Amnesty International’s And Palestinian Authority’s Obituaries For Israel

Walid Daqqa, a notorious Israeli Arab who tortured and killed a 19-year old Israeli soldier in 1984, died of cancer in an Israeli prison this week. He had been held in jail for over thirty years for not simply murdering Israeli Jew Moshe Tamam, but reportedly gouging out his eyes and castrating him as well. Daqqa acted with a few other Israeli Arabs who were all members of the terrorist group Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, some of whom were released after having their sentences commuted.

For Amnesty International, this brutal atrocity was not even a footnote, as the anti-Israel organization referred to Daqqa – an Israeli Arab – simply as a “Palestinian writer.” Inverting the entirety of cause-and-effect, Amnesty condemned “Israel’s disregard for Palestinians’ right to life,” rather than an Israeli Arab’s disregard for an Israeli Jew’s right to life.

Amnesty International condemning Israel for an Israeli Arab who tortured and killed an Israeli soldier, dying from cancer in prison.

Not to be outdone in rewriting history of the past and present, Wafa, the official news agency of the supposedly “moderate” Palestinian Authority, condemned Israel for detaining two people at Daqqa’s funeral tent inside Israel, referring to the Jewish State, as “1948 territories.”

Palestinian Authority’s Wafa calling Israel “1948 territories,” considering them part of “occupied Palestine.”

The media coverage by the Palestinian Authority and international human rights groups of the death of an Israeli Arab who tortured, mutilated and killed an Israeli soldier forty years ago, showcases that the impasse of acceptance of the Jewish State lies deeply in the mental state of “moderate” organizations who conceal the barbarity of local Arabs, as much as the terrorist groups who carry out the actual genocide of Israeli Jews.

The Palestinian Authority and Amnesty International are not actually writing about the deaths of Arabs; they are conceptualizing their desired obituary of the Jewish State.

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