Meme Stocks And Hamas

Gamestop is a publicly-traded company with very poor prospects. Technology has changed the way people buy and play games, and retail stores are hurting all over the United States. The company has swapped management, closed stores and let people go but the business continues to flounder.

But not its stock price. As covered in the movie Dumb Money, masses of people decided to wage a war against professional capitalists and kept pushing the stock higher. Ignoring all fundamental principles, the trading horde opted for another capitalist principle, that things are worth what people are willing to pay for them. Enough of them bound together to run the stock and push professional stock traders to capitulation.

Gamestop stock trading last five years showing dramatic spikes

The same phenomenon is happening with Gaza, the terrorist enclave ruled by the jihadi antisemitic genocidal group Hamas.

People are protesting on college campuses and the streets to protect Hamas from the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). Masses have willfully opted to ignore basic morality in the face of heinous barbarism committed by the group which has promised to repeat its barbarity.

Like “Hello Kitty” who directs the masses to buy a meme stock, the Iranian tools of CAIR, Democratic Socialists of America, Students for Justice in Palestine and others, rally mobs to shut their blind moral eyes, and side with an antisemitic death cult.

They have turned the game on itself using its own rules. Capitalism both believes in fundamental values as well as market pricing, just as western society values liberalism as well as free speech and assembly. In the frenetic broadcast social media world, clicks and retweets are empowering the latter to overwhelm normalcy.

Passions are no longer tethered to truth and decency. And this is BEFORE artificial intelligence (AI) gets mainstreamed which will usher a future in which people will be unable to differentiate the real from the manufactured.

We are entering a very dangerous state for mankind, in which bots, AI and the masses actually have the power to tear down society without conventional weapons. Depravity coupled with technology will breed anarchy, particularly in societies where trust has been trashed, as many have been in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The current axis of evil – China-Russia-Iran – are using anarchists on these shores to launch an insidious revolution, and our society just scrolls through X in bewilderment, rather than take actions to protect our values and our country.

In a world where facts are extraneous, we are only left with a clash of emotions.

Will we pass judgment solely on which party seems the most sympathetic because they feel the most injured? Does that foretell a future of balms for the pain, rather than solutions for the problems?

We are carrying our emotions across the threshold to deflower our intelligence. That is a marriage that will end poorly for civilization.

EYES WIDE SHUT, by First One Through, November 2016

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