Jamaal Bowman Wants A War In His District

Rep. Jamaal Bowman has long ignored the Jewish residents in his district and vilified the Jewish State. As the Democratic primary neared on June 25, he opted to raise the temperature on a hot day, riling up a crowd in the South Bronx to go to war with Westchester County, and for the Black and Brown communities to go to war with the Jews.

Bowman went to a park in the Bronx and started cursing and slamming chairs on stage. Calling himself the “hip hop congressman,” he got the crowd to chant about the south Bronx. He then said “We are gonna show f*cking AIPAC the power of the mother-f*cking South Bronx.

He continued “People ax me why I’ve got a foul mouth. What am I supposed to do? You comin’ after me! You comin’ after my family. You comin’ after my children. I’m not supposed to fight back? I’m not supposed to fight back? We gonna show them who the f*ck we are!” He then started to jump up and down and throw his arms around in circles.

We gonna show them who the f*ck we are! Bowman! Bowman!

And it’s all a lying and dangerous circus. No one ever said anything about Bowman’s family and children. It was Bowman who repeatedly over many years came after Jews and the Jewish State, yet he inverted the entire cause-and-effect of the primary battle.

The unhinged rant from the deeply unpopular congressman continued his embarrassing and appalling tenure in congress. Despite being the incumbent, his challenger, Westchester County Executive George Latimer received almost all of the endorsements of the Democratic Party, including from:

  • Hillary Clinton (former Secretary of State and Senator from New York)
  • Mondaire Jones (former Congressman for lower Westchester County 2021-2)
  • Nita Lowy (former Congresswoman for lower Westchester County)
  • Eliot Engel (former Congressman for the Bronx)
  • David Paterson (former Governor of New Jersey)
  • and a very long list of state and county legislators

The sick rantings of Bowman are even starting to bring current members of Congress to endorse George Latimer, including Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ). More may follow as we enter election day on June 25.

But Bowman wasn’t alone in his antics.

Alexandria “Big Money” Ocasio-Cortez joined Bowman’s rants with her own fist pumping as she yelled “I am ready to fight!”

She asked the crowd “Are we ready to take on AIPAC? Are we ready to kick some Wall Street ass?! Good!

Not satisfied with slamming a bipartisan group which backs many Black and Latin progressives, AOC went on to continue to lie about Latimer. “He [Bowman] is being primaried by racism. He is being primaried by greed. He is being primaried by corruption of our politics. And we cannot let them win.”

The statement is beyond preposterous. Latimer is a long-time civil servant who works closely with people of all races and religions. Many Black and gay leaders in Westchester have decades of experience working with him and have endorsed him.

AOC added “The Bronx is built different. We are built different…. There’s a reason this borough [the Bronx] sent Jamaal Bowman to congress.”

But it didn’t. With redistricting, NY’s 16th district consists of 87% lower Westchester County and 13% of the Bronx. Bowman won in 2020 with very different lines that had much more of the Bronx.

AOC’s and Bowman’s claims that Latimer is being funded by outside money is another inversion of facts. The vast majority of Latimer money is coming from inside district 16 while only 10% of Bowman’s contributions are local.

The alt-left is angry that it cannot do a quick massive redistribution of wealth and power from the Westchester towns which are predominantly White with a significant Jewish population, to the predominantly Black and Brown neighborhoods in the Bronx. So they are inciting riots.

Jamaal Bowman and AOC have declared a war between the South Bronx and Westchester, as well as between the Black/Brown Majority-Minorities and the beleaguered Jewish Minority-Minority. How is this progressive? Why are these alt-left extremists in office?

Vote them out of office on the June 25 primary.

Related articles:

Jamaal Bowman Wants A Radical Redistribution Of Wealth And Power (June 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Is Not Progressive, He’s Divisive (June 2023)

Why Did Jamaal Bowman Fly To Virginia To Fundraise With Hamas’ Backers? (May 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Is Either An Ignoramus Or A Madman Looking To Put Millions Of Lives In Danger (April 2024)

The Ongoing Embarrassment Of Jamaal Bowman Has Rallied The Local Democratic Establishment To George Latimer (April 2024)

Jamaal Bowman’s “Good Trouble” Is All Out War With Zionists In Israel and America (January 2024)

Antisemitic Wind Chill, Now In Westchester (January 2024)

Jamaal Bowman Is Unfit To Serve In Congress (November 2023)

Rep. Bowman Is A Liar. And Dangerous (October 2023)

Jamaal Bowman Insists On Playing Dealer In The Dangerous Game Of Jew Hatred (July 2023)

The Center Of Intersectionality Sounds Like Adolf Hitler (July 2023)

2 thoughts on “Jamaal Bowman Wants A War In His District

  1. Hi, I’m a longtime Latimer supporter, and active in his . I forwarded one of your posts to an acquaintance who evidently supports Bowman. She asked me who you are and what your credentials are, saying “I’ve never heard of this person. Why do you follow him?” Are you able to tell me anything about yourself? Why are you anonymous? Thanks, Judith H. Darsky Larchmont


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