Jamaal Bowman Says Jews Have No History In The Land Of Israel

In yet another disgraceful attack on Jews, Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York’s 16th Congressional District, denied Jewish history, specifically that Jews come from the land of Israel.

During an interview, Bowman said that “Israel is a settler colonial project,” an oft-used phrase by radical antisemitic Arabs to falsely tarnish Jews as foreign invaders. It is an attempt to mainstream a lie that Jews do not have thousands of years of history in the holy land with sovereignty and self-determination.

Jamaal Bowman calls Israel a “settler colonial project” in June 2024

Imagine an elected official stating that Blacks are not from Africa or were never slaves in the United States. They would either be known as a lunatic or a racist. Or both.

Bowman did not simply lie about Jewish history without a calculated reason: he did it as a pretext to defend attacks on the Jewish State as well as to appeal to Jew-haters as he runs for reelection on June 25th.

The reestablishment of a sovereign Jewish State is the first successful decolonization project in the world, yet is framed by Jew-haters as the essence of colonization. They do this, thinking that a majority of Israelis are “White” Jews, when in fact, Ashkenazi Jews account for only one-third of Israeli citizens.

And simply forget that the Old Testament is the most widely read book in the world.

Bowman again struts his antisemitic bona fides in an effort to rally the Black, Brown and White KKK to come for Jews in his district and around the world.


Get out the vote for Westchester County Executive George Latimer and oust antisemitic extremist Jamaal Bowman. Polls are open now through June 25th.

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3 thoughts on “Jamaal Bowman Says Jews Have No History In The Land Of Israel

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  2. Pingback: The Disproportionality of Hate Speech | FirstOneThrough

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