The World Must Pressure Palestinians On Basic Truths

The failure to resolve the Israeli-Arab conflict is because the local Arabs refuse to accept the presence of Jews and believe that the Jewish State will eventually disappear. With such orientation, there is virtually no Palestinian interest in peace talks, and popular support is around “resistance” by “any means necessary” to rid the land of Jews.

Meaning, to kill them, or enough of them to make the rest scared enough to leave.

For those interested in resolving the conflict, Palestinian society must be instilled with basic truths:

  • Jews are indigenous to the holy land
  • Two Jewish Temples stood in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount
  • The land of Israel is, and always has been, central to Judaism
  • Jews are not going to leave; this is their homeland

These truths do not negate (or should not) negate a Palestinian narrative that they are also native to the land and have lived there for generations. However, it replaces the extremist vitriol prevalent among Palestinian leadership, radical imams, college professors (like Columbia University’s Joseph Massad) and the B.D.S. movement which are built on the foundation of antisemitism in advancing anti-Zionism.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas addressed the United Nations on May 15, 2023 and rejected the history of Jews in their homeland.

In addition to reiterating these facts, governments and the United Nations need to take clear steps to advance peace:

  • Unequivocally support the Jewish State in fighting terror
  • Unequivocally condemn the recruiting, training, arming and using children as terrorists
  • Clearly label Hamas as not only an Islamic militant group but a designated terrorist group, no different than the Taliban, ISIL and Boko Haram
  • Palestine will be unwelcome to speak at the United Nations unless it ceases funding and inciting terrorist activities
  • Support Jews peacefully accessing and praying at their holiest site on the Temple Mount, a fundamental human right (reject the “status quo”)
  • Repeal UN Security Council Resolution 2334 which made it illegal for Jews – and only Jews – to live throughout their homeland

As long as the UN continues to waffle – and contradict – these moral points, Palestinians will continue to reject coexistence and pursue terrorism against Jews. The local Arabs believe that Hamas’s terrorism got Israel to leave Gaza in 2005, and the next generation of terrorists will ultimately chase Jews from their promised land.

The world is exacerbating Palestinian terrorism and destroying any path towards peace because it fails to address the root cause of the conflict which is Palestinians’ refusal to coexist with Jews. The flawed traditional bias of pressuring the more powerful party (Israel) and absolving the weaker (Palestinian Arabs) is exactly the opposite of what is required to form an enduring peace in the Middle East.

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The Anti-Semitism In Anti-Zionism

The Reasons Behind The Spike In Palestinian Terrorism

Biden To Push Coexistence Agenda To Palestinian Arabs Not Interested

“Mainstream” and Abbas’ Jihad

The Palestinians aren’t “Resorting to Violence”; They are Murdering and Waging War

US Equates Jews Living In West Bank With Terrorism