United Nations Declares Jews May Not Judge

Many countries are fighting terrorism, and the fall of 2023 is no different.

On November 6, over 20 people were killed, including children, in Cameroon. In Myanmar a bombing on October 9 killed dozens.

And of course, there were over 1,400 people butchered in Israel on October 7.

The United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres addressed each, condemning the attacks.

Regarding Cameroon, Guterres called “on the Government of Cameroon to conduct an investigation and to ensure that those responsible are held accountable.”

For the attack in Myanmar, Guterres said of the terrorists, “Those responsible must be held to account.”

Yet despite to much greater scale and barbarity of the attack on Israel, Guterres pared back his comments. He specifically did not want the Government of Israel to hold the Hamas terrorists accountable.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres

In the immediate aftermath of the worst crime against Jews since the Holocaust, Guterres offered “The Secretary-General is deeply concerned for the civilian population and urges maximum restraint.  Civilians must be respected and protected in accordance with international humanitarian law at all times.”

Does Guterres think that Hamas terrorists are “civilians” to be protected? Does he not believe that the 1,000-plus terrorists that invaded Israel and burned families alive should “be held to account?” What is the purpose of the statement that is a world apart from what Guterres offers to other countries?

Seemingly, the United Nations is sending a message that countries like Cameroon and Myanmar can and should hold terrorists to account. But not Israel. Israel must use “maximum restraint” despite the horror.

To give context to the 1,400 people killed in Israel on a single day, the total deaths from terrorism in 2022 in the entire Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region was 791 people. The one day toll in Israel was more than any country for the entire year of 2022.

Yet the United Nations urged “maximum restraint.”

This treatment of Israel in the face of terrorism has a long history, as the UN adopted Palestinian Arabs long ago and protects them at all times, even – or especially – when they engage in grotesque jihadi terrorism.

But even now? Even in the aftermath of the October 7 massacre?

According to the United Nations, Israel may never act as judge; it is only to be judged, scrutinized and criticized. It is an object to be acted upon, and must otherwise remain silent, even when slaughtered.

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10 thoughts on “United Nations Declares Jews May Not Judge

  1. Pingback: Die UNO erklärt: Juden dürfen nicht urteilen | abseits vom mainstream - heplev

  2. Pingback: The UN Declares That Palestinian Schools Are ‘Inviolable’ While Jews in Nurseries and Schools in Israel and Around The World Are Fair Game | FirstOneThrough

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  4. He doesn’t want to blame Hamass & the so-called palestinians in case some countries decide to investigate the UN’s own role in formentng hatred & assisting the terrorists with books teaching children to see killing Jews as a Muslim ideal & allowing the terrorists to shelter beneath the schools & hospitals so as to be able to accuse Israel of war crimes when it HAS to bomb them to force the terrorists out into the open. Even then he lets his own people shelter them from view.

    Liked by 1 person

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  6. Pingback: Sue The United Nations For Supporting Terrorism | FirstOneThrough

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