NY Times Is Worried About The Health Of The Leading State Sponsor Of Terrorism

The president of Iran’s helicopter went down in Iran and the New York Times is very worried about the health of the country.

New York Times May 19, 2024

The Times ran a headline that “Iran is confronting a volatile world,” in a complete inversion of facts. The U.S. labels the Islamic Republic of Iran as a leading state sponsor of terrorism, which has caused thousands of deaths around the Middle East. In the Times retelling of history, Iran is a victim of a volatile world as opposed to the chief architect of death and anarchy.

Rather than accompany the headline with a picture of Iran’s vast nuclear weapons infrastructure, the Times opted to post a picture of a calm but nervous man in a clothing store watching television. This is a common theme of the Times which seems to only have pictures of Iranians shopping for stuff, such as when it wrote about Israel being wary of Iran in 2021, featuring a picture of Iranian women shopping.

The article would continue its bizarre reporting style, noting how the country is facing climate change.

The paper ignored the massive number of executions, including the recent hanging of two women.

The Times did get around to discussing Iran backing terrorist groups around the Middle East… sort of.

The Times simply said that Hamas is “the Palestinian group that led the Oct. 7 assault on Israel.” It did not mention that Hamas is a US-designated terrorist group, or that the “assault” included the raping of women, burning families alive and taking hundreds of hostages. It did not even mention the total number of Israelis killed, even while it quickly mentioned the number of Palestinians who have died according to Hamas.

The Times went on to say that Iran supports other armed groups that also act against Israel, failing to mention that the Houthis in Yemen are principally engaged in a civil war destroying Yemen, and also attacks Saudi Arabia and other ships in the Gulf, including American ships.

Alarmingly, the Times went on to say that “Iran is eager to avoid being dragged into an all-out war.” Seriously? “DRAGGED INTO?” Iran is orchestrating the entire bloody mayhem unfolding throughout the Middle East and the Times tells its readers that it is avoiding war at all costs.

The Times leaned into the narrative and tried a bit of trickery in saying that Iran’s launch of hundreds of missiles and drones at Israel in an attack which could have killed thousands of Israeli civilians, was likely designed to fail, absolving Iran of any ill intent or push for war.

For The New York Times, the leading state sponsor of terrorism which has threatened to destroy the Jewish State and is actively building a nuclear weapons arsenal, is a peaceful country facing a volatile region, doing its best to stay out of the fighting. It’s #FakeNews at its most dangerous: shielding terrorists, while lying to the public.

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