The Left Wing’s Accelerating Assault on the Holocaust

The left wing’s assault on the Holocaust continues to gather momentum.

Over the past several years, the left wing media and progressive politicians sought to portray the Jewish State of Israel as committing atrocities against Arabs as similar to the Nazis, with claims of “ethnic cleansing” and “genocide.” The fact that the number of Arabs in Israel has grown faster than the number of Arabs in any other country in the region doesn’t seem to bother their pathology. Accusing Jews of becoming the genocidal monsters that slaughtered their parents and cousins was seemingly a painful insult worth making if it could help the stateless Arabs.

Since the Arab Spring and the civil war in Syria met with the push back in the U.S. and Europe against the enormous immigration coming from Muslim countries, the media went after the Trump administration. It claimed that a Syrian girl is the Anne Frank of today, and that Trump was acting like then President Franklin Roosevelt who turned away boats of refugees fleeing for their lives.

Now, left wing politicians and the media are accusing Trump of not just being cold-hearted like FDR, but being a mass murderer like Hitler, while today’s Latin immigrants and black people are the new persecuted Jews.

On June 18, 2019, the new Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said that “the United States is running concentration camps on its southern border.” She demanded of her viewers on Twitter that “‘Never Again’ means something,” a reference to the widely used expression that the evils of antisemitism of the Holocaust must never be allowed to reoccur. AOC made clear that she views President Trump like Adolf Hitler and that Hispanic immigrants are the new Jews.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter

Seemingly not wanting to be outdone by a fellow alt-leftist, CNN anchor Don Lemon specifically connected President Trump to the Fuhrer. “Think about Hitler. Think about any of those people…” Fellow anchor Chris Cuomo pushed back on the comparison as being highly inappropriate but Lemon would hear none of it and continued “Listen, for people like me, how this the president [Trump] feels about the Central Park Five, that could be a life or death issue for people like me [black people]. He took a big part of their life away… and demonizing immigrants and talking about ‘sh**hole countries’ and saying that ‘there were very fine people on both sides.’ For people of color in this country, it is a life or death issue…

For the alt-left, Holocaust denial has taken on a new noxious formula: portray anyone to the right of you as an evil Nazi and depict any minority as innocent slaughtered Jews. Minimize the uniqueness of the annihilation of Jews in the Holocaust and attempt to demonstrate that extremist progressives are the true champions of minority victims.

There is indeed evil in the world. Sometimes evil comes from those who distort what evil really is.

Related First.One.Through articles:

Don Lemon, Here are Some Uncomfortable Facts about Hate Crimes in America

Examining Ilhan Omar’s Point About Muslim Antisemitism

Rep. Ilhan Omar and The 2001 Durban Racism Conference

Christiane Amanpour is More Anti-Semitic Than Ilhan Omar

The Ultimate Chutzpah: A New Form of Holocaust Denial

Seeing the Holocaust Through Nakba Eyes

The Highbrow Anti-Semite

Bitter Burnt Ends: Talking to a Farrakhan Fan

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12 thoughts on “The Left Wing’s Accelerating Assault on the Holocaust

  1. The “Progressives” in and out of Politics and The Media have adopted (and adapted) the longstanding propaganda techniques of Hamas in Gaza. Worse, it is clearly done in coordination with them. Both groups, in coordination, are rushing the border fences of the United States and Israel. “Progressives” use Central Americans and their children as propaganda props, Hamas uses Gazans and their children. Except for the level of violence (still to come) these “victims and their children” are used in precisely the same way, with precisely the same Media coordination and spin. It is part of a coordinated attack on the World’s leading democracies in the U.S.A., Israel, Great Britain, Europe. In particular, it is timed and designed to prevent peace. Peace deprives “Progressives” of human props, especially the child props that are so central to maintaining well-functioning propaganda machines. Only China with a Muslim minority violently suppresses it. Whereas, Japan long ago addressed the issue by outlawing Islam or the open practice of Islam. Curiously, “Progressives” do not object to this. Maybe “Progressives” do not consider China and Japan to be true democracies worthy of targeting for annihilation.


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