NY Times Begins To Whitewash Hamas

Hamas, the U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, is seemingly getting some media support from The New York Times.

Just two weeks after the brutal slaughter of 1,400 people in Israel in an unprovoked attack, The Times is softening language around the evil group.

Despite raping women and dragging them by the hair through the streets, cutting the throats of children, shooting old people at bus stops, burning families alive, and kidnapping over 200 people in one of the largest hostage seizures ever, the paper decided to not call the group “terrorists” or even “militants.”

In two articles on the cover page of the paper, the paper referred to “Hamas, the Palestinian group that controls Gaza” and “Hamas, the group that controls the territory.”

It’s as though the Times thinks Hamas is a co-op board.

In 2014, after the terrorist group Boko Haram kidnapped 200 Nigerian girls, the Times was apoplectic. It wrote that Boko Haram was a “ruthless Islamist group” which committed a “horrifying abduction.” And the group didn’t even beheaded anyone.

The Times had no problem labeling the P.K.K. a terrorist group, and they didn’t burn anyone alive.

Israel is still trying to identify the victims of Hamas’s atrocities, with people so dismembered and incinerated beyond identification, that two weeks on, the number of dead and missing is unknown. But the media has moved on to their victims of preference.

As Israel pursues maximum justice for the savagery of Hamas, New York’s liberal paper is distancing the terrorist group from its evil roots and actions. It’s a form of antisemitism in which justice for Jewish victims is being reframed as an unprovoked attack on 2 million helpless and innocent residents of Gaza.

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2 thoughts on “NY Times Begins To Whitewash Hamas

  1. Pingback: Press Coverage Absolves Hamas, Pivoting To Israeli War Against Gazans | FirstOneThrough

  2. Pingback: Nicholas Kristof Whitewashes Hamas’s Antisemitism | FirstOneThrough

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