Palestinian Propaganda Before The Gruesome Massacre

During August and September 2023, Palestinian Arab propaganda was in full display on social media feeds. The messaging – targeted to Zionists – was clear that they believe all of Israel is “occupied Palestine” and that the physical presence of Jews in Jerusalem is a grave assault to their senses.

Israel is Occupied Palestine

Israeli cities like Acre, Jaffa, Nazareth, Jerusalem and Haifa were promoted as part-and-parcel of Palestine in ads popping up in social media feeds like Facebook.

The ads, some of which were made in 2022, were promoted from a variety of sources including Quds News Network, The Inside – Palestine, DOP (Days of Palestine), Olive Palestine, Palestine and others.

Jews in Jerusalem Going About Daily Life Is An Aggravated Assault To Arabs

The advertisements in Facebook also featured Jews in Jerusalem enjoying their holiest city. However, the narrative accompanying the text made the Jews seemingly appear as violent, even when it was clear that they were doing nothing.

All Jews are described as “settlers” whether they lived east of the 1949 Armistice Lines (E49) or not. It says that they “stormed al Aqsa Mosque” even when the pictures show that they were just walking around and not in the mosque. It even condemned some young boys dancing in the Old City of Jerusalem away from the Temple Mount as “a provocative march.”

Israel Will Be Destroyed. Soon

The messaging of the ads could not be clearer. The State of Israel is not only occupying historic Palestine; it is about to come to and end.

The majority of Palestinians believe this to be true. The June 2023 poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research noted that “two-thirds [of Palestinian Arabs] say Israel will not celebrate the centenary of its establishment [within 25 years], and the majority believes that the Palestinian people will be able in the future to recover Palestine and return its refugees to their homes.”

Palestinian Arabs believe that the War of Liberation has begun, and were telling Zionists that this day is approaching for the past few months.

Related Articles:

The Scary Growth of Terrorist Propaganda

Official Palestinian Propaganda Turns Terrorist Into Assassinated “Palestinian Youth”

Take Names in the Propaganda War

Stopping the Purveyors of Hateful Propaganda

The New York Times Major anti-Netanyahu Propaganda Piece

4 thoughts on “Palestinian Propaganda Before The Gruesome Massacre

  1. Pingback: The Big Lie About Al Aqsa Mosque Access Is Really About Jews | FirstOneThrough

  2. Pingback: Palestinians Use Jewish Temple Mount To Incite Riot On International Al Quds Day | FirstOneThrough

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