move there against the wishes of the sovereign State of Israel. They continue to make incendiary comments to strip Israel of its sovereign rights to determine who may live inside the country, and even more glaring, are trying to compel the admittance of people who voted a genocidal regime into a majority of the Palestinian parliament, and which just tortured and brutally murdered 1,200 civilians and almost 400 security personnel.

Tlaib, Bowman and crew attempted to push the resolution through Congress again in May 2023.

Tlaib was roundly censured by Congress – including by fellow Democrats – for her vilification of Israel, calling for the end of the Jewish State, and her lies that Israel and the United States were responsible for the October 7 Hamas massacre, in H.Res 845. Jamaal Bowman was one of the few people who came to Tlaib’s defense.

In the aftermath of the October 7 Palestinian slaughter of Jews, Bowman went onto the streets of White Plains, NY and said before an anti-Zionist crowd “What we never talk about- the number of women and children that have been taken by Israel in the West Bank. They need to be released as well [even those who committed murder]. We have to tell the truth about what’s been happening there for 75 years [since the founding of Israel in 1948]. The occupation [the basic existence of Israel] is a war crime.”

Bowman would go on to describe Israel’s claims of beheaded babies and raping of women as “lies and propaganda.” Tlaib followed suit, and was the only member of Congress to not vote on a resolution to condemn Hamas’s rape of Israeli women, essentially defending her position by concocting a fiction that Israeli forces are raping Palestinians.

Tlaib continued to vote in Congress to protect the antisemitic genocidal group Hamas:

Beyond protecting Hamas in Congress, Tlaib recently spoke at a pro-Palestinian conference which included a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), an event sponsored by China. Hamas and PFLP are United States-designated foreign terrorist organizations which not only committed the brutal slaughter of civilians by entering their homes and burning families alive, but promised to commit the atrocities again and again.

While Tlaib is invited to speak at conferences which sek to end the Jewish State, Bowman runs for the blessings of these groups and holds fundraisers with their donors.

Bowman proved his anti-Zionist bona fides to such a level, that he was able to get the endorsement of the New York City Democratic Socialists of America, after lobbying to get their approval.

The NYC-DSA is a grossly antisemitic group. It held a rally in Times Square on October 8 and mocked the hundreds of young peaceful dancers who were butchered and taken hostage by Hamas.

DSA in Times Square on October 8, 2023 mocking the young Israelis who were killed and taken hostage

A majority of Gazans have long supported Hamas and killing Jewish civilians inside of Israel. Reps. Tlaib and Bowman and standing beside them and begging them and their sponsors for support, as they attempt to remove Israel’s critical ally in its battle with genocidal maniacs. The alt-left duo is aligning with an axis of evil which wants to destroy the United States and Israel.

Westchester County Executive George Latimer, Bowman’s Democratic Party opponent, put it best: Jamaal Bowman actively courted and finally secured the endorsement of “a group that wants to pull the US out of NATO; end sanctions against Russia, North Korea and Iran; wipe Israel off the map; stonewall President Biden’s agenda; and legalize fentanyl.”

It is up to us to vote them out of power.


Donate and volunteer for George Latimer to defeat Jamaal Bowman

Vote for Latimer on June 25th

Related articles:

Hamas, CAIR, DSA, Within Our Lifetime, SJP Are All Gunning For Jews (May 2024)

Reps. Bowman And Omar Showcase Lack Of Care About Jew Hatred During Panel On Antisemitism (April 2024)

Over Half A Million Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians. They Are Being Sponsored In Congress By Tlaib And Bowman (March 2024)

The DSA Is Systematically Coming For Zionist Jews (August 2023)

Gazans Support Killing Jewish Civilians (February 2021)

Quantifying the Values of Gazans (May 2019)

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